Posts about East Anglia written by liamfoley63. ("Episode 2.6"), Æthelred arrives in Winchester and marries Æthelflæd. He touches her face, but she pulls away. As they head into Winchester, they are greeted by the villagers. m LEOFRUNA, daughter of ---. Are you certain this article is inappropriate? There is an advantage in this, so the king can return to Mercia a hero. (East Anglia) — Münze des Königs Æthelred II. For that to happen, Alfred would have to die. ("Episode 4.2"), King’s Lynn, East Anglia; Eardwulf hands Æthelred a sword that they ripped from the hands of an ugly Dane named Ulf. (auch: Aethelred oder Ethelred) war ein König des angelsächsischen Königreichs East Anglia in der zweiten Hälfte des 8. Æthelred der Unfertige) war König des angelsächsischen Königreichs Wessex in England und Herrscher über die übrigen englischen Teilreiche. This article was sourced from Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. London: Unwin Hyman, 1991. Æthelred and Aldhelm sit down with Alfred, Ælswith, Odda, and Æthelwold. The Mercian Guard is loyal to Eardwulf and the Ealdormen are against the king.          Political / Social. Æthelred's ancestry is unknown. Æthelred floh 1013 mit seiner Frau Emma und den Söhnen Eadward und Alfred vor Sven Gabelbart zu seinem Schwager Richard II dem Guten in die Normandie. Æthelred (floruit circa 875) was King of East Anglia.No textual evidence of his reign is known, but numismatic evidence points to his reign being in the 870s, perhaps together with Oswald of East Anglia, whose coins are known from the same period He is wounded, unconscious, and the back of his head is split open. //-->. Den Ansprüchen des 13-jährigen Eduard widersprach eine Gruppe von Adligen, die die Krone dem erst siebenjährigen Æthelred geben wollten. He’ll need a miracle to survive. Their hope lies in Daneland. He tells Aldhelm that he wants Æthelflæd killed, as well as her child. Eardwulf and Eadith tell him that he’s been sleeping since the day of the battle, where he fell and hit his head. In Canterbury wurde die Bevölkerung massakriert. Æthelwold finds amusement in Æthelred’s scolding and reminds him and Aldhelm that the only man capable of cleaning up this mess is Uhtred, who they’re desperately trying to blame. She wonders why Æthelred doesn’t kill him. Æthelwine's death is recorded by the Anglo Saxon Chronicle. He became king after Alhred was deposed. Aldhelm comes to Æthelred’s defense and tells Odda to go and find another cup of wine. google_ad_height = 600; Aldhelm wants to see Æthelred as King of Mercia and Wessex. However, Æthelred instructs Aldhelm to march with only half of the guards. Æthelwold even suggests harming Æthelflæd, who is away at her own estate. OK. Æthelred fears that his reputation will be ripped to shreds. Although… …   Wikipedia, Æthelberht II. Sven Gabelbart landete 1003 in England, musste seinen Feldzug aber wegen einer Hungersnot 1005 abbrechen. (auch: Ethelbyrhtus, Æðelberht, Æðelbriht oder Æþelbryht; † 794) war ein König des angelsächsischen Königreichs East Anglia im späten 8. Uhtred wants 1,000 men and he will give them Beamfleot and peace. Uhtred realizes that the signal was to alert the Danes to attack their camp. Und der Ealdorman Byrhtnoth zog ihnen dorthin entgegen mit seinem Heer und kämpfte gegen sie. Æthelred fears that perhaps Æthelflæd got wind of the danger posed by him and fled to Uhtred. Æthelflæd has taken interest in these matters and her father has encouraged her to be involved. She proceeds to kiss Æthelred and have sex with him. Æthelflæd then unexpectedly arrives, familiar with both Eardwulf and Eadith. Aldhelm demands to know what he wants. He promised Æthelflæd that he would not act without her. He makes himself known. Æthelred asks if the Ealdormen stand with Edward. Æthelred ordnete umfangreiche religiöse Rituale an, um Gottes Beistand zu erhalten. Æthelred then asks Æthelflæd how is her daughter. ("Episode 4.5"), Eardwulf tells Æthelred that he’s been chosen as the successor. Æthelred plots to take over East Anglia while the Danish are gone. Olaf Tryggvason erhielt 16.000 Pfund Silber, schwor, England niemals wieder als Feind zu betreten und ließ sich vom Bischof von Winchester taufen[2][3]. Aldhelm would rather discuss the pending battle, but Æthelred is far too worried about his wife and what she knows. With luck, the unrest will grow, leading to a war. I use WIKI 2 every day and almost forgot how the original Wikipedia looks like. OK, Köbler, Gerhard, Altenglisches Wörterbuch, (2. And then they will see which Saxon Kingdom is the greatest. Finan tells him that Father Pyrlig and Uhtred went to check on Æthelflæd. It can also refer to Æthelred II of Northumbria. He realizes that all his people wish him dead and wonders what he did to offend them. They proceed to discuss the price of her marriage. Ceolwulf suddenly dies right there before them. Gisela then asks about Æthelflæd, who Æthelred claims isn’t feeling well. The last thing Æthelred remembers is arriving at the battle. google_ad_width = 160; Æthelred I was a semi-historical eighth-century king of East Anglia, an Anglo-Saxon kingdom which today includes the English counties of Norfolk and Suffolk. November 1002 kam es zum St. Brice’s Day Massaker, als Æthelred aus Angst vor einem Mordanschlag gegen seine Person befahl, alle Dänen in seinem Herrschaftsbereich umbringen zu lassen. Æthelred succeeds his father as king of Mercia. Uhtred and his men will attack from the north gate while Æthelred leads his men from the marshes. Während dieser Belagerung starb Æthelred am 23. He wants all of his men at the ready. His death in 992 probably marks the beginning of Æthelred's personal reign. Steapa replies with his life. Æthelflæd claims that Danes are near and it was Hæsten who attacked her. ("Episode 3.3"), Æthelred gets word from Alfred of a pending battle with a great army of Danes, led by Ragnar. Seinen Thronanspruch übernahm sein ältester Sohn Edmund II. ("Episode 3.5"), The Witan has requested Uhtred and Æthelflæd's presence.