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To assist member-nations in the establishment of a multilateral system of payments in respect of current transactions and in the elimination of foreign exchange restrictions which hamper the growth of world trade. To promote exchange stability,to maintain orderly exchange arrangements among members and to avoid competitive exchange depreciation. Your post on IMF – Notes on International Monetary Fund – Simplinotes – Simple and Comprehensive notes only on Simplinotes is great. 8.To promote Balanced Economic Development. Here, I will also share the information about the purpose of IMF, objectives of the international monetary fund and the international monetary fund functions. This article focuses on the Objective and Function of International Monetary Fund. The objectives of the IMF included – (1) Promoting international monetary … The fund aims at providing short-term monetary help to member countries during emergency. History of IMF: The establishment of International Monetary Fund is a great landmark in the history of international monetary cooperation. IMF after the global affairs of the people. ADVERTISEMENTS: […] The primary goal of the international monetary fund was to restructure the payment system internationally. Sep 10, 2010 #1 The IMF is an international organisation consisting of 183 member countries. To give confidence to members by making the Fund’s resources available to them to correct maladjustments in their balance of payments and to prevent them from restoring to measures destructive of national or international prosperity. The main headquarters of IMF is located in Washington, DC in the USA. The International Monetary Fund is a 189-member organization that works to stabilize the global economy. The fund aims at promoting economic development of member nations.For this,it promotes foreign trade thereby increases employment opportunities and national income. ADVERTISEMENTS: Let us make an in-depth study of the history, objectives, organisation, capital and quotas of International Monetary Fund (IMF). It primarily aims for the eradication of global poverty by ensuring sustainable economic growth. To promote international monetary cooperation through a permanent institution, which provides the machinery for consultation and collaboration on international monetary system. 1) International Monetary Fund. Establishment of International Monetary Fund (IMF). The IMF meets its goal by targeting three objectives: It monitors global conditions and identifies risks among its member countries. 2) International Bank of Reconstruction and Development/World Bank. Another objective of the fund is to help the member countries invest their long-term funds in profitable activities special help to rich countries to invest their capital in poor countries. Objectives – The aim of the International Monetary Fund (IMF_ was to remove the instability in international business and economy by creating a climate of mutual co-operation between countries in economic matters. Consequently,International Monetary Fund(IMF) was founded on 27thDecember1945.The Fund was established with the objective of solving the problem of balanced growth of world trade,international monetary co-operation,the balance of payments of member countries and their temporary disequilibrium.In 2009,the number of member countries of IMF was 186.Its headquarters are in Washington.Currently there are 188countries who are members of International Monetary Fund. We hope u can continue writing many more blog soon. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an organization of 189 countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world. According to the Article I of the Bretten Woods Agreements,the following are the main purposes of the IMF. World war II had its adverse effect on the global economy.To remedy the situation,an international monetary conference was convened in 1994,at Bretton Woods in America.It was attended by the representatives of 44 countries.It was decided in this Conference that two institutions be set up for the economic development of all countries: 2) International Bank of Reconstruction and Development/World Bank. To facilitate expansion and balanced growth of international trade and to contribute thereby to the promotion and maintenance of high level of employment and real income to the development of the productive resources of all members as primary objectives of economic policy. 6.To reduce disequilibrium in balance of Payments. It will try remove all restrictions and control on foreign exchange imposed by the member countries. 7.To help in profitable investment of capital. The formal existence of IMF came in 1945 with 29 member countries being a part of it. The main objective of the Fund is to promote monetary cooperation among member countries of world.It provides expert advice for solving international monetary problems. Consequently,International Monetary Fund(IMF) was founded on 27 th December1945.The Fund was established with the objective of solving the problem of balanced growth of world trade,international monetary co-operation,the balance of payments of member countries and … The fund also provides monetary help to member countries to reduce disequilibrium in their balance of payments.