0000523423 00000 n
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How to add comment : 1) Type your comment below. The acceptance letter from the centre where the candidate wishes to get trained. 0000550589 00000 n
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First three positions in all categories carry certificates of merit from ASI. 0000326821 00000 n
During the conference the following Symposia will be held: Convener:Dr Niranjan Agarwal, ThaneMobile: 9820541923Email: nda@salasarhospital.com, Convener:Dr Gunvant Rathod, AhmedabadMobile: 9428016850Email: ghrathod@gmail.com, Convener:Dr R Padmakumar, CochinMobile: 09447230370Email: drrpadmakumar@gmail.com, Convener:Dr. Ashok B CMobile: 9880110128Email: drashokbc@gmail.com. 0000553561 00000 n
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It should also contain a brief account of the details of the proposed programme of his visit including the institution to be visited. 0000566758 00000 n
Step 1 : Go to the official website of ASICON provided above and Click on the Register Now button in the home page. 0000329757 00000 n
The Visiting Professor should visit non-teaching hospitals where minimum facilities are available, particularly where there is no Medical College. Secretary at. 0000570816 00000 n
Any original work done is acceptable in this category. The team is making all arrangements for the Conference. Dr Sreejoy Patnaik is the Organizing Secretary for the ASICON 2019. One hard copy of all the required documents is to be sent by post to the Hon. /E 589193
0000542651 00000 n
Members are not allowed to apply for more than one oration/lecture/endowment in any year. 0000564973 00000 n
0000540284 00000 n
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0000332255 00000 n
ASICON 2019 is the 13th event of this conference series that began in 1994. NOTE: Application received for a particular year will be considered only for that year and will not be considered for subsequent year. 2. 0000542491 00000 n
0000514950 00000 n
Scholarships being limited in number, preference will be given to first time applicants, Oral and Poster presenters. 0000555527 00000 n
*All single case reports will be included in poster category only. 0000563575 00000 n
0000567457 00000 n
Alternatively, the subject may be of a philosophical nature, again with a background of Surgery. 0000548377 00000 n
Members desirous of participating in the above Symposia are requested to contact the Conveners of the respective Symposium for further information. Free registration and local hospitality will be provided to the Orator by the Organizers of ASICON 2020. 0000569565 00000 n
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/Extensions<< /ADBE<< /BaseVersion/1.7/ExtensionLevel 3>>>>
The Selection committee has the right to shift the Paper into any category based on the merit of the paper and decision of the committee shall be final. 0000533875 00000 n
1. Dear Friends and Colleagues, The Organizing Committee of APICON 2020 extends its warm invitation to all the friends and their families to Agra, the city of Taj for 75 th Platinum Jubilee of Annual Conference of the Association of Physicians of India (APICON) at Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India. The application should contain a complete bio-data of the candidate, highlighting the contributions by him to the teaching and research in General Surgery. 0000332178 00000 n
Candidates shall be persons internationally recognized in their fields. A cheque & certificate will be given to the Fellow during the Annual Conference of the ASI in 2020. Yearly submission of Annual Report On or before 31st of July -, Yearly submission of election report Within one month of conducting Election -, Yearly submission of Audited Accounts On or before 30th June -, CME Details One month after conducting the CME -, Annual Conference One month after the conference -, Workshop – within one month after the programme -, If two newsletters - 10 Marks for each news letter (Different Kind) -, Awarding Travelling Fellowship to young surgeons from Rural Area -, Arranging Training Programme (Instructional Course) -, Programme for Public Education Service For each Programme - 10 Marks Maximum -, Membership – More than 20 & above members -, Chairman & Secretary attending GC meeting, PPromotion of Programme under the banner of State Chapter -, If two newsletters - 10 Marks for each newsletter -, Promotion of Programme under the banner of Section - 20 Marks, Yearly submission of Election report Within one month of conducting Election -, If two newsletters - 10 Marks each news letter, Promotion of Programme under the banner of City Branch -. 0000546419 00000 n
/T 1151705
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Conference Badge and Delegate Kit. 0000546057 00000 n
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4. 0000574812 00000 n
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545 0 obj
Trade Exhibitions. 0000538182 00000 n
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Those applicants, who have received scholarships twice from ASI will not be considered. Details regarding Registration, accommodation etc., for the Conference will be sent to the members by the Organizing Secretary in … 0000576174 00000 n
0000571715 00000 n
ASI ASICON Scholarship. /Type /Catalog
0000533701 00000 n
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0000320785 00000 n
The 79 th Annual Conference of the Association of Surgeons of India will be held from 18th to 21st December 2019 at Bhubaneswar. 0000321071 00000 n
