Any election results reported on November 3rd will be incomplete and inaccurate. What this report shows is that this short-sightedness is pathological in nature, like a fish with a seven-second memory, wondering why it keeps getting hooked in the mouth every time a worm miraculously appears from the sky. Porter went on to note that Alles was compensated $13 million in 2017 when he was CEO of Celgene and that he received a $500,000 bonus over the past two years that she credited to the company hiking the price of Revlimid. When the news broke that Louis DeJoy will be testifying in front of her committee in just seven days, Katie Porter tweeted this in response: “I hope the Postmaster General comes prepared. Inbox: Rep. Katie Porter has released a report showing that mask and ventilator exports from the U.S. increased dramatically in early 2020 and that Trump's promised fed contracts for PPE and ventilators won't be completed until after the coronavirus peak. During a Wednesday congressional hearing, Porter, a former consumer-protection attorney, used a whiteboard to illustrate points such as how much money the CEO made, how much a single pill of Revlimid cost over the years, and how much his bonus was as a result. trying to gaslight away the death count under his watch. Over the weekend, Donald Trump’s Postmaster General Louis DeJoy caved and agreed to testify to the House Oversight Committee in mid-September. "After Bristol Myers Squibb obtained the rights to Revlimid last November, it raised the price of Revlimid again, to $763 per pill. BREAKING: Feds Thwart Alleged Militia Plot To Kidnap Michigan Governor, Trump Describes Himself As A ‘Perfect Physical Specimen’ Amid COVID Recovery, Report: Trump Plans To Hit The Campaign Trail Again As Soon As Monday. Rep. Porter earlier in March pressed the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Robert Redfield, to make coronavirus testing free. Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter a minute ago I introduced legislation—the Freedom from Price Gouging Act—to specifically crack down on this corporate abuse. "To recap here: The drug didn't get any better, the cancer patients didn't get any better — you just got better at making money, you just refined your skills at price gouging," Porter said. While it might appear like the U.S. wasn’t prepared for the pandemic, according to the report, the Trump administration was making money exporting medical resources. Porter said. Katie Porter is serving her first term in Congress, representing California's 45th Congressional District. Porter… This and more in my new report on the Administration's catastrophic mismanagement ⬇️⬇️, — Rep. Katie Porter (@RepKatiePorter) April 7, 2020. Rep. Katie Porter, after first pressing for free testing for the coronavirus for all Americans, is now exposing another threat in the time of a pandemic: Donald Trump and his administration. By not being more serious in January and February, and even in March, the Trump administration and the Republican power apparatus in general has worsened the economic problems we now face, and will continue to face in the not so distant future. Trump has instead been stingy in his application of the DPA, trying to gaslight away the death count under his watch. Microsoft may earn an Affiliate Commission if you purchase something through recommended links in this article. Due to these price increases, a monthly course of Revlimid is priced at $16,023 today — more than triple the 2005 price.". The report, titled “EVERYONE BUT US,” charges Donald Trump with misapplying and mismanaging our nation’s medical supplies in the months leading up to our current crisis. (Photo By Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images), Josh Marshall’s Twitter List of Trusted Experts. �W���O�$�ǣ� ^�YEg�שg��tMAӑf���{Z"{Z�5g��L42)~��m����'�/\}�����$p�j�j��ϴh�9�_���A����`�vȖ��e+��Ƒxr�AR=��ԓ�k��./�C]��S����OR�H��Ef\���.} © 2020 TPM MEDIA LLC. “In February 2020, the value of U.S. mask exports to China was 1094.0% higher than the 2019 monthly average,” Porter’s report said. She’s routinely made mincemeat out of Trump’s stooges when they’ve shown up to testify before her committee. Today, Rep. Porter released a report showing that in spite of growing concerns and warnings about the potential oncoming pandemic threat of the COVID-19 virus from top officials and experts, Donald Trump not only did nothing about it, he allowed ramped up exportation of much-needed medical supplies. Production Act (DPA) to ramp up production and supply chains for much-needed medical supplies. It details how Trump misapplied the Defense Production Act (DPA) and even lists receipts on how his administration mismanaged the nation’s supply of life-saving medical equipment, something that American people are currently struggling for in the face of COVID-19. �:]���#[� "Were there fewer side effects? Palmer Report » Analysis. Alles appeared before the House oversight committee alongside the CEOs of Teva and Bristol Myers Squibb as part of a House investigation into the pricing of Teva's multiple-sclerosis drug Copaxone and Bristol Myers Squibb's multiple-myeloma drug Revlimid. <> On September 18, 2020, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away at age 87. The House then seized on this by demanding that DeJoy testify next week. %PDF-1.5 2 0 obj I know I will.” Her tweet got roughly fifty thousand likes in the first hour she posted it, in a reminder of just how much everyone is looking forward to seeing her take DeJoy down. “The import data that we identified and reviewed also reveal that the Trump Administration failed to prepare for COVID-19 and to protect the health of Americans,” Porter said in the report, pointing to a 10 percent decline in import values for ventilators and a 14 percent decrease for N95 masks. 