If this is the case, try lowering their file size with compression and see if site speed improves. And a well rounded social media presence. You also don’t want to go for something too high as it may be because it’s too hard to rank for or compete on. Paul is Managing Director of Digital Hothouse, a New Zealand-based digital marketing agency. Here are a variety of ways to achieve that task: Social media is one of the most important content channels available as it possesses tremendous reach and provides direct lines to influencers. The most influential factor is having backlinks point to your backlink as this indicated to Google that it is a good and reliable source. To this end, adding schema markup to a site’s HTML code helps spiders understand and present the information available, and more accurately match user intent with search results. Try Veeqo free for 14 days, no credit card required. What is E-commerce SEO? The more pages and products you have, the more important this stage will be. Proper navigation and internal linking will help to pass authority from the site’s homepage to other destinations, giving them a better chance of ranking well. For some products (such as t-shirts) there isn’t much need for an in-depth description. The best way to implement a linking strategy that follows this structure is to move from home > category > product. That means they will have more authority flow into them: and so will have more power to rank. To get started, conduct a crawl of the site using tools like Screaming Frog SEO Spider Tool, Ahrefs, SEMrush or a similar platform. Even the slang term “cans” is a viable search terms. For all the other sub-sections of a page, the


tags should be leveraged accordingly, without skipping levels. . When visitors are on a page for a long time, this shows Google that the page is valuable and to increase its ranking. Where this is mainly going to make a difference is on the category pages. Moreover, merchants can boost Facebook posts to reach wider audiences. Below these would be the long tail keywords for the products themselves. This duplication can be extremely harmful to a site’s SEO performance as it creates duplicate content. Moreover, paragraph text should feature the appropriate

tags on both ends. We’ve included a lot of them in the product description, but they all make sense and none are out of place. Pagination is relatively easy to handle well if you know what you are doing. No URLs – if you do not want them to crawl/index any of the URLs with that parameter. Such an architecture would typically follow the. And this means one of two things for ecommerce SEO when it comes to these countries – competing on or with Amazon for those all-important clicks. Optimizing SEO for ecommerce is different because Google treats ecommerce search results differently than they do other queries. Having more than one featured is even better. Privacy & Terms of Use They are search terms that are actually being searched by real customers and they provide a lot of insight into what they are looking for. There are quite a few strategies that retailers can implement to make the most of a crawl budget and reduce bloat; using this budget efficiently is essential for eCommerce sites with tons of pages. Before looking at CPC, we’re going to take a quick peek at keyword difficulty. The query we’re going to use is “buy bluetooth headphones”. This will lead to a bad user experience and a hit to conversions. Whereas keyword-rich URLs used to reign supreme, Google now states that “a site’s URL structure should be as simple as possible.”. This tactic is old and doesn’t work, so don’t do it. That’s 7 clicks between arriving at the site and finding the product they want. One major area where I see a lot of ecommerce and other large sites fail is by confusing a facet for a filter. . Now it’s time to start creating the actual pages and optimizing them for SEO. To view your site’s bounce rate, go to Google Analytics and click. You'll find many of her pieces featured on UpCity's Top Digital Marketing Articles of the Week. The lower the score, the better. Is there a clear, enticing and clickable title? Tip: If your site structure looks like it does above, don’t rush into moving everything around and changing your site structure. Site speed is critical to success as pages that take too long to load will be abandoned. It’s not the more words you have the higher your pages are going to rank. However, the inclusion of this massively influential ranking factor has nonetheless forever altered SEO practices, as we will see later. For this reason, it is crucial always to feature unique content in all areas of a site. Conversions are one of the single most important metrics to measure as clicks and traffic are meaningless if a site is incapable of converting. We’ve seen articles which state they should be used 5 or 6 times. Sometimes this means the long game, other times it means more immediate engagement. For example, you don’t want both of these to be valid for “men’s nike shoes”: In the above case, the site has not determined if they want to organize the site by types (shoes/shirts) or gender (men/women). It provides information on a lot of different areas and allows site owners to look a lot deeper into the issues their site is having. So go ahead and enter your website URL for the campaign or project you want to manage, then click continue. This is especially true if your store offers a large number of products across several categories. To add reviews, you can add code as defined by the, . But check out all of those other keywords that have search volume that are much more specific (and thus likely to convert better than a general nike shoes query) that you’d be missing out on targeting if you only had a Nike shoes page with filters down to these areas! A single platform that gives you complete control of your entire inventory, Bulk print labels for every order from any sales channel. Second, one tactic I like to employ on category pages to add semantically rich unique content is pulling in the beginnings of product descriptions onto category pages below their title. I wrote about a lot about this in this post, but the gist that your site should be arranged in a hierarchy of importance from: When visualized, your architecture should look similar to this: Your categories, which target your head terms like [nike shoes] should be linked from your homepage as well as across the site through top navigation. , Google does take into consideration how easy it is for consumers to find the information they are looking for on websites. To analyze a site’s mobile SEO performance, start by. If you know anything about SEO at all, you know that you should have XML sitemaps (protocal page here) that list out all of your URLs so that you can then submit them directly to the search engines through Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools. It should have the same color, design, and font on any photos or videos you post. When running ads campaigns, be sure to employ well-designed images, write intriguing copy and target the right consumers by using Custom and Lookalike Audiences. First we have synonyms. For online retailers, there are three areas of focus for ensuring that Google understands a page’s content. On top of short tail and long tail keywords, you also need to consider semantic keywords. Tip: Before actually putting together your site structure, it’s a good idea to compare the differences between ecommerce CMS. Once the chosen tool is done crawling the site, analyze it to establish any broken links, missing data like meta descriptions or alt text, duplicate pages or any other potential SEO issues. These provide us with a nice way to split any products we have down the middle, despite not necessarily having some of the best keyword metrics around. The hummingbird algorithm introduced the notion of “semantic search,” which enabled Google to interpret the intent of a user’s search query, thereby returning more relevant results to Google’s audience. These metrics will affect your performance in the search results. . They are not always the problem, but it’s an easy first port of call. Both new sites and long established ecommerce sites need to recognize that most of your traffic will come in the long tail, for brand + model or model queries, and not from big queries like [nike shoes] or [real estate]. However, scores of online sellers put little consideration or effort into their site’s SEO performance. This means you’re going to have to intertwine some emotional resonance in that copy. Ensure that mobile speed is up to par by using Google’s mobile speed test and assess the metrics mentioned above on mobile to optimize small screen user experiences. The first tool you have at your disposal is Amazon. Once you’ve looked through all of this information and moved what you think is relevant into your keyword map, you’re ready to start sifting through and putting together your primary keywords. This means without having to pay for advertising. popular keywords that generate lots of search volume) and long-tail keywords (contains at least three words and is more specific but less competitive) as this will help craft a fruitful keyword strategy that serves short and long-term goals.