It supports / co- sponsors regional, national and inter-national meetings organised by other professional organisations and associations. 0000564145 00000 n
ASI 11th National Conference of AIDS Society of India-ASICON 2018 to be held at Hotel ITC Gardenia, Bengaluru from 2nd – 4th November 2018. The faculty should submit the matter of their presentation to the Convener. 0000510235 00000 n
0000326416 00000 n
0000532889 00000 n
Organizers of ASICON 2020 will provide the candidate complimentary registration and local hospitality. 0000325609 00000 n
0000568156 00000 n
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Secretary will place all the proposals received, before the E.C in December 2019. 0000366463 00000 n
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2. 0000567769 00000 n
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We have completed three decades of HIV epidemic in India and 16 years of fruitful existence of ASI. There will be no fee levied from the awardee for admittance to Fellowship. 0000514169 00000 n
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ASI decision will be communicated 30th August 2018 and will be uploaded on the website. 0000331526 00000 n
Preference will be given to those with demonstrated interests in HIV care and research, their worthiness to clinical practice / research, region they represent, ASI life members and nominees of ASI Governing Council members. 0000574256 00000 n
There will be only 3 Guest lectures in a year. There should be a covering letter with a declaration by the presenter that the work is carried out by him / her and team if any and has not been presented or published by him /her earlier. 0000337472 00000 n
Welcome to APICON 2020. 0000339553 00000 n
0000567898 00000 n
The Fellowship will have to be availed in the same year and will not be allowed to be carried forward for subsequent years. 0000541814 00000 n
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• Presented many papers in both national & international conferences in HIV. 0000537562 00000 n
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The selected candidate will spend a period of 2-3 weeks in a centre of his choice, which should be mutually agreed between himself and the Centre, for updating his knowledge in a given surgical specialty. 0000325738 00000 n
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Candidate must be present to receive the award during ASICON 2020 and if he is not able to attend the conference and receive the award, the respective State Chapter's Chairman or Secretary should inform the Central Office the reason for his absence. Covering letter should have a mention the category to which the presenter wishes the paper to be included. 0000558375 00000 n
Dr Sreejoy Patnaik is the Organizing Secretary for the ASICON 2019. 0000313675 00000 n
The candidate should be nominated by at least two Ordinary Full Life Members in good standing of the Association of Surgeons of India. The faculty should submit the matter of their presentation to the Moderator / Convener. The proposer should give full bio-data of the candidate recommended for Hon. 0000571911 00000 n
0000400163 00000 n
Scholarship Name : ASICON 2018 Scholarship ASICON provides the largest and the best podium to show case the scientific work done by the members of the Association of Surgeons of India. He should spend a minimum of FIFTEEN days for conducting operations and giving lectures, demonstrations etc., and should complete his tour before 31st October of the subsequent year and give his report to the. 0000550911 00000 n
NOTE: Application received for a particular year will be considered only for that year and will not be considered for subsequent years. 0000551278 00000 n
0000545951 00000 n
0000562206 00000 n
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0000316150 00000 n
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0000333367 00000 n
Then enter your Email Address and Password for Login. A hard copy & a soft copy of the Application together with the relevant documents should be send to Hon. NB: - All members desirous of participating in the Symposia & CME Programme must send in their request and matter to the respective Conveners or Director, Academic Council before 31st July 2019. Subjects selected for the symposia are to be presented at the Annual Conference for 2020. 0000326298 00000 n
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3. 0000000017 00000 n
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Secretary, The Association of Surgeons of India, 18, Adams Road, Chepauk, Chennai – 600 005 on or before. 0000568866 00000 n
The abstract must contain AIMS & OBJECTIVES, METHODS, RESULTS & CONCLUSION. 0000564274 00000 n
Once the Selection process is completed the Presenters of all the accepted papers will be intimated into which category the paper is assigned, its format, rules and regulations. Proposals for Hon. 0000553023 00000 n
(Nominee should be a Foreign Surgeon or an Indian Surgeon settled abroad and he should not be less than 40 years of age. Nominee should be an Indian Surgeon and shall be a member of ASI in good standing. 0000373361 00000 n
0000320264 00000 n
ASI Travelling Fellowships 2020--Five numbers (each with cash award of Rs 50,000/-), Click Here to Download Application Form For ASI Travelling Fellowship 2020. 0000542787 00000 n
0000332531 00000 n
The selected candidate should present himself personally to receive the Honorary Fellowship of the Association. 81 st Annual Conference of Association of Surgeons of India ASICON 2021 ... Easy accessibility from International & domestic airport for national and global clients and attendees.