8083. Once a UC Irvine law professor and nationally-renowned consumer advocate who held Wall Street banks accountable for ripping off California consumers and homeowners during the financial crisis. “Everyone But Us: The Trump Administration and Medical Supply Exports.”. Rep. Porter wants Congress to hold Trump and his administration accountable for their “callousness” in protecting American lives during the pandemic. “Whether export numbers reflect increased per-unit costs for Chinese buyers, or an increase in units sold, the bottom line is the same: a payday for a few companies, and huge costs for the rest of us,” Porter’s report said. Rep. Katie Porter has been all business since being elected to office. Alles served as CEO of Celgene before it was acquired by Bristol Myers Squibb in 2019. Democratic Rep. Katie Porter successfully pressed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention chief during a congressional hearing on Thursday to … One of the very sharpest questioners on the House Oversight Committee is Congresswoman Katie Porter. “In February 2020, the value of U.S. mask exports to China was 1094.0% higher than the 2019 monthly average,” Porter’s report said. On Wednesday, the California Congresswoman released a damning report titled “Everyone But Us: The Trump Administration and Medical Supply Exports.” EVERYONE BUT US,” charges Donald Trump with misapplying and mismanaging our nation’s medical supplies in the months leading up to our current crisis., — Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) April 7, 2020, On March 2, The New York Times wrote, “The Commerce Department advertised a change in Chinese regulations that would temporarily make it easier for American businesses to export medical products that are useful in battling the coronavirus to China, including protective gear, hand sanitizers and mask manufacturing machines.”. The New York Times reported in early March that the Commerce Department was touting a temporary change in regulations that facilitated exports of medical supplies to China by American vendors. The… Rep. Porter, like many Democratic officials, has long pleaded with Trump to use the powers afforded him under the Defense. Facebook Share Twitter Share Email this article Print Article. <> Katie Porter just decimated Donald Trump’s Postmaster General Louis DeJoy Bill Palmer | 2:54 pm EDT August 17, 2020. "To recap here: The drug didn't get any better, the cancer patients didn't get any better — you just got better at making money, you just refined your skills at price gouging," Porter replied. Porter was joined by two fellow freshman lawmakers — Rep. Rashida Tlaib and Rep. Ayanna Pressley — in pressing the other CEOs at the hearing as part of an 18-month investigation into the drug-price hikes. Trade data suggest that U.S. exports of medical supplies surged when the administration should have been preparing for a domestic coronavirus outbreak, according to a new report by Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA). UNITED STATES - OCTOBER 22: Rep. Katie Porter, D-Calif., attends the House Financial Services Committee hearing titled The End of Affordable Housing? And it wasn’t only ventilators. On Friday September 18, 2020, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a women's rights icon, died at 87. Aside from the ventilators, “In February 2020, the value of U.S. mask exports to China was 1,094% higher than the 2019 monthly average,” it adds. “In February 2020, the value of U.S ventilator exports to China was 292.2% higher than the 2019 monthly average.”. <>>> Despite still being in her first term, she’s one of the smartest and savviest Democrats in the House. One of the report’s key findings is that the overall value of these exports jumped 22.0%, from $155,806,378 to $194,345,276. Report by the Office of Congresswoman Katie Porter (CA-45) April 6, 2020 . "Did the drug start to work faster?" Freshman Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) has taken the House by storm. Her storied... Sign and send the petition: The Senate must wait until after Inauguration Day to confirm a new Supreme Court justice. Show full articles without "Continue Reading" button for {0} hours. The FBI intervened in a alleged plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter a minute ago I introduced legislation—the Freedom from Price Gouging Act—to specifically crack down on this corporate abuse. %���� During the congressional hearing Wednesday, Porter, a former consumer-protection attorney, tore into Alles, writing key figures in her questions — such as how much the CEO made, how much a single pill of Revlimid cost over the years, and how much his bonus was as a result — on a whiteboard to striking effect. On Wednesday, the California Congresswoman released a damning report titled “Everyone But Us: The Trump Administration and Medical Supply Exports.”. A member of the Democratic Party, she is the first Democrat to be elected to represent the district, which covers much of south-central Orange County, including Irvine, Tustin and Lake Forest along with large slices of Anaheim and Laguna Niguel. Bill Palmer is the publisher of the political news outlet Palmer Report, ← Donald Trump’s Postmaster General Louis DeJoy just caved, Donald Trump just blew it in his Post Office battle →. Trump has instead been stingy in his application of the DPA, he value of U.S. ventilator exports jumped 22.7% percent from January to February.”, America last: Rep. Porter has receipts showing Trump chose a quick buck over American lives, growing concerns and warnings about the potential oncoming pandemic.