Bellona [1782] Bellona was a 472 burthen ton merchantman and convict ship that was dispatched in 1792 from England to Australia. The website aims to publish all wordlists, big and small, on the internet, making it much easier to find the word you need. if (controls.value != "") return; Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. jQuery(function(){jQuery('ul.sf-menu').superfish({delay:500,animation:{opacity:'show',height:'show'},speed:'normal',autoArrows:false,disableHI:true});var viewportmeta = document.querySelector && document.querySelector('meta[name="viewport"]'),ua = navigator.userAgent,gestureStart = function () {viewportmeta.content = "width=device-width, minimum-scale=0.25, maximum-scale=1.6";},scaleFix = function () {if (viewportmeta && /iPhone|iPad/.test(ua) && !/Opera Mini/.test(ua)) {viewportmeta.content = "width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0";document.addEventListener("gesturestart", gestureStart, false);}};scaleFix();}) noun The goddess of war. noun In Roman mythology, the goddess of war. Use your movement to weave in and out of basic attacks or use the movement speed to rotate to enemy camps, your own camps and possibly any fights on your side of the map. The goddess did not have a developed mythology of her own. ndmtag.defineAdSlot("", {type: "appnexus",id: 3347103,size: [728,90]}); e.ctrlKey : ((e.which === 17) ? else if ( e.which == 67 && ctrl ) return; var controls = document.getElementById("woord"); Bellona, asteroid 28 (the 28th asteroid to be discovered, on March 1, 1854), is approximately 124 kilometers in diameter and has an orbital period of 4.6 years. ; from The Century Dictionary. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional.,,,,,,,,,,, controls.focus(); window.ndmCmpConfig = {forceLocale:'nl',customColor:'#f86924',privacyPolicy:""}; Lead colic. It is used temporarily to support and treat patients with fulminant hepatic failure while awaiting liver transplantation. : Leach, 135], Nikitin was accused and eventually acquitted of high treason and divulging of state secrets for his part in coauthoring the 1996, Evidently the prologue for Gl'amori di Alessandro Magno (with Diana, Amore and, Try "Apricot Beauty' combined with yellow ", In Murmansk, nuclear safety expert with the, Harmonic Laboratory consists of animator John Park, composer Jeremy Schropp, digital musician Jon, At the conference, on 26 January, organised by Forum Europe together with the, Earlier, North New Georgia MP Job Tausinga, Rennell, Speaking at a hearing organised in Brussels by the European Parliament's liberal and democrat group, the, Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Music for the gods? The first known use of bellona was in the 14th century. bellona definition is - the Roman goddess of war. PERFORMANCE NOTES See more. ndmtag.defineAdSlot("", {type: "appnexus",id: 3347095,size: [300,250],promoSizes: [[336,280]],promoAlignment: "center"}); A dispute concerning Francesco Lucio's 'Gl'amori di Alessandro Magno, e di Rossane. Bellon synonyms, Bellon pronunciation, Bellon translation, English dictionary definition of Bellon. Myth. Bellona definition in English dictionary, Bellona meaning, synonyms, see also 'bell',belladonna',Bellinzona',bellman'. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co Bellona definition: the Roman goddess of war | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples ndmtag.defineAdSlot("", {type: "appnexus",id: 3347104,size: [728,90]}); var ctrl = e.ctrlKey ? ndmtag.cmd.push(function() {ndmtag.settings.set('lazyLoad', true);}); Bellona, asteroid 28 (the 28th asteroid to be discovered, on March 1, 1854), is approximately 124 kilometers in diameter and has an orbital period of 4.6 years. ; noun [NL.] ndmtag.defineAdSlot("", {type: "appnexus",id: 3347101,size: [970,250],promoSizes: [[728,90]],promoAlignment: "center"}); Bellona will perform three musical works: "AUU," "Casting" and "Running Expressions," in which he explores data-driven devices as musical instruments, including the Wacom tablet and Microsoft Kinect. true : false); A dispute concerning Francesco Lucio's 'Gl'amori di Alessandro Magno, e di Rossane. [Rom. }. