Opponents say deal pre-empts referendum on gas exports planned for July. September 22, 2015. [37] Olañeta was rumored to have planned to surrender Charcas to Brazil in 1824 in order to keep the country under Spanish control. 1825 - Bolivia becomes independent with Simon Bolivar as its president. [46] Although no one disputes that Bolivia was named after Bolívar, there are differences in opinion over why that actually happened. 2010 May - President Morales orders nationalisation of four electricity firms, saying the state now controlled 80% of country's power generation. First Session of First Continental Congress in Philadelphia. [32] Although Bolívar and Martín met, they could not agree on the form of government that should be established for the liberated countries[32] and so both went on their separate ways for the time being. [1] This region fell under the authority of Spanish colonial rule in the sixteenth century. Read more. During the Peninsular War which took place in Spain, Charcas (today Bolivia) closely followed the reports that arrived describing the rapidly evolving political situation in Spain, which led the Peninsula to near anarchy. Because of this, they proceeded to name the newly formed country after him to appease him. Spain matches France's one million livres to American rebels, 1776, July 4 This page is best viewed in an up-to-date web browser with style sheets (CSS) enabled. In the Battle off the Capes, French Admiral de Grasse prevents He would try to influence the decisions the Audiencia made and no one suspected his treasonous behavior. 1879-84 - Bolivia becomes landlocked after losing mineral-rich, coastal territory in the Atacama to Chile. © 1989 - 2020 Ideal Education Group S.L. He resigned from his position as Protector of Peru, discouraged. 1923 - Revolt by miners is violently suppressed. In 1805 she married a man who shared this passion, Manuel Padilla, with whom she had four children. The areas they controlled are called republiquetas ("petty republics") in the historiography of Bolivia. 2006 October - Clashes between rival groups of tin miners leave 16 people dead in the town of Huanuni. Manuel Zudeñez, his brother, was in the government as well and held an important position in the University in Chuquisaca. 2008 September - Anti-government protests escalate into violence in the east and north of Bolivia, with 30 people killed in the worst-affected region, the northern province of Pando. This system was implemented to increase revenue as well as to stop specific problems that had resulted from other authorities misusing their power. 2009 January - New constitution giving greater rights to indigenous majority is approved in a national referendum, with more than 60% voting in favour. 1974 - Banzer postpones elections and bans political and trade union activity in the wake of an attempted coup. 2009 December - President Morales is re-elected for a second term with more than 60% of the vote.