"It might be that it's just not even possible to buy a television ad in Arizona in October," he said. WASHINGTON — Arizona's critical Senate race has suddenly taken on extra weight since Democrat Mark Kelly could potentially be sworn in early enough to vote on a replacement for the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg if he wins. We want to hear from you. Kamala Harris: Justice was not done in Breonna Taylor case, Republican senators in vulnerable races shift away from Trump, Broadvoice Joins Nonpartisan 'Time to Vote' Coalition, 2021 Nissan Rogue Offers You May Not Want To Miss, PHOTOS: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg — A look back, Tana Mongeau Posted Full Underboob In Hot AF Tie-Dye Bikini, Wisconsin is nation's new Covid-19 hot spot, Monthly Market Commentary | September 2020, Ruby Tuesday, hit by COVID closures, files for bankruptcy, In debate, Kamala Harris says she won't take a COVID vaccine just on Trump's say-so. In a statement Saturday evening, Mr. Kelly said that the nomination should wait until after the election. @dmorey does NOT speak for the @HoustonRockets. (Last month, Kerr called his 2019 comments “embarrassing” — which was convenient, considering he said this as the NBA was lecturing us all about social justice yet again.). “Kelly served as a board member for Landry’s from 2013 until 2017 and held stock worth up to $100,000 for another Fertitta-related company as late as 2019. “This is beyond the pale, as is the fact that they are preparing some sort of disinformation campaign,” Peters said. I bring a different set of experiences to the table than most in Washington. It was already going to potentially determine the success or failure of the next Supreme Court nominee. The judge said that while the law did not "entitle the appointee's elected successor to take office on Election Day, the successor is entitled to take office once the election process is concluded (i.e., the results have been canvassed and certified) and his or her election becomes official.". “I think there will be some legal wrangling if it’s close,” he added. However, he’s also become a wildly effective “celebrity brand,” as one academic put it. TUCSON, Ariz. — Democrats have almost no power to stop a pre-election vote on President Trump’s nominee to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court, but they see a glimmer of hope in a bank-shot scenario if they capture a Senate seat in Arizona in the November election. Kelly, a former astronaut and the husband of ex-Rep. Gabby Giffords, is favored to prevail over appointed Republican Sen. Martha McSally. Progressives exhorted their followers on Twitter to open their wallets for Kelly and give as much as possible, while liberal and conservative groups have already started running ads to try to influence the outcome in Arizona and other critical Senate races. “Putting his brand or licensing his name is, in fact, a lucrative business when an individual has some sense of celebrity.”, However, she pointed this out, too: “What’s more important than the net worth is really the overall character of the person who is running and the perception of that character by the people.”. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has already vowed to move ahead with a vote on President Donald Trump's yet-to-be-named nominee and McSally is on board with the plan. And Arizona law indicates he could be sworn in by Nov. 30, during the lame-duck session of Congress when Republicans may try to push through a Ginsburg replacement if they are unable to do so before the election. Sinema won that race. This article has been updated to change its description of Project Veritas Action videos and include additional comments from the group's spokesman. And why my campaign isn’t taking corporate PAC money, so you know that I’m only accountable to you. Listen…. If Mark Kelly wins a special election, he could end up casting a crucial vote on President Trump’s nominee. Because like any mission I’ve ever been a part of, I can’t do it alone. Our reporters stay on top of it all. "As the former general counsel of the Arizona Republican Party, I'm obviously not biased in favor of Mark Kelly and will vote for Martha McSally — the law is the law.". Kelly has outraised McSally $46 million to $30 million and both campaigns are now likely to be inundated with a flood of money. McCabe told The Republic that the men identified themselves as journalists with Project Veritas Action and said they wanted to ask Kelly questions about his stance on gun control. At first blush, it appears we have a limited role. Read our editorial standards. And if I have your support, I ask for you to contribute what you can, volunteer when you can, and be part of this Mission for Arizona. There has to be a close race that’s important enough for people to fight over.”. When the issue of Hong Kong came up after Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey tweeted in support of pro-democracy protesters, that kind of ethical certitude went out the window — mostly because of the fact that the NBA does a great deal of business in China and Beijing had made it clear they weren’t happy with Morey’s remark. Jacob Peters, a Kelly campaign spokesman, told The Republic the middle-aged men at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday appeared at the home Kelly, an Arizona Democrat, shares with his wife, former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz. The Arizona Republic confirmed the encounter on Wednesday through Neil W. McCabe, a spokesman from Project Veritas Action. The McSally campaign, meanwhile, has seized upon Kelly’s ties to China. Kelly supports universal background checks and an assault weapons ban. We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Mark