The séance at the Variety begins. All rights reserved. Ibolya Fekete (2005) - Hungarian Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Master and Margarita (2005) is based on the eponymous book by Mikhail A. Bulgakov. Vladimir Vasilyev and Boris Yermolaev (1986) - Russian Sergei Desnitsky (1996) - Russian The film ‘Master & Margarita’ of Yuri Kara has been subtitled in English. Set in Moscow under Stalin and in Jerusalem under Pilate,it has several story-lines where history,religion and pol Andras Szirtes(1990) - Hungarian Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. With Aleksandr Abdulov, Oleg Basilashvili, Vano Miranyan, Semyon Furman. Oldřich Daněk (1991) - Czech The Master and Margarita (English Subtitles) (DVD-NTSC). The Master and Margarita (English Subtitles) - 45070 - - Master and Margarita (2005) is based on the eponymous book by Mikhail A. Bulgakov. AKA: Master i Margarita, Master and Margaret, The Master and Margarita, Мастер и Маргарита. They are available on DVD in the web shop of this site. Posted in Vladimir Bortko English, tagged DVD, Mikhail Bulgakov, subtitles, The Master and Margarita, Vladimir Bortko on 13/10/2010| Cuore di cano In 1976, eleven years before the novel Heart of a Dog by Mikhail Bulgakov was published for the first time in the Soviet Union, and twelve years before Vladimir Bortko adapted the story into a highly acclaimed mini-series, the Italian director Alberto Lattuadda had already made a film of it. It's a full length film (119 minutes), using elements of Bulgakov's novel to link quite vulgar porn scenes to each other. Yuri Kara (1994) - Russian (*) (*) The films and series marked with an asterix have been subtitled by your webmaster in English, French and Dutch. Some of them also in German, Italian and Spanish. Aleksandr Dzekun (1989) - Russian You can order the DVD on the Master & Margarita website. For reasons of decency, we're not presenting this movie on our website. Giovanni Brancale (2008) - Italian Ivan Bezdomny cannot say why he should be released. Your webmaster has made English subtitles for various screen adaptations of The Master and Margarita. Vladimir Bortko (2005) - Russian (*) The reality is distorted by Satan Woland (Basilashvili), and his lieutenants, who are manipulating public events and people's lives by pushing the buttons of human weaknesses and sins. Set in Moscow under Stalin and in Jerusalem under Pilate, it has several story-lines where history, religion and politics are intertwined. If you know films which are not presented here, or if you have fragments which I haven't got, please contact me, I will be grateful forever. Official atheistic ideology confronts with a series of supernatural events. Click here for more information. Posted in Yuri Kara English, tagged DVD, Mikhail Bulgakov, subtitles, The Master and Margarita, Yuri Kara on 13/10/2010| Margarita taps into Woland's power, trying to save Master. I know about fifteen films, and some more are being prepared. The devil and his attendants visit Moscow at the times of the Stalin regime. Create a free website or blog at Woland settles in to Berlioz's apartment after Koroviev settles with the building committee chairman. Nikolai Lebedev (2019) - Russian. We made subtitles in English, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and French for this movie. Leave a Comment ». Paul Bryers (1992) - English Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.