Traveling from one place to another can also be challenging and time-consuming. In Brazil, it can be difficult to know who is in charge, as decision makers are often surrounded by an intricate web of political alliances. 'Official' business hours are 09:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. Higher- ranking individuals, particularly those with decision-making capacities, usually begin work later in the morning and stay later in the evening. When it comes to business agreements, Brazilians take their time negotiating. As an added gesture of your good taste, include a Portuguese translation of your business card on its flipside.- It is custom to book a business meeting at least two weeks in advance. Light colours are acceptable for summer (note that summer months in Brazil are from December to February). Trade shows are very good 'feel' for the country's business environment. This occurs because eye contact is crucial in Brazil. Always dress elegantly and err on the side of over-dressing rather than under-dressing as casual dress is considered more formal in Brazil than in many other countries. All Rights Reserved. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Required fields are marked *. Your Brazilian audience may not understand. This is really true, as they do listen and not just pretend to listen. Address your Brazilian counterpart with their title and surname at the first meeting or when writing to them. – It is believed the further north you go the more relaxed the attitude is in regards to business. Juca” to his juniors and “Juca” to his equals. It is recommended that critical meetings should be scheduled at least two weeks in advance. Even if you're just taking a walk through the streets or shopping, be sure to dress well. If your considering doing business in Brazil, it’s essential to know the native language of the Brazilian people is Portuguese, not Spanish. Combining Cultures to Create Growth Opportunities. You will have to accept that waiting around for your Brazilian counterparts will be part of doing business here. Light cottons and similar natural fibers are usually good choices. ', and a lot of physical contact. Any clothing that consists of the combination of Green and Yellow should not be worn since they represent the colors of Brazil’s flag. Social etiquette and customs; Business protocol and work culture . It is common for one to wait a while for their associate's arrival. I was frozen stiff. In Brazil, business etiquette is very important. Always maintain eye contact; it is impolite to stop eye contact while speaking to a Brazilian. Although Brazil is the largest country in Latin America, Brazilians do not consider themselves Hispanic. If you speak in Spanish with Brazilians abroad and in Brazil, they can get very offended because they may think you do not differentiate between Brazilians and Hispanic people. Brazilians are very social and therefore business meetings usually begin and end with a fair bit of small talk, even unrelated to the business at hand. Brazilian communication is often informal, and interruptions – which are common – indicate interest and enthusiasm. Flexible punctuality is characteristic of business etiquette in Brazil, making it difficult to schedule more than one or two meetings in a day. The auctioneer was speaking so fast, rattling off what sounded to me like a foreign language. Informally, these two terms are replaced by "Seu" [Mister] or "Dona" [Mrs.]. Business Etiquette In Brazil. © 2020 Copyright Blue Sky Innovations. – The use of titles and first names vary across Brazilian society. Be sure your business attire accurately reflects your profession, position and leadership within your company. Unlike the United States, it is considered tolerable to interrupt someone when they are talking. “my pleasure”). As a Brazilian with experience working with other Brazilians, the answers I have found online on the business norms in Brazil offer lackluster advice that does not FULLY cover the richness and complexities of the Brazilian culture. It is arrogant and culturally insensible. Dress etiquette. – During a conversation, a lot of touching of the arms and back whilst talking is common. * Official language – Portuguese. If you have a less polite person on your team, it is best to leave them at home. Brazilians conduct business only through personal connections. Making a good first impression. Promptness is typically not a high priority in Brazil. Communication in Brazil is typically very relaxed and does not involve strict etiquette rules. It is important therefore to dress smartly and conservatively. 10 Tips for Proper Business Etiquette in Brazil 1. Brazilians prefer face-to-face conversations to written correspondence. In Sao Paulo and Brasilia, the meetings tend to start on time. Do not speak too quic… – Back slapping is very common amongst men in Brazil. * Capital – Brasilia. – Brazilian business is hierarchical. Expressions such as “como vai” and “tudo bem” are common forms of saying “hello” once you know someone and can show you are making an effort to know them. Brazilian Dining Etiquette. – Hugging and back slapping are also quite common. International: 212.300.5990. Brazil official language is the Brazilian Portuguese and the country is considerably monolingual. One exception is if you are in a central location and people will be coming to see you. Although Brazilians often schedule or cancel a meeting on short notice, business appointments have to be set up 2-3 weeks in advance. Learn or review dining etiquette for Brazil. So when in Brazil, you should expect to drink lots of coffee! – It is often appropriate in Brazil to send flowers to the host the day after they have entertained you in their home. They also believe that the individual they deal with is more important than the company as a whole. Afraid if I moved I’d get stuck purchasing an expensive lamp or oil painting that I didn’t want.