Other measures such as physical distancing and hand hygiene should be adopted. Symptoms can include fever, cough, shortness of breath and a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste. Children are having to cope with family loss and separation, the collapse of support services, as well as the social and economic effects on their families and carers. We are here for children always and we won’t stop now. The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945. Registered company limited by guarantee 3663181 (England and Wales). World War II was over, and the world wanted peace. Age 12 to 14 years: At least 14 hours of economic work or 21 hours of unpaid household services per week. Although the use of a mask alone is not sufficient to provide an adequate level of protection against COVID-19; in settings where physical distancing is not possible – such as on public transport, in shops or in other confined or crowded environments, WHO advises to use non-medical fabric masks. We are the only organisation working for children recognised by the Convention. It endangers the four in ten families who don’t even have water and soap to wash their hands at home. Registered charity 1072612 (England and Wales) and SC043677 (Scotland). We protect and advocate for the rights of every child in Australia and overseas. UNICEF embraces a wide variety of social issues. UNICEF is the United Nations Children’s Fund, a leading global humanitarian and development agency that works to uphold the rights of every child. Thorough and regular handwashing is one of the best things we can all do to prevent the spread of Novel Coronavirus, be part of the solution. UNICEF works in more than 190 countries and territories to reach the most disadvantaged children and adolescents – and to protect the rights of every child, everywhere. Check out our guide for children and young people. Every child has rights, whatever their ethnicity, gender, religion, language, abilities or any other status. A Unicef shipment of medical equipment arrives at the Ministry of Health warehouse in Jakarta, Indonesia. Children’s lives are at direct risk from the virus as well as from the disruption to food, water and medical supplies, to healthcare, education and social services. If a mother is too ill, she should be encouraged to express milk and give it to the child via a clean cup and/or spoon – all while following the same infection prevention methods. Unicef has already reached more than 1.6 billion people with messages about preventing the spread of coronavirus and providing access to services. Borders have been closed. The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945.  It is currently made up of 193 Member States.  The mission and work of the United Nations are guided by the purposes and principles contained in its founding Charter. The Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict, The Optional Protocol to the Convention on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, The Optional Protocol on a communications procedure, Right to life survival and development (article 6). UNICEF's mission is to create a better world, by advocating for the protection of children's rights. Unicef is launching its largest-ever appeal to help tackle the impact of coronavirus on children and families around the world. In the UK. Wear a mask when feeding a child, wash hands before and after feedings, and clean/disinfect contaminated surfaces. They are: The Convention also contains a number of agreements to add further unique rights for children which are optional for countries – they are called “Optional Protocols”. a high temperature – you feel hot to touch on your chest or back, a new, continuous cough – this means you’ve started coughing repeatedly, a loss or change to your sense of smell and taste, you feel you cannot cope with your symptoms at home, your symptoms do not get better after 7 days, we will continue to ensure that the inspiring and unique, supplying soap, clean water and vital medical equipment, such as surgical gloves, health care support for women, children and vulnerable communities and access to education and child protection services, handwashing campaigns and information on how communities can best protect themselves. Unicef UK has launched #GenerationCovid, its biggest-ever appeal, to help tackle the impact of coronavirus and help vulnerable children and families around the world. UNICEF’s call to protect children, especially the most marginalized, is essential now more than ever and our global databases can inform that response by painting a picture of children around the world. The virus is transmitted through direct contact, respiratory droplets like coughing and sneezing, and touching surfaces contaminated with the virus. Together with the World Health Organization (WHO), we recognise that there are many questions about the use of face masks to prevent the transmission of coronavirus in the community. It threatens children already weakened by war, disease, hunger and poverty, whose survival depends on health care, life-saving food and medical supplies. You can read the full convention (pdf), or just a summary (pdf), to find out more about the rights that are included. The Secretary-General of the United Nations is a symbol of the Organization's ideals and a spokesman for the interests of the world's peoples, in particular the poor and vulnerable. UNICEF works in over 190 countries and territories to save children’s lives, to defend their rights, and to help them fulfil their potential, from early childhood through adolescence. In the face of this crisis, where are children especially vulnerable to physical punishment? Unicef UK is a charity, entirely funded by our supporters. Donate now and help save #GenerationCovid. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, or UNCRC, is the basis of all of Unicef’s work. UNICEF is, undoubtedly, the most well known and, probably, the most popular UN agency among Americans. The UN Charter describes the Secretary-General as "chief administrative officer" of the Organization. We urgently need funds to help save and protect the lives of children and families, especially in countries with weaker national health services. Pregnant women should continue to follow appropriate precautions to protect herself from exposure to the virus, and seek medical care early, if experiencing symptoms. Coronavirus is the biggest global crisis for children since World War Two. The organization received $282 million from the United States alone in 2002. We receive no money from the UN budget. Countries & territories affected: 180+ (interactive map). Children in Al Khader mixed primary school in Jordan take part in a handwashing demonstration.