Mississippi and Tennessee had the highest prevalence of regular soda consumption ≥1 times daily among those aged 18‒34 years (47.4% and 40.0%, respectively) and men (36.8% and 33.7%). In, Beverage Digest. The CDC researchers wrote "Reducing sugar-sweetened beverage consumption as part of a healthy lifestyle might help with weight management and reduce the risk for chronic diseases among U.S. URL addresses listed in MMWR were current as of Are you interested in testing our corporate solutions? Sodas are widely sold in vending machines and other school venues in the United States, particularly in high school. Not only do low incomes frequently contribute to a poor diet, but low incomes make it difficult to address health conditions when they arise. * Weighted percentages might not add to 100% because of rounding. In fact, sugary drinks are frequently granted greater advertising space in grocery stores located in the Southern United States, where three of the five top states for sugar consumption are located. Responses were categorized as none, <1 time/day, and ≥1 times/day. The impact of the availability of school vending machines on eating behavior during lunch: the Youth Physical Activity and Nutrition Survey. For example, the proportion of adults who knew the approximate calorie content of a 24-ounce soda was lowest among non-Hispanic blacks (8). -, Ebbeling CB, Feldman HA, Chomitz VR, Antonelli TA, Gortmaker SL, et al. The percentage of people reporting fruit and vegetable consumption less than once daily, as well as median fruit and vegetable intake also comes from the USDA. Credit... Karsten Moran for The New York Times Roughly 42% of adults with less than a high school education drink soda on a daily basis. This feature is limited to our corporate solutions. ** Additional information available at http://www.cdc.gov/brfss/annual_data/2012/pdf/summarydataqualityreport2012_20130712.pdf. Susceptibility to Food Advertisements and Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Intake in Non-Hispanic Black and Non-Hispanic White Adolescents. High sugar consumption in these states also accompanied other, relatively unhealthy habits. Research suggests that policy changes have reduced soda access, but the impact of reduced access on consumption is unclear. However, these inverse associations were observed primarily among states with lower soda and restaurant tax rates (relative to general food tax rates) and states that did not ban in-school soda sales. 2010 Oct;110(10):1532-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jada.2010.07.003. Mississippi and Nevada had the highest prevalence among those aged 18‒34 years (28.7% and 26.6%, respectively). Park S, Sappenfield WM, Huang Y, Sherry B, Bensyl DM. 2014 Oct;17(10):2201-6. doi: 10.1017/S1368980013003029. consuming soda and/or fruit drinks daily: 24.2% Tate DF, Turner-McGrievy G, Lyons E, et al. > Pct. "Per capita consumption of carbonated soft drinks (CSD) in the United States from 2010 to 2019 (in 8-ounce servings)." Less than 25% of residents in four of the five states had at least a bachelor's degree, much lower than the national college attainment rate of nearly 30%. Daily soda consumption rates range from as few as 18.0% of adults in Vermont to 47.5% of adults in Mississippi. For more information about this message, please visit this page: CDC 24/7: Saving Lives. Profit from additional features by authenticating your Admin account. Your story matters Citation Taber, Daniel R., Jamie F. Chriqui, Renee Vuillaume, and Frank J. Chaloupka. As in all other five states with the highest sugary drink consumption, Georgia's median household income of $47,829 was lower than the national median income figure of $52,250. If any country has a soda problem, it’s the United States. Han E, Powell LM. More than 41% of Mississippi adults reported more-than-daily consumption of regular soda or fruit drinks, by far the highest percentage among states reviewed. Please see our, Per capita consumption of carbonated soft drinks (CSD) in the United States from 2010 to 2019, Non-alcoholic beverages market in the Netherlands, Beverage manufacturing: revenue growth in the Netherlands 2008-2019, Beverage manufacturing: production growth in the Netherlands 2008-2019, Retail trade turnover of shops selling beverages in the Netherlands 2007-2017, Retail trade turnover volume of shops selling beverages in the Netherlands 2007-2017, Netherlands: number of beverage manufacturers 2008-2017, Penetration rate of beverages in the Netherlands 2017, by type, Expenditure on beverages in the Netherlands 2018, by household type, Revenue of roast coffee sales in the Netherlands 2010-2021, Revenue of instant coffee sales in the Netherlands 2010-2021, Roast coffee sales volume in the Netherlands 2010-2021, Revenue of coffee sales in the Netherlands 2010-2021, Distribution of the coffee market in the Netherlands 2018, by segment, Distribution of supermarket coffee sales value 2018, by coffee segment, Annual consumption of coffee in the Netherlands 2017, by location, Average expenditure on tea in the Netherlands 2018-2019, by household type, Number of soft drinks production sites in the Netherlands 2009-2020, Sales value of soft drinks in the Netherlands 2008-2018, Consumption per capita of soft drinks in the Netherlands 2010-2018, Consumption