Chen joined the China Clean Development Mechanism Fund Management Center in August 2007 as Deputy Director General and served as Director General starting August 2011. This was an incredible night. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of International Business and Economics in China and an MBA from Southern Illinois University. She has served in a variety of leadership capacities at China’s Ministry of Finance and as Chair of the G20 Infrastructure and Investment Working Group in 2016 during the Chinese G20 presidency. インフラ投資は金額が巨大であり、建設期間もリターン回収にも時間がかかるため、民間投資はほとんど集まりにくいので、AIIBのような開発金融機関が必要になります。, 2015年12月に発足したAIIB。2020年9月現在、設立当初に57ヵ国だった加盟国は、現時点で102カ国・地域にまで拡大しています。 The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) now has 100 approved members after its Board of Governors today supported the applications of three African countries. Cross joined AIIB in May 2019 as the Assistant Chief Financial Officer (CFO). そのため、メディアで騒がれるような、ADBとAIIBが対立するという構図にはまずならないでしょう。日米が加盟することでガバナンス(統治)がしやすくなる側面もあります。今後のアジアのインフラ需要を満たすためにも多元的な連携が必要となってくるでしょう。, AIIBは機材、サービスの調達に国別の制限を設けず、非加盟のメンバーにも開放しています。一方、ADBは加盟メンバーにのみ入札資格を与えている点で異なります。もし、AIIBが、ADBのように制限を設けていれば、日本企業はプロジェクトへの入札を行えなくなってしまうので、不利益があります。しかし制限を設けていない現状を踏まえると、日本の企業にとって日本政府がAIIBに加盟するかどうかはそれほど重要ではありません。 “AIIB was created by 57 founding members as a multilateral institution focused on supporting sustainable development through infrastructure. Manager, Client Relations and Programming Unit (Region 1). From 2000 to 2002, Cross was based in Johannesburg at Merrill Lynch International with responsibilities for Southern Africa Debt Capital markets. 特にベトナム・スリランカ・ラオスには現地法人を構え、現地の習慣やビジネスに精通した日本人あるいは日本語が堪能なローカルスタッフが所長を務めています。ミャンマー、マレーシア、インドネシアには現地提携先があり、その他世界各国において幅広いネットワークを構築しております。 2 - 3 August 2019, China Green Building (Hong Kong) Council, Training Seminar on GB/T 50378-2019 Assessment Standard for Green Building. About AIIB Lee is a national of Malaysia. 28 August 2019, AIIB Technical Seminar (Part I) - Intelligent Buildings & Information Technologies. 8 August 2019, ISHP CPD Seminar - Common Hazardous Work Environment in Construction Site that can be found in Large-Scale and Complex Projects. Lee leads the Controller’s Department and is responsible for maintaining the integrity of AIIB’s financial position. AIIBとは「アジアインフラ投資銀行(Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank)」の略称です。2020年9月現在、AIIBに参加している最新の加盟国・地域は承認ベースで102となっています。 本稿では、AIIBとは何なのか? という基本的な疑問に Yang leads a diversified team in AIIB responsible for building the Bank’s institutional infrastructure focusing on corporate procurement, facilities management, administrative services, records and information and security and emergency. 確かに開業より4年半となる2020年7月時点での投融資額は約200億ドル(約2兆1千億円)という、当初の想定の半分以下に留まってはいます。 Sincere thanks are given to Mr Frederick Lai, speaker of the Technical Talk organized for 17 March 2018, AIIB Members and attendees are permitted to access to the Powerpoint slides of seminar presentation. The role supported the CFO in ensuring sustainable financial strength and steady growth in financial resources, as well as safeguarding excellent credit ratings in support of AIIB’s overall mission. With rich experience in financial institutions, he has set up and headed the internal audit departments of foreign banks in Singapore to provide professional and independent assurance and added value to support the achievement of the organization’s objectives. 海外ビジネスに関する情報につきましては、当サイトに掲載の海外進出支援の専門家の方々に直接お問い合わせ頂ければ幸いです。, あなたの海外進出・海外ビジネスの課題を解決に導く、日本最大級の海外ビジネス支援プラットフォームです。どうぞお気軽にお問い合わせください!, 【2020年版】中国経済の最新状況 | 新たなキーワード「双循環」/ コロナ後に急速に回復した今後の見通し…ほか, 加速する〝中国撤退〟 | 経産省が中国撤退の「補助金」を支給? / 外資企業が中国を撤退する理由とは?, 「一帯一路」の最新状況 | 参加国の現状・日本のメリット・AIIBとの関係をわかりやすく, 自社事業の海外展開実績を活かしてアジア圏への海外展開を完全代行、調査やM&Aもサポート, マッキンゼー/ボストンコンサルティンググループ/ゴールドマンサックス/P&G出身者を中心とする250人規模の多機能チームが、世界20拠点に構えるグループ現地法人にて事業展開する中で蓄積した成功&失敗体験に基づく「ビジネス結果に直結する」実践的かつ包括的な海外展開サポートを提供します。 