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Define Bellon. Time Traveler for bellona. The asteroid Bellona may be delineated in somewhat the same way as Mars. ndmtag.defineAdSlot("", {type: "appnexus",id: 19947452,size: [300,250],promoSizes: [[320,240]],promoAlignment: "center"}); ndmtag.defineAdSlot("", {type: "appnexus",id: 19947462,size: [300,250],promoSizes: [[320,240]],promoAlignment: "center"}); Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary if ( e.which == 86 && ctrl ) return; It was named after the Roman goddess of war, who some myths say was the wife of Mars; other accounts maintain that she was his sister. When inharmoniously aspected, Bellona may show a bellicose personality., online since 2007, is a search engine for English meanings and definitions. function ggetSelection() {var txt = '';if (window.getSelection) {txt = window.getSelection();} else if (document.getSelection) {txt = document.getSelection();} else if (document.selection) {txt = document.selection.createRange().text;}return txt;}$(document).dblclick(function(e) {var t = ggetSelection();if (t) document.location=''+encodeURIComponent(t);}); Launched in 1782 at Limehouse upon the Thames River by Woolcombe for Boyd & Co.  The goddess did not have a developed mythology of her own. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Dramatically, the two scenes with the gods continue the action begun in the prologue, where Diana urged Amore to conquer the heart of Alessandro, setting up a competition between Amore and. ; from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary … _cc13663.bcp(); An artificial liver that removes toxins from the blood. jQuery(function(){jQuery('.sf-menu').mobileMenu({defaultText: "Navigeer naar..."});}); ]In herpetology, the specific name of a snake, Pityophis bellona. Its prominence in a natal chart indicates an energetic, assertive person. 'colour' terms are (also) evaluatory terms: Dani (H8), Non-dentate pottery from late third millennium BP contexts were found from Sikumango on the Polynesian outlier of, At the meeting were representatives from the Norwegian environmental body the, Eventually a veteran of the Nile, the master of the, "Contamination there is perhaps the highest in the world, and the most acute problem in that region is at Lake Karachay," says Thomas Nilsen, a researcher at the, His troubles stem from a report he helped write for the Norwegian environmental group, (18) pounds 13.99; One Day in September (15) pounds 12.99; The Filth and the Fury (18) pounds 14.99; The Scarlet Pimpernel (PG) pounds 12.99; Beyond the Mat (18) 12.99; Tinsel Town Vol 1,2,3 (18) pounds 14.99 each pounds 29.99 boxset; To The Manor born 5&6 (U) pounds 12.99 each; Lord Peter Wimsey: The Unpleasantness at The, Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Music for the gods? Jump to navigation Jump to search. if (!e) e=window.event; { All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. See more words from the same century: 5. from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition. ', The 'ignis fatuus' of semantic universalia: the case of colour, World Cup Puts Halt on Transport of Nuclear Waste, Concept of sustainability used as key marketing strategy, COMBINED CARBON CAPTURE AND STORAGE (CCS) : LOW PUBLIC AWARENESS AND SLOW FINANCING BESET CCS, Solomon Islands opposition leader Sogavare retains his seat, Russia plans to build five floating Arctic nuke stations, European Parliament hearing coal power station carbon capture technology. function KeyDown(e) });, Mars’s charioteer and sister. ndmtag.cmd.push(function() { Belladonna definition, a poisonous plant, Atropa belladonna, of the nightshade family, having purplish-red flowers and black berries. if (e.which > 90 || e.which < 48) return; Towards the later stages of the game, bellona is great … The asteroid Bellona may be delineated in … See also: Bellona It was named after the Roman goddess of war, who some myths say was the wife of Mars; other accounts maintain that she was his sister. n. 1. In ornithology, a genus of humming-birds.Mulsant and Verreaux, 1865.; noun [lowercase] [NL. ', The 'ignis fatuus' of semantic universalia: the case of colour, World Cup Puts Halt on Transport of Nuclear Waste, New Lapita pottery finds from Kolombangara, western Solomon Islands, SEALED IN THE TOMB; DOOMED: RESCUERS FACE GRISLY JOB OF REMOVING BODIES FROM STRICKEN SUB AS DIVE DASHES LAST HOPE.