Browse through and read bellona fanfiction stories and books. The warship descended through the clouds, but Reyna couldn't stop second guessing herself. Review and enjoy!They will be labeled in numbers, from the order in which they were introduced to the series., Penthesilea - Another queen of the Amazons, daughter of. Browse through and read bellona fanfiction stories and books . Without warning, Juno had plucked up Jason Grace, Reyna's fellow praetor and could-have-been-boyfriend, wiped his memory, and sent him to the Greek camp. Then three accomplices were visible. We Romans know the proper place for that goddess.". Jason's mouth moved, but he wasn't as loud as Terminus, so Reyna couldn't hear what he was saying. The Amazon River is named after them as well. Instead, she sounded the horns, signaling the Greeks that they had spotted them. Luke lay dying, speaking in hushed tones to Annabeth. books, interviews, nico. I have to stick to the plan and not get distracted. Two hundred feet long, with a bronze -plated hull mounted repeating crossbows fore and aft, a flaming metal dragon for a figurehead, and two rotating ballistae amidships that could fire explosive bolts powerful enough to blast through concrete… well, it wasn't the most appropriate for an alliance discussion with the twelfth legion. The elf guy stepped forward, obviously angry, maybe it was his ship. "A child of Athena, Minerva's Greek form. UNTIL SHE SAW THE GREEKS' WARSHIP, Reyna thought she was prepared for anything. But of course that cursed you. They take a combined stand against Orion in San Juan with both groups suffering casualties. The explosion almost made her jump. The first chapter of the Mark of Athena from Reyna's Point of View. After the ending of the war she became bored and now she wants her entertainment back. The brunette looked like she was trying to play down her beauty. Riordan Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Your review has been posted. For now. None of that was Perseus' fault; but every time she saw him, she remembered how much she missed Jason. The blonde clenched her fists. "Impossible!" Read and Review! In exchange, the Romans had gotten Perseus. "Lay down your weapons and surrender! Panic welled up inside her. The ship froze in midair. The brunette said something, and Jason replied. ", And with that, a rope ladder dropped down about twenty feet until it reached the ground of the forum… this day was either going to take a turn in a wonderful or chaotic direction, Reyna just hoped it was the first option.s. Terminus said. The war the prophecy. Sign up Log in. Bellona is the Roman goddess of war, destruction, devastation, and the mother of Reyna and Hylla Ramírez-Arellano. You soon find out that in a single moment, a single day, a single discovery, everything can change. "Well, no…". She reviewed the plan inside her head, and the backup plan, and the backup plan to the backup plan. The crowd in the forum was over a hundred strong now. Klimene - She is only mentioned in mythology. She almost ordered them to fire. "Impertinence!" Terminus said. In the back of her mind she had a nagging thought: What if he came into Camp Jupiter and said, Hey Romans, meet my new girlfriend! Even the ominous feeling she'd had since Perseus announced he was Greek had dissipated, at least for now. It was almost over. From the waist up, he was a muscular human figure in a carved toga. According to Queen Hylla, some Amazons choose to join the Hunters of Artemis, seeking eternal life, while some of Artemis' hunters choose to not stay a maiden forever, and become Amazons instead. By: readingqueen811. The warship definitely did not look friendly. But out of all of them, I hope you find mine just as favorable. Must be her nerves. Reyna's composure stayed calm, but inside she was cracking up, maybe the Greeks weren't so bad after all; just little innocent butterflies that couldn't hurt anything. But she was a virgin goddess. But it was your life and you'd long since accepted it. The blonde waved her arms around like she was talking about the Roman forces that were below her. "I certainly will not have Greeks!" The Amazons later arrive at Camp Jupiter (after Hylla has defeated Otrera's attempts to reestablish herself as queen) and help the demigods fight the Giant's army. "I like technicalities," he admitted.