Before joining AIIB in June 2016, he was the Country Director for the People’s Republic of China Resident Mission of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and served as ADB’s Assistant General Counsel, Chairman of the Appeals Committee and Principal Director of the Central Operations and Services Office. It also monitors and reports implementation performance of the projects that have been transferred from the origination departments to IMU, provides secretariat services to AIIB’s Investment Committee, leads and coordinates the IT system development for investment operations, and coordinates operations related to data analysis and knowledge management. 「SDGsと聞くけど、なんのために取り組むの?」 He also holds an MA degree in geophysics. Speaker : Raymond Wong Wai-man Lecturer, City University of Hong Kong, Independent Researcher                                                                 with focus on large-scale infrastructure projects, 17 May 2020, Engineers Without Borders Hong Kong Forum: Dialogue with MO - Climate Change and Sustainable Future              (與武哥對談 - 氣候變化與可持續未來), Time : 14:00pm - 16:00pm Climate change affects the living conditions of mankind as well as the basis for social and economic development. He is also responsible for the end-to-end management of AIIB’s project pipeline in these regions, from identification to implementation. From 1987 to 1997, Lee worked as an Emerging Equity Market Analyst at the International Finance Corporation. Sanders advises the President and governance bodies of AIIB and is responsible for the legal aspects of the Bank's work. The SDC has in the past conducted a number of public engagement exercises, covering key sustainability topics such as air quality, sustainable built environment, energy savings in buildings, municipal solid waste charging and sustainable consumption of biological resources. Flyer for detailed information and registration, 22 September 2020, BSOMES Webinar, The Minor Works Control System, Flyer for detailed information and Online Registration, 18 September 2020, BSOMES Webinar Conference, Operation and Maintenance in Buildings "Making Smart Buildings Smarter", Flyer for detail and registration information, 16 September 2020, ISHP Online Seminar, Prevention through Innovation and Design for Safety, 28 August 2020, ISHP Online Seminar, Using Big Data and AI to Improve Construction Health and Safety, 24 August 2020 (12:00H Eastern Standard Time USA/Canada), CABA Intelligent Buildings Council (IBC) Webinar, 13 August 2020, Technical Webinar on Latest Trend of Occupational Health and Safety by Introduction of ISO45001 System, 16 June 2020, BSOMES Seminar - New Era of Retro-commissioning RCx for Building Energy Efficiency                                        (建築物能源效益及重新校驗的新時代), 18 May 2020, ISHP Seminar - What we can learn about safety from Mega Projects, Hong Kong & China cases, Date     : 18th May 2020 (Monday)                                                                                                                                                          Time    : 19:00-21:00                                                                                                                                                                                  Venue   : Online (Detailed information will be sent to applicants through email. With the backing of all of our members, we are building a lean, clean, and green institution that can help to support their sustainable development,“ said AIIB President Jin Liqun. If you are interested to join the task force, and to be one of the speakers of the seminar, kindly contact Sr Dr Edward Yiu at, To welcome the alliance’s new region member - Macau, a simple but solemn signing ceremony was arranged in front of all guests. She was in Standard Chartered Bank for 15 years. Nardelli has extensive experience in asset and liability management, capital markets, and financial markets policy issues. 