This is called a multidisciplinary team (MDT). Why are you advising we watch and wait before starting treatment? Follicular lymphoma tumors are graded from 1 to 3 and this grade has some prognostic utility. However, the disease is not curable. It develops when B-cells (also called B-lymphocytes) become abnormal. Radiotherapy is not suitable for everyone. It is attached to a low dose of a radioactive substance. We’ve created a new account area offering personalised cancer information and support. It has been approved by Senior Medical Editor, Dr Anne Parker, Consultant Haematologist. Many people have stage 3 or stage 4 (advanced‑stage) follicular lymphoma when they are diagnosed, but not everyone has symptoms. You may have a transplant using your own stem cells (autologous stem cell transplant) or cells from a donor (allogeneic stem cell transplant). Making small changes such as eating well and keeping active can improve your health and wellbeing and help your body recover. A team of specialists will meet to discuss the best possible treatment for you. Repeat cycle every 28 days for 12 cycles. You can read more about further tests you may have in our information about non-Hodgkin lymphoma. It’s typically given as an IV infusion at your doctor’s office and is … Radiotherapy is also sometimes given to treat symptoms, such as pain. Even in the advanced stages, people with follicular lymphoma often survive for long with standard treatment, due to its slow-growing nature. 20 July 2016. Radiotherapy is not suitable for everyone. We don’t know exactly what causes follicular lymphoma. They will also talk to you about things to consider when making treatment decisions. 2016. It may help to talk to your family, friends or specialist nurse. Is a stem cell transplant suitable for me? NICE guideline [NG52] Read more on the prognosis for follicular lymphoma. Chemotherapy treatments for FL include the following: Steroids are drugs that are often given with chemotherapy to help treat lymphomas. First-line Therapy for Elderly or … It may be used as a first treatment if the lymphoma cells are contained in 1 or 2 groups of lymph nodes in the same part of the body (stage 1 or 2). You may be put on ‘watch and wait’ – where you are carefully monitored by your healthcare team. Like other cancers, it is not infectious and cannot be passed on to other people. Some factors that may increase your risk are: Find more on causes of follicular lymphoma. The most common test for this lymphoma is to remove part or all of an enlarged lymph node (a biopsy). Find out about support groups, where to get information and how to get involved with. FL is usually very sensitive to radiotherapy. You have regular follow-up appointments after treatment. People who have no symptoms may not need treatment for a long time, if at all. It may be used as a first treatment if the lymphoma cells are contained in 1 or 2 groups of lymph nodes in the same part of the body (stage 1 or 2). Sometimes a side effect may continue or develop months or years after treatment. What happens if my follicular lymphoma transforms into a high‑grade lymphoma? Read more about follicular lymphoma treatment and side effects. If your lymphoma comes back you will usually be offered more treatment with chemotherapy and rituximab. Which type of non‑Hodgkin lymphoma do I have? If you are having symptoms, you should be offered treatment – ask your care team about treatment options. It is usually given in combination with rituximab. It is caused by lymphoma cells building up in the lymph nodes, which makes them bigger. Here is the latest guidance. People who have no symptoms may not need treatment for a long time, if at all. 25 (Supplement 3), iii76–iii82. This cancer grows slowly. We understand that people with cancer are worried about coronavirus. Newly diagnosed and relapsed follicular lymphoma: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Is watch and wait still acceptable for patients with low-grade follicular lymphoma? © Macmillan Cancer Support, registered charity in England and Wales (261017), Scotland (SC039907) and the Isle of Man (604). Read more on the prognosis for follicular lymphoma. Speak confidentially with our support services team for information and support. Follicular lymphoma is the most common type of of low-grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). In some people, this may cure the lymphoma. Connect and share experiences with other people dealing with blood cancer. FL usually develops slowly. If you would like more information about the sources we use, please contact us at, Armitage JO and Longo DL. If you are symptom‑free you can stay well for longer before needing chemotherapy by taking a drug called rituximab. More information on symptoms and diagnosis of follicular lymphoma. Created by the Patient Information Forum, this quality mark shows we meet PIF’s 10 criteria for trustworthy health information. Fol-licular lymphoma grade 3 has been historically referred to as follicular Follicular lymphoma not usually curable, but it can be treated so you can enjoy a good quality of life. It affects white blood cells called lymphocytes. If you have stage 2A follicular lymphoma in 1 area of your body ('localised'), you should be offered radiotherapy as your first treatment. If your lymphoma improves after this treatment you may then be offered ongoing regular treatment with rituximab – this is called 'rituximab maintenance'. If it isn't right for you, and your lymphoma is not causing symptoms, your care team may advise a period of watch and wait before starting treatment. