To be honest, I have no idea, but I can certainly speculate. In a letter Bruce wrote to himself while in his 20s, he spoke about his belief in a “creative and spiritual force” within himself that guides everything he does. Libra season began on September 22nd/23rd and will last until October 22nd/23rd when the Sun goes into Scorpio. It’s in our very nature to live this way, we simply block it. Adding to the strength of these results was the discovery that a growing number of individuals could be found to demonstrate high-quality remote viewing, often to their own surprise. This period may highlight anything connected to our wounds, blockages, pains, negative patterns, traumas, and/or it may also bring up our gifts in relation to those. We all became friends after she invited us to her birthday party that week, and to this day we’re still friends and see each other often. Does it matter that it wasn’t technically a scarab beetle? Jung suggested that the correlations between external and internal events had a similar root cause. Later that afternoon while at lunch with my aunt, I asked her where she had been for the past few days, and the chinese word which I glimpsed at happened to be one of those places. At this time and over the coming weeks, we can experience some sort of shift, or change in gears, that can take things into a different direction regarding Saturnian themes and energies which also depends on how this energy is configured with our individual birth charts. 2. Modern Masters ethically serves small businesses in metaphysical, paranormal, healing, spirituality, homesteading, acupuncture and other related fields. I’d be ‘living the dream,’ so to speak, but it wasn’t really my dream. Just then, I turn the corner and I see the machine facing straight at me. The Moon reflects the expression of feeling and emotion while the Sun reflects the expression of ego and conscious self. It is associated with independence, individual needs, leading, pioneering, and taking charge. Jung seemed to believe that the universe itself was attempting to teach some lesson or insight by offering up these meaningful coincidences. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Debt Forgiveness? Another intriguing possibility is that synchronistic experiences are suggestive of the idea that we — you, I, and everything around us — are part of a much larger mind. . Or are you often striving to do what others are doing? He asked them to write random characters on pieces of paper, crumple the paper into balls, and let him hold each ball in turn next to his ear. Yet on the same exact day, almost half an hour later, I went to an online radio station, and his name was big and bold at the front page of the website. Get the perfect website for your sacred work at Modern Masters. ( Log Out /  The solution here is to expose yourself to new ideas, fresh theories, and others’ experiences. Right? Tang then guessed the message within, his guesses, it was said, always proved right. The label on the side of the package, the boys reported, consisted of the two symbols Tan Yu had “seen.”. One of the biggest things I feel we struggle with in today’s age is wanting everything immediately — including mastery. Libra is compromising, sociable, creative, charming, communicative, and is about weighing out different sides as it is symbolized by the scales. He saw that you will have limitations if you’re sticking to one culture or tradition. I turned round and saw a flying insect knocking against the window-pane from outside. And in fact I will say as a statistician I’ve consulted in a lot of different areas of science; the methodology and the controls on these experiments are tighter than any other area of science where I’ve worked.”  (source). -->Help Support CE: Donate to Collective Evolution to help us move past the challenges censorship has put on independent media. I almost never talk to people next to me on the plane because I really enjoy the quiet time to read or work on writing projects, and because I’m afraid of being held captive in a boring conversation for many hours. ( Log Out /  Bruce Lee was always aware of this fact. Reflect on yourself — do you see yourself doing your own unique thing? Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. “A young woman I was treating had, at a critical moment, a dream in which she was given a golden scarab. I was astonished 10 years ago when I learned how little I knew my true self. I have been thinking and writing about sexual selection and other mechanisms of evolution for many years, and have developed a published theory that expands Darwin’s ideas on sexual selection. When we chase dreams from the mind, we’re often chasing an illusion, as we’re not clear on what we truly want. There is much more to us as human beings than we’ve been made to believe, and if we stop, think, and do some research, it’s not hard to see how something significant has been overlooked.