21st September 2017, International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Structures and Facilities (ISSF2017),             with a main theme of "Intelligent Green Building / Intelligent Industry for Smart City", 28th September 2017, Technical Seminar on Ventilation – from Neighbourhood to Indoors, 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th September 2017, Certificate Course on Novel Technologies for Chillers, 23th June 2017, Condition Monitoring Symposium, 17th June 2017, Technical Visit, Water Management Technology and Environmental Solution, 17th June 2017, SOEHK Symposium, Building a Sustainable Future - Managing Challenges Through Innovation, 10th June 2017, seminar on "The Headway of Consideration for Green Roofing Systems in Hong Kong, 7th June 2017, Joint Technical Seminar on “High Performance Building Design & LEED Implementation”. Nardelli is a national of Italy. Before joining AIIB in April 2015, Von Amsberg previously served in progressively senior roles at the World Bank where he most recently held the position of Vice President, Development Finance responsible for the replenishment and stewardship of the International Development Association and for trust fund and partnership operations. The Future of Work, WeWork - Wan Chai Office, Members are advised that Ir Dr Albert So, Vice President of AIIB, authored a 3-part CABA White Paper on Elevator Systems for Future Intelligent Buildings, namely, CABA White Papers may be accessible to AIIB members by completing a registration form available in, 23 June 2018, IFMA Guided Tour, WEEE.PARK                                                                                                                   -, 8 - 13 June 2018, HKAEE Technical Visit 2018, Energy Engineering at Shenyang, Liaoning Province, PRC                       -, 18 May 2018, RICS HK Annual Conference, Establishing Hong Kong as the Nucleus of a thriving Greater Bay Area       -, Certified Facility Manager® (CFM) Exam Prep Workshop                                               -, 10 May 2018, Integrate 2018 Facility Management Conference on "Driving Facility Management"                                     -, 9 - 11 May 2018, Build4Asia 2018, Showcase for the Building, Electrical Engineering and Security Industries                   -, 30 April 2018, 2018, 物業管理周, 優秀從業員選舉                                                                                                                 -, 27 April 2018, Challenges for Innovation and Sustainability                                                                                                -, 10 March 2018, Guided Tour to The Future of Work - Move & Change Management                                                       -, 12 February 2018, IFMA's Industrial Spotlight                                                                                                                     -, 27 January 2018, Sustainability Workshop                                                                                                                             -, 13 January 2018,  IFMA Guided Tour: T ▪ PARK (full)                                                                                                           -, 4, 6, 11, 13, and 18 December 2017, Comprehensive Certificate Course for BEAM Plus on Water Use (WU) 2017           -, 5 December 2017, Technical Seminar on New Development of Refrigerant & Regrigeration Safety Management            -, 24 November 2017, Guided Tour to HK Electric Natural Gas-fired Generating Unit                                                             -, 13 November 2017, Technical Seminar on Healthy HVAC System Design with Energy Efficiency Concerns                       -, 9 November 2017, Seminar on Creating Healthy Spaces: Rising up the Corporate Agenda                                                -, 2, 10 and 28 November 2017, BEAM Mandatory CPD Training, Intensive Training Series on Computation Modelling       -, 2 November 2017, Executive eCommerce and Fintech Conference. “AIIB members collectively account for 78 percent of the world’s population and 63 percent of global GDP. Before that, he helped develop and headed leveraged and structured finance operations for Gazprombank and Alfa Bank.