Curse of the Pharoahs is some of my favorite content in the entire series. I don't understand why you keep playing these games when you dislike them so much. It had no good ideas to frame a shot or anything really. This sucks to hear but thanks for the details. I platinumed both games but afterwards I never found the will to touch my gold versions DLC. A real shame since I love Odyssey. Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Legacy of the Blade was so whatever but what i was surprised by was just how bad the execution and direction of the Cutscenes was. You must log in or register to reply here. We want to create an inspiring environment for our members and have defined a set of guidelines. i did the lost tales of greece they were definitely more entertaining as the stories were done well for 1 off stories. I finally finished all AC Odyssey DLCs (well not really i have free Lost Tales of Greece ones) and i am really disappointed in both. Your first objective is to go to the Temple of Zeus. A three-part episodic story arc, it is comprised of the memory sequences Hunted, Shadow Heritage, and Bloodline, with each episode being released roughly every six weeks from December 4, onward. The guide will be updated as additional content becomes available. While the DLC doesn't bring anything new to the table in terms of gameplay variation, it does provide a well made slice of open world adventuring, complete with some thoughtful character moments. Legacy of the First Blade is the last mission of the third part of Assassin's Creed Odyssey: Legacy of the First Blade. holy shit it's just nonsense. Assassin's Creed Odyssey Quest. It’s going to introduce Darius, the first person to ever wield the iconic hidden blade. It’s going to be released in three episodes, the first of which is out today. I was okay with Legacy of the Blade as far as continuing the story. The best tactic is to run away from the enemy and shoot him with fire arrows. Quests Maps World Map Elysium Underworld Atlantis Historical Locations More Ainigmata Ostraka Locations Keeper's Insights. When the only exciting thing about your DLC are the Prince of Persia cameo weapons you know you fucked up. Thank You, Maláka! They were enjoyable but they were also based on same gameplay loop from the base game. Note: Legacy of the First Blade is a three Episode story arc with each episode being released six weeks apart form one another. Yeah I had high hopes after the Origins DLC was so damn good but the Odyssey DLC is pretty disappointing. Origins DLCs were nothing special either but at least they did provide bit more variety. Let's start with Legacy of the First Blade and i won't talk about huge issue and controversy that caused we talked about that before, it was disappointing for sure. The first major piece of DLC for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is coming soon, in less than a month in fact, and Ubisoft just released a new trailer for the DLC which teases new characters, story elements, and other new content.The new DLC is titled Legacy of the First Blade, and it will be split into three episodes, with the first episode coming out in December. But too many icons to not have the content feel extremely repetitive if you try to do it all. Absolutely garbage in terms of narrative and lore. JavaScript is disabled. I didn't enjoy the forced relationship and child, nor the resolution of putting everyone on a bus at the end so they didn't shit up the rest of the game. The third and final episode of the new Assassin’s Creed Odyssey DLC, Legacy of the First Blade, is out now on storefronts, ready for you to eagle dive … Write your own epic odyssey and become a legendary Spartan hero in Assassin’s Creed® Odyssey, an inspiring adventure where you must forge your destiny and define your own path in a world on the brink of tearing itself apart. Legacy of the Blade was ok, didn't expect much but I enjoyed my time. You have to investigate 5 bodies lying around the stream. Start a new thread to share your experiences with like-minded people. There, you and Darius have to face the cultists' leader. You skipped the best DLC, which was the lost tales of Greece lol. I felt like playing a script. Make sure you're registered to vote and know all your options to vote safely. also it's what made me go from meh to actively disliking layla. Legacy of the First Blade is just bad, no new areas and poor writing, and the Atlantis episodes are pretty mixed. haven't played the first blade dlc yet bc i'm wary/bitter abt the comphet despite knowing they patched it. Legacy of The First Blade is the first piece of DLC for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. I hated the DLCs. Your first objective is to go to the Temple of Zeus. This task will begin with a search for clues of crime around the village. i didn't skip it, i was just tired of base game world after i cleared it 100% :P, I didn't have issue with Knowledge nut i did went and do all main and side quests XD. They have so many icons that are realistically only there to help you level up in a steady stream. Quests Maps World Map Elysium Underworld Atlantis Historical Locations More Ainigmata Ostraka Locations Keeper's Insights Legacy of the First Blade Assassin's Creed Odyssey Quest Group: Bloodline (Legacy of the First Blade) All in all I guess I can delete them then from my backlog list? Assassin’s Creed Odyssey – Legacy of the First Blade: Bloodline delivers a heartfelt storm of emotional payoff, and a great punctuation mark on the three-part story. I had a decent time with the first two episodes but Atlantis itself was fairly dull. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is available for PC, Xbox One, and PS4. the environments are GORGEOUS but the story. Your experience was very similar to mine, OP. i got partway through ep3 of atlantis and stopped. I finally finished all AC Odyssey DLCs (well not really i have free Lost Tales of Greece ones) and i am really disappointed in both. New Legendary weapons & armor in AC Odyssey Legacy of the First Blade are not numerous, but they are pretty cool. There, you and Darius have to face the cultists' leader. There’s an armor set and several legendary weapons in the first Assassins’ Creed Odyssey DLC, and you’re gonna want to get all of them. Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Legacy of the First Blade: Episode 2 DLC Trophy Guide By Phantom2654 • Published 4th August 2019 Continue your journey alongside Darius and his child and hunt down members of the Order of the Storm in Achaia. Shadow of Legend is the second main quest available in Assassin's Creed Odyssey: Legacy of the First Blade. It is the first out of two expansion packs for the game, alongside The Fate of Atlantis. It feels like they don’t want people to 100% their games. at least hecate was wifey. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Legacy of the First Blade is a downloadable content expansion pack for Assassin's Creed: Odyssey which was released on December 4, 2018. Honestly i have just played them all recently myself i quit when i realized i had to grind more knowledge to do the final mission or two and after 100 hours i was burned out, Unpopular as it may be i found The first DLC (Legacy of the first blade) Far superior and more interesting than the second as the enemies were not fun to fight in Atlantis and it was way to grindy even as someone who did not mind the main games grinding. They should have set LOTFB in a new area preferably outside of Greece but I suppose they had two whole regions that were barely used in the main game and had to fill them with something.