IEA wants to wish all our clients, colleagues and friends health and safety during this COVID-19 crisis. A resurgence in Covid-19 cases, continued remote working and a still very weak aviation sector were all cited as reasons behind the revision lower. On the 15 September a Side-event was organised by the CEM CCUS Initiative to launch the ten Key Financing Principles for CCUS. These cookies do not store any personal information. These HF/E case practices support the objectives […], The INCOSE HSI Working Group 2020 Workshop, an international online event, hosted by the HSI Israeli WG, and supported by ESTIA Institute of Technology, France, will be held Tuesday-Thursday, 27-29 October 2020. The International Ergonomics Association is a global federation of human factors/ergonomics societies, registered as a nonprofit organization in Geneva, Switzerland. Email: The blog is a reliable source for information on comparative education for non-academic audiences including policymakers, education practitioners and the wider media. Criteria and nomination instructions have been updated and expanded for the IEA/Kingfar and IEA/Tsinghua Awards. The 11th Clean Energy Ministerial is being hosted by Saudi Arabia at the moment, all virtual events as you would expect. . The Energy-Water nexus defines the relationship between energy and water to ensure the availability of both resources: Energy production consumes significant amounts of water; and equally, providing water demands energy. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Opening plenary. Pipelines are one solution, but their viability depends on the volume to be transported and if the CO2 comes from a variety of dispersed sources.The other option is to u... CCS has long been recognised as a key component of an effective mitigation strategy to decarbonise the power and industrial sectors. These principles were developed by a CEM CCUS group made up of banks and finance sector organisations ... Due to COVID-19 precautions, the US Department of Energy (DOE) National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) Carbon Storage Project Review Meeting was held as a virtual event over 8-11 September, instead of at its usual location in Pittsburgh. The International Energy Agency (IEA) released its Special Report on Clean Energy Innovation on 2 July. The first was a Side Event on Financing CCUS on the 18th June. © 2020 IEA SHC NOW OPEN:  Call for Special Sessions, including workshops, panels and other formats: March 31, 2020 – June 26, 2020 IEA 2021 […], The IEA, in collaboration with Scientific Association Hospital & Clinical Risk Managers (HCRM), the Italian Ergonomics and Human Factors Society (SIE),  and the Italian Agency for Healthcare Services (Agenas) is promoting a call for the collection of stories related to the health emergency following the Sars-Cov-2 pandemic. Content is available in six languages. The Congress theme, “HFE (Human Factors and Ergonomics) in a connected world/L,ergonomie 4,0”, speaks to the role of emerging G5 technologies. A Thai […], You can consult the good practices on COVID-19 collected by the Italian Agency for Healthcare Services (Agenas) from all the Italian healthcare trusts here:  and share your good practices by sending them to Sara Albolino, IEA Vice President and Secretary-General, at and, The 21st Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association Welcome to IEA 2021. Annual paid data services with detailed country-by-country data on all fuels, CO2 emissions, prices and taxes and energy policies. By accepting you will be accessing a service provided by a third-party external to, Telephone: +44 (0)1242 802911 Blog Sweden launches a new stage of the national research program on energy efficiency in historic buildings July 2020 -- Tor Broström - Uppsala University, Sweden It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. The IEA, in collaboration with Scientific Association Hospital & Clinical Risk Managers (HCRM), the Italian Ergonomics and Human Factors Society (SIE), and the Italian Agency for Healthcare Services (Agenas) is promoting a call for the collection of stories related to the health emergency following the … The report is the first publication (since 2017) in its revamped Energy Technology Perspectives (ETP) series, with the full ETP 2020 report slated for release in the autumn. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. On the 9 th July the IEA held a high-level Ministerial meeting to discuss accelerating the transition to clean energy in the context of COVID-19. The blog publishes research related to international large-scale assessments including TIMSS, PIRLS, ICCS, ICILS, TALIS and PISA. While for the IEA they now expect demand in 2020 to shrink by 8.4MMbbls/d, compared to their previous estimate for a decline of 8.1MMbbls/d. Regio... IEAGHG have explored in the past techno-economic information of large demonstration projects and individual projects built in specific locations were explored in detail. The platform, which has now been launched, allows researchers based anywhere in the world, to download datasets from representative CO2 storage sites. The International Energy Agency (IEA) released its Special Report on Clean Energy Innovation on 2 July. Commercial deployment of the technology, however, has been slow and must accelerate if it is to achieve its potential and contribute effectively to mitigating climate change. Tagged Educational Achievement , ICILS , ICILS 2013 , ICILS 2018 , ICT , ICT in Africa , IEA , Michael Jung Leave a comment These events provide very informative updates on the DOE NETL funded CCUS projects. However, a deep analysis of the construction and operation aspects, together with the factors for the project success was needed. Moreover, power generation can impact water resources and increased electrici... Due to COVID-19 precautions, the US Department of Energy (DOE) National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) CCUS Integrated Projects Review meeting was held as a virtual event over 17-19 August, instead of at its usual location in Pittsburgh. Current R&D into the reduction of costs, risks, timescales and challenges in CCS primarily focusses on conventional improveme... On the 9th July the IEA held a high-level Ministerial meeting to discuss accelerating the transition to clean energy in the context of COVID-19. This is a summary by IEAGHG staff. Address: Pure Offices, Cheltenham Office Park, Hatherley Lane, Cheltenham, GLOS, GL51 6SH, UK. I was delighted to attend the kick-off meeting of the C4U project on the 3rd April as one of the members of the advisory board. All Rights Reserved. IEA endorsed conferences & CIEHF Case Studies, Corporate and Individual Sustaining Members, Relationships with other international bodies, World Patient Safety Day 2020: HF/E Case Studies, 7 Tips for Telework Booklet Now Available in Bahasa Malaysian, Thai, Chinese, Japanese, and English, COVID Good Practices Collected and Invited, International Ergonomics Conference – Ergonomics 2020, Zagreb, Croatia, Cancelled – CIHSPA – Segundo Congreso Internacional de Higiene, Salud, y Prevención de Accidentes, The 21st Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association. This study was a horizon scanning exercise that aimed to understand the relevance of digital and enabling technologies for CCS and assess what benefits these technologies could offer to the large-scale deployment of CCS. These reports are summaries of the meetings held in August 2019 by IEAGHG; the Monitoring & Environmental Research Combined Networks Meeting and IEAGHG's first workshop on 'Faults and their Significance for Large-Sale CO2 Storage'.These two meeting were held back to back from the 20th – 23rd August 2019 and hosted by the University of Cal... High Temperature Solid Looping Cycles Network, Environmental Research into CO2 Storage Network, New IEAGHG report: Beyond LCOE: Value of technologies in different generation and grid scenarios, Key Financing Principles for CCUS – launch event by CEM CCUS Initiative, News from US DOE-NETL’s 2020 Carbon Storage Project Review Meeting (