The Lamaze method childbirth preparation classes include information and education relating to pain management choices, methods of feeding the infant, the labor process, the postpartum period, and relaxation and breathing techniques for each stage of labor. A nurse is assessing a toddler who has gastroenteritis and is exhibiting manifestations of dehydration. Some of the invasive procedures and interventions that are avoided include episiotomy, amniocentesis, internal fetal heart monitoring, forceps deliveries, and vacuum extractions. Anti/Intra/Postpartum and Newborn Care: NCLEX-RN, Introduction to the Female Reproductive System, Maternal Physical Changes During Pregnancy, Assessing the Client's Psychosocial Responses to Pregnancy, Assessing the Maternal Client For Antepartal Complications, Assessing the Client For the Symptoms of Postpartum Complications, Recognizing Cultural Differences in Childbearing Practices, Calculating the Expected Date of Delivery, Checking and Monitoring the Fetal Heart during Routine Prenatal Exams and During Labor, Assisting the Client with Performing/Learning Newborn Care, Providing Post-Partum Care and Education Including Discharge Instructions, Evaluating the Client's Ability to Care for the Newborn, Post-Master’s Certificate Nurse Practitioner, Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN), Health Promotion & Maintenance Practice Test Questions, Assess client's psychosocial response to pregnancy (e.g., support systems, perception of pregnancy, coping mechanisms), Assess client for symptoms of postpartum complications (e.g., hemorrhage, infection), Recognize cultural differences in childbearing practices, Check fetal heart rate during routine prenatal exams, Assist client with performing/learning newborn care (e.g., feeding), Provide discharge instructions (e.g., post-partum and newborn care), Evaluate client's ability to care for the newborn, The medulla that contains ovarian circulation, The cortex which contains the corpora lutea, the ova and the follicles, Nausea and vomiting which is referred to as morning sickness, Fetal movement which is referred to as quickening, Hegar's sign which is changes to the lower portion of the uterus, A positive human chorionic gonadotropin or HCG test, Chadwick's sign which is a blue tinge to the vagina and cervix, Gooddell's sign which is the softening of the cervix, The ability to palpate the fetus which is referred to as fetal ballottement and, Cervical and uterine changes in terms of consistency, size and shape, The objective assessment of fetal movement, All maternal, preexisting congenital heart disorders, Cardiomyopathy associated with left ventricular dysfunction, Pulmonary hypertension secondary to Eisenmengger syndrome which is left to right cardiac shunting, Marfan syndrome, a genetic disorder that places the mother at risk for aortic dissection or rupture, Infections resulting from elevated urinary glucose such as urinary tract and vaginal infections, Macrosomia which is excessive birth weight, Pregnancy after the age of 35 years of age, Gastrointestinal alterations such as vomiting and nausea, Hyperreflexia, headache, clonus and dizziness which indicate neurological alterations, Elevated serum transaminase and elevated liver enzymes which indicate altered hepatic functioning, Oligura, a creatinine level more than 90 µmol/L and proteinuria, as afore mentioned, indicate altered renal functioning, The emergence of hemolysis, a low platelet count, disseminated intravascular coagulation, thrombocytopenia and HELLP which indicate alterations in the mother's circulatory system, Other circulatory system changes such as edema, Respiratory changes as the result of pulmonary edema, Damage to organs such as the brain, liver and kidneys, The administration of magnesium sulfate which is an anticonvulsant medication, The administration of corticosteroids which facilitates lung development for the fetus and better hepatic and platelet functioning, The administration of antihypertensive medications to control maternal hypertension and to prevent the complications associated with this hypertension, Maintaining urinary output at 30 mL per hour, Labor induction or a planned delivery as indicated, Maternal age < 17 years of age or > 35 years of age, Infections, such as chorioamnionitis and others, that adversely affect amniotic fluid, A previous history of spontaneous abortions, preterm births or miscarriages, Positioning on the left lateral position to decrease uterine activity, Insuring hydration to prevent oxytocin release which stimulates contractions, The administration of medications such as nifedipine or indomethacin to suppress contractions, and magnesium sulfate to relax smooth muscle and to suppress contractions, The administration of betamethasone to stimulate fetal lung surfactant production and to enhance fetal lung maturation, Hemorrhage including an intracranial bleed, Cardiac rate by 15 to 20 beats per minute, Arterial blood pressure by 10 to 15 mm Hg, Methylenedioxymethamphetaime (MDMA or Ecstasy): Memory and learning deficits, Leakage or gushing of the fluid from the vagina, Positive findings with a nitrazine paper test, The U of BUBBLE is the uterine fundus height, consistency and placement, The B of BUBBLE is the bowel and other gastrointestinal functioning, The second B of BUBBLE is bladder functioning, The L of BUBBLE is lochia amount, consistency, color and odor, The E of BUBBLE is episiotomy edema and redness, The first day of last menstrual period – 3 months + 7 days = the estimated date of delivery, Subtract three months from 9/20/2015 and then get 6/20/2015 and then, Add seven days to 6/20/2015 and then get 6/27/2015, after which you would. Then I let it drop by removing my hand from support. Everyone is at an increased risk for thrombus formation. The fetal complications associated with a post term pregnancy are oligohydramnios, the aspiration of meconium, umbilical cord compression, a higher than normal mortality rate, birth trauma, and shoulder dystocia. Modified Ashworth Scale for Grading Spasticity.