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma: the care you should expect. If you have stage 2A follicular lymphoma in 1 area of your body ('localised'), you should be offered radiotherapy as your first treatment. There are two main types of lymphoma: Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Waiting for test results can be a difficult time. Most people respond well to treatment, and the disease can be stabilized for a few years before relapsing and requiring treatment again.2 Many patients require to be treated many times, with intervals of a stable disease after each treatment that may last months to many years. B-cells are white blood cells that fight infection. Your care team will talk to you about the best treatment for transformed follicular lymphoma. This is called 'transformed' follicular lymphoma (see lymphoma that changes from low-grade to high-grade for more details). We have more information about causes and risk factors of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. You may not need treatment for many years, or ever. We’re here to provide physical, financial and emotional support. This is called watch and wait. FL is a low-grade lymphoma. A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales company number 2400969. Prednisolone tablets are the most commonly used steroid to treat FL. The aim of treatment is to get you into remission (where the amount of lymphoma is significantly reduced). Here is the, Staging and grading of follicular lymphoma (FL), What's going on near you? Some people may not need treatment for months or years. Sometimes FL spreads to other areas of the body, such as the bone marrow. This is called a late effect. It has been reviewed by expert medical and health professionals and people living with cancer. We have more information about staging and grading of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. VAT no: 668265007. These appointments are a good opportunity for you to talk to your doctor or nurse about any concerns you have. We have more information about long-term and late effects of treatment for lymphoma. Few people are lucky to be diagnosed while the disease … They also help you feel better and can make you feel less sick. Because together we can be the generation to beat blood cancer, Blood Cancer UK is the trading name of Bloodwise, 39-40 Eagle Street, London, WC1R 4TH. One type is called 90Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan (Zevalin®). The causes of FL are mostly unknown. 127:23:2804-2808. Lymphomas are also often grouped as either low-grade or high-grade. The Macmillan Support Line offers confidential support to people living with cancer and their loved ones. Available from:, Dreyling M, Ghielmini M, et al on behalf of the ESMO Guidelines Working Group. Radiotherapy uses high-energy rays to destroy cancer cells, while doing as little harm as possible to nearby healthy cells. Follicular lymphoma is a type of slow-growing blood cancer called non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). A stem cell transplant is an intensive treatment, so it is not suitable for everyone. You may also have biopsies taken from other areas of the body. bruising or bleeding easily - due to low number of blood-clotting cells (platelets) in your blood. This information has been written, revised and edited by Macmillan Cancer Support’s Cancer Information Development team. Annals of Oncology. Answer four quick questions to get specially selected content for you. 2014. There is no evidence to support a different treatment approach between grade 1 and grade 2 FL. Radiotherapy uses high-energy rays to destroy cancer cells, while doing as little harm as possible to nearby healthy cells. Share experiences, ask questions and talk to people who understand. Isle of Man company number 4694F. Even if you already have a healthy lifestyle, you may choose to make some positive lifestyle changes after treatment. This is called 'consolidation' treatment. Registered charity 216032 (England and Wales) SCO37529 (Scotland) © 2020, See child pages of Blood cancer tests for diagnosis, See child pages of Blood cancer treatment, See child pages of Running tips and advice, See child pages of Fundraising in your local area, See child pages of Host a Let's Beat It music event, See child pages of Host a Bloody Big Quiz, See child pages of Plug in and Play for Blood Cancer UK, See child pages of How to organise a music event, See child pages of Corporate partnerships, See child pages of Our corporate partners, See child pages of Funding for researchers, Calling Blood Cancer UK gave me renewed hope, It's amazing to talk to people who just get it, Watch and wait: treatments and appointments, Watch and wait: questions to doctors and talking to others, Watch and wait: 10 ways to cope with anxiety, Childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), How to organise a themed music night or silent disco, Guidance on how to run a raffle or sweepstake, Because the future of research depends on you, NHS Blood and Transplant and Blood Cancer UK, Bristol Lido and Thames Lido and Blood Cancer UK, Our partnerships with the pharmaceutical industry, Benefits of partnering with Blood Cancer UK, Our position on working with the pharmaceutical sector, Making a difference: The impact of your support, How Simon Thomas is helping us beat blood cancer, The Blood Cancer UK Childhood Leukaemia CellBank, Symptoms and diagnosis of follicular lymphoma, symptoms and diagnosis of follicular lymphoma, Treatment and side effects for follicular lymphoma, follicular lymphoma treatment and side effects.