Kelly's Senate campaign said three men who identified themselves as being with conservative group Project Veritas Action, known for making undercover videos and infiltrating Democratic campaigns, showed up Wednesday at Kelly’s home in Tucson. Kelly was a co-founder of the firm, which received money from Tencent. "This race was already as high stakes as it could possibly get," said Andy Barr, a Democratic strategist with the firm Saguaro Strategies, which works in Arizona. Doug Ducey, a Republican who supports Mr. Trump. Mark believes health care is a right and will work to fix what is broken with our healthcare system. This campaign is about the people of Arizona, not corporate PACs and the mess they've created in Washington. Aside from politics, he enjoys spending time with his wife, literature (especially British comic novels and modern Japanese lit), indie rock, coffee, Formula One and football (of both American and world varieties). The issue? One of his investments was World View Enterprises, a company that does near-space balloon imaging. He owns company stock that’s worth at least $100,000, but insists there’s no conflict of interest. Why Are Seniors Snapping Up This $49 Health Watch? Click here to log out. "It was already going to potentially determine the majority of the Senate. And all eyes are currently focused on three possible GOP defections — Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Mitt Romney of Utah. In 2018, they targeted then-Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, who was in a tight race for the state's other Senate seat against McSally. “In our world today, a celebrity brand is worth millions,” said Lara Brown, associate professor and the director at George Washington University’s Graduate School of Political Management. The debate between Mike Pence and Kamala Harris featured sharp exchanges over the Trump administration’s handling of the pandemic. Right now, four Senate Republicans would have to defect to block an appointment, but if Kelly is in office, then only three would need to bolt. I never expected to be here. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he's written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal for four years. “I’m the, the test pilot, I am the technical guy. To a certain extent, you’re right — he did make some money from speaking. The men presented media credentials and about 30 minutes later, someone began shooting a video of them and told them they were trespassing. Unlike the federal government, the International Space Station can’t just shut down when people don’t get along. Use of his military rank, job titles and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Navy or Department of Defense and reference to NASA does not imply endorsement by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. "This U.S. Senate should vote on President Trump's next nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court," the Republican former fighter pilot said on Twitter Friday. This interactive guide can help you ensure your vote is counted. However, he also did consulting, sat on corporate boards and tried his hand at investing. Mr. Kelly has emphasized local issues to avoid being perceived as too closely associated with the national Democratic establishment, given that independence is a prime political selling point in this western state. At 8:49 p.m. she tweeted out her condolences to Justice Ginsburg’s family; 15 minutes later, she wrote, “This U.S. Senate should vote on President Trump’s next nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court.”. Peters said the men had two cameras and recorded themselves, and potentially Peters, before getting back in an SUV and driving away. All Rights Reserved. Mark Kelly was a Captain in the U.S. Navy and astronaut. As a Navy combat veteran, it’s important to Mark that our country keeps its promises to our veterans. Since Giffords’ shooting, Kelly’s most visible role has been as a gun control advocate. A Division of NBCUniversal. Kelly emerged as a national advocate of gun safety after the attempted assassination of Giffords in 2011 near Tucson. Follow Arizona politics? “It’s really important to understand that, yes, he’s doing speeches, he’s making watch deals,” she said. Kelly, a former astronaut and the husband of ex-Rep. Gabby Giffords, is favored to prevail over appointed Republican Sen. Martha McSally. That kind of perspective teaches you to look problems in the face, not ignore them like so many in Washington do. Reach the reporter on Twitter and Facebook. Now it is not. WASHINGTON — Arizona's critical Senate race has suddenly taken on extra weight since Democrat Mark Kelly could potentially be sworn in early enough to … How did he get to be so wealthy? Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he's written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal for four years. The Republic reached out to McSally's campaign for comment, but was not immediately successful. Use of his military rank, job titles and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Navy or Department of Defense and reference to NASA does not imply endorsement by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. “But if it’s not close, there won’t be. A recent New York Times/Sienna College poll showed Kelly leading 50-42 percent, while a Monmouth University poll showed a narrower lead for Kelly of 50-46 percent among likely voters. While most of that wealth isn’t under question, some of it is — like World View’s investment from Tencent. She survived the mass shooting, which killed six and wounded 13. According to The Arizona Republic, his net worth was between $10 million and $27 million. Mark Kelly for Senate Webstore Administered by Bumperactive.com 5907 Burnet Rd.