of regular and light soft drinks in the Netherlands 2010-2017, Consumption of carbonated soft drinks in the Netherlands 2017, by drink, Sales value of organic soft drinks in the Netherlands 2011-2018, Sales value of iced tea in the Netherlands 2017-2018, Consumption of non-processed waters in the Netherlands 2010-2018, Consumption per capita of non-processed waters in the Netherlands 2010-2018, Supermarket water sales value in the Netherlands 2017-2018, by type, Distribution of the water consumption in the Netherlands 2017, by type, Frequency of water consumption in the Netherlands 2017, Preferred moments for water consumption in the Netherlands 2017, Reasons to drink mineral water in the Netherlands 2019, Production volume of fruit and vegetable juices in the Netherlands 2017, by type, Consumption of juices in the Netherlands 2010-2018, Consumption per capita of juices in the Netherlands 2010-2018, Expenditure on chilled fruit juice in the Netherlands 2018, by household type, Penetration rate of chilled fruit juice in the Netherlands 2018, by household type, Interest in fruit and vegetable juices in the Netherlands 2017, Opinions on taste supermarket fruit and vegetable juice in the Netherlands 2017, Non-alcoholic beer sales volume in the Netherlands 2014-2019, Share of people sometimes drinking non-alcoholic beer in the Netherlands 2018, by age, Frequency of drinking non-alcoholic beer in the Netherlands 2019, Occasions to drink non-alcoholic beer in the Netherlands 2018, Favorite seasons to drink non-alcoholic beer in the Netherlands 2018, Influence better product range non-alcoholic beer consumption in the Netherlands 2018, Opinions on the taste of non-alcoholic beer in the Netherlands 2018, Sales value of organic coffee in the Netherlands 2011-2018, Sales value of organic tea in the Netherlands 2011-2018, Forecasted retail sales value of organic beverages in the Netherlands 2016-2020, Forecasted retail sales value of organic coffee in the Netherlands 2016-2020, Forecasted retail sales value of organic tea in the Netherlands 2016-2020, Forecasted retail sales value of organic juice in the Netherlands 2016-2020, Consumption of nectars in the Netherlands 2010-2017, Consumption of syrups in the Netherlands 2010-2018, Consumption per capita of nectars in the Netherlands 2010-2018, Consumption per capita of syrups in the Netherlands 2010-2018, U.S. sales volume share of LRB 2019, by category, Volume share of CSD flavor segments in the U.S. 2018, Market share of lemon-lime-flavored CSD in the U.S. 2010-2015, Market share of orange-flavored CSD in the U.S. 2010-2015, Market share of mixers-flavored CSD in the U.S. 2010-2015, Market share of energy drink-flavored CSD in the U.S. 2010-2015, Market share of red soda-flavored CSD in the U.S. 2010-2015, Market share of cola-flavored CSD in the U.S. 2010-2015, Market share of citrus-flavored CSD in the U.S. 2010-2015, Market share of pepper-type-flavored CSD in the U.S. 2010-2015, Weekly UK household expenditure on soft drinks 2006-2018, Share of soft drinks sold in Sweden 2010-2014, by type of beverage, Soft drinks convenience sales value in the United Kingdom 2018, by sub-category, Quarterly export price index of bottled water, ice and other drinks Canada 2015-2020, Quarterly import price index of bottled water & soft drinks in Canada 2014-2019, Purchase of non-alcoholic beverages in China 2013, by brand origin, Market volume of the beverage industry in Canada 2014, by category, Global supporters of regulations regarding sugar-sweetened beverages by region 2013, Consumption of soft drinks and fruit juices in Germany 2005-2018, UK: leading soft drink brands on YouTube 2020, Bottled water market in the United States, Per capita consumption of carbonated soft drinks (CSD) in the United States from 2010 to 2019 (in 8-ounce servings), Find your information in our database containing over 20,000 reports, Tools and Tutorials explained in our Media Centre. Connecticut A previous study reported that the diet quality of adults in the lower Mississippi Delta, assessed by the Healthy Eating Index, was lower than other areas of the United States (6). Kim B, Thomsen MR, Nayga RM Jr, Fang D, Goudie A. Contemp Econ Policy. endorsement of these organizations or their programs by CDC or the U.S. You can only download this statistic as a Premium user. You need at least a Single Account to use this feature. > Obesity rate: 24.7% In addition, poor diets in these areas could be attributed to relatively poor socioeconomic factors more generally. Consumption data are self-reported. consuming soda and/or fruit drinks daily: 20.6% The consumption of soft drinks or soda is very high due to increased amounts of intake by the Bolivian people, which currently stands at nearly 89 liters per capita. Beverage Digest. Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. J Acad Nutr Diet 2012;112:1774–84. In your browser settings you can configure or disable this, respectively, and can delete any already placed cookies. The health benefits and cost-effectiveness of complete healthy vending. This was similar to just two other states reviewed. According to a study published by the Harvard School of Public Health, people who consume at least one can of soda a day have a 26% greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who rarely drink soda.