Are wildfires the end of the Californian dream? The sanctions preserve and nothing has changed in the causes that led to their imposition,” the head of the German Foreign Ministry said. The United States has been busy with congresses of Democratic and Republican parties. Trump ready to return to public life, says doctor. Although German Chancellor Angela Merkel has refused to revise policy towards Russia, there is little ground for optimism about the future prospects of Russian-German relations. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. "Russophiles are fond of saying that the West badly slighted Russia during the 1990s and that Moscow is now taking justified revenge for its defeat in the Cold War," he said. They are a tool that governments are willing to use when nothing else comes to mind,” Ischinger said. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. It is full of contradictions and tugs in different directions. VideoWhat is QAnon? In addition, there is the issue of Nordstream 2, a proposed second pipeline under the Baltic Sea. The two countries do, after all, inhabit the same part of the world. Meanwhile, German mentality has also changed with regard to Russia, with the departure of an entire generation of politicians at the leadership who were dedicated to “Ostpolitik,” first propounded by Willy Brandt, predicated on the belief that a strong relationship with Russia was fundamentally in German interest. And then there is, of course, the fact that Germany’s defense spending remains well under the NATO standard of 2 percent and seems unlikely to reach that threshold in the near future, despite more and more urgent American appeals. MH17 plane crash: EU to widen Russia sanctions, Are wildfires the end of the Californian dream? Relations between Germany and Russia appear to be approaching a new ice age. Pentagon bureaucrats should not determine how much Germany spends on defense, and Germans are right to bristle at Washington’s ripostes on this issue. Germany has been at the forefront over the past few weeks in terms of its stance on how to define further relations with Russia. But she has powerful lobbyists whispering against sanctions in her ear. The critical Russia-German relationship has been in free-fall, more or less, since the onset of the Ukraine Crisis. The pipeline has been strongly opposed by the United States and other countries that are anxious about Moscow’s energy clout and how that leverage could impact European security. Berlin is more dependent on Moscow than ever before, but Merkel has little trust in … In the month of June 1942 alone, more than twenty thousand tons of Luftwaffe bombs fell on the beleaguered defenders of the Russian fortress—a more intense bombardment than the Germans subjected to London, Rotterdam, or even Warsaw. Foremost now on the agenda, of course, is the extremely tricky issue of whether Germany can help to save what’s left of the Iran nuclear agreement after the detrimental and impulsive U.S. decision to withdraw. Read about our approach to external linking. © 2020 BBC. German Ambassador to Russia Geza Andreas von Geyr stated during the meeting that Navalny’s case is not an issue for only Germany and Russia, preferring to invoke Berlin's international alliances. The sad irony is that the brave defenders of Crimea against the German onslaught actually absorbed the hammer blows that helped to ensure that the Nazi war machine would lack the power to carry the day at Stalingrad just a few months later. And Russia produces the gas on which the German economy relies (particularly as Germany moves away from nuclear power). In his opinion, the likely sanctions against Russia will have no effect. Are wildfires the end of the Californian dream? Such an approach recognizes above all that Germany does and will always carry the enormous weight of responsibility for assuring peace between Germany and Russia after the devastation and aggressive war it pursued 1939–45. There are numerous tensions roiling U.S.-German relations at present, not least the oft-mentioned lack of personal chemistry and contrasting leadership styles among the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Donald Trump. Trade tensions have emerged in an unprecedented way. I am usually reluctant to offer advice to countries other than my own, but the urgent world situation suggests the need for definite reforms to Berlin’s approach and, contrary to conventional wisdom, these reforms do not actually require Germany “to spend more and take necessary risks.” Rather than counting on Washington to solve problems in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, Berlin must chart a new path. I will not rehash the details of the Maidan events in spring 2014, but no doubt the crisis partially resulted from European hubris that followed hard upon the NATO hubris of waves of NATO expansion that wise observers like George Kennan knew would fuel a new Cold War. The emotional ties between Russia and Germany are hard to unravel. The Nord Stream 2 pipeline initiated in September 2015 by Gazprom and five European companies – two of them German – is a monument to this policy. What impact will the MH17 disaster have on Russia? Might, he did not ask, Mr Putin change that policy? Angela Merkel has already said that Germany would review its sources of energy in the light of the crisis in Ukraine, pointing out that Germany was not as dependent on Russian oil and gas as were other countries in eastern Europe. Anyone with a remote familiarity with this essential history, which truly decided the fate of the modern world, can perceive the foul odor currently hanging over German foreign policy. Of course, Berlin can not be compared to Washington when it comes to the zeal to impose more and more sanctions on Russia. This site is for educational purposes only!! He believes that the situation with Navalny gives Germany an opportunity to show that Berlin is ready to help, despite its disagreement with the Russian authorities. 'I like to swim with my pet python' Video, FBI busts militia 'plot' to abduct Michigan Gov Gretchen Whitmer, US election 2020: Trump ready to return to public events, says doctor, Fire at South Korea 33-level tower block brought under control, US man avoids jail in Thailand over bad resort review, IBM to split into two as it reinvents itself, Row over 'insult' to Indian dish Kamala Harris likes, Australian boss fined over Belgian backpacker's fruit picking death. While the people of Ukraine suffer in a protracted civil war, Eastern Europe drifts toward ever more precarious polarization, NATO and Russia gird for high-end warfare in the Baltics, and the major economies of Europe and Russia are weighed down by sanctions, Germany’s leaders seem to seem to be content with offering bromides like promoting a “rules-based order.” How is that working out? But such rigidity is emphatically not a virtue in the practice of complex diplomacy and many countries, not least Germany itself, are now suffering as a result of current policies that fuel ever greater hostility in the vital Germany-Russia relationship. They speak the same tongues. Though certain sectors, such as energy and agriculture, benefit from close commercial ties with Russia, Germany's overall economic links with the country are fairly modest. Pravda, Published in Political News, Russia and World News, Your email address will not be published. The guest list for President Putin's recent birthday party had a substantial German contingent, not least former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, who was pictured hugging Mr Putin. "But those who say this are overlooking the fact that it was Western Europe that pushed the hardest at the time for the IMF and the World Bank to provide $40bn in loans to Moscow. Berlin insists on a rules-based order and will brook no compromise with Moscow over Crimea despite the history altering, criminal violence that Hitler visited upon that very place. Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.