In 2003, ECO trade agreement was devised. Moreover, certain funding limitations and technological disadvantages have also hindered proper utilisation and maintenance of existing infrastructure while halting prospective linking infrastructures within ECO. Despite, the close geographical proximities of the member states—regional disputes and wars have played a significant factor in hindering connectivity and closer cooperation. Furthermore, in the opening statement for ECO chronicle 13, 2017–Mr Javad Zarif recalling his vision for genuine regionalism put forth in 2013—expressed concerns regarding the various roadblocks and urged all members to synchronize national policies with ECO vision to expedite collective economic growth. The recent ECO summit carved out promising stepping stones. [3][4], According to The News International, Islamabad intends to use the five-billion rupees worth of resources initially allocated for 19th SAARC summit, will be used for ECO Summit. Exists unperforated 757U. First Day Cover. A followup ECO Special Conference on Afghanistan is scheduled for  May 2017. Especially in regards to Afghanistan—certain positive steps have been initiated. Under the plan, local holiday was declared in the Islamabad-Rawalpindi metropolitan area on March 1 while on February 28, after 1 pm, educational institutions and offices were to be closed. Regular follow ups could to be conducted to analyze progress and resolve any glitches. [6] The army was given responsibility for the security of the Red Zone within the city. 8 547 NCERT Class 11 Economics Chapter 9: Environment and Sustainable Development (Examrace) © Spearhead Research. [2] Pakistan plans to integrate the ECO Summit members with the China–Pakistan Economic Corridor. Kashmir Highway will also be partially closed during the summit. Furthermore, the ‘ECO vision 2025’ was also adopted—the document outlines certain key areas of focus, namely: trade, transport and connectivity, energy, tourism, economic growth and social welfare—it alongside provides a set of expected outcomes under each sector. Senior Officials from Member States met on 27 February 2017 in Islamabad and stayed for the duration of the summit. Depression, anxiety: Undefined or imaginary, WAPDA carrying out work on Mohmand, Diamer Basha, Kurram Tangi, Nai Gaj dams, President lauds Pak Navy’s role in defending CPEC sea routes, FM Qureshi says India's belligerence poses serious threat to peace in region, PM warns of second corona wave in Pakistan. Sheet composition: 36 (6 x 6) stamps Printing run: 50.000 Michel catalogue number: 757 1 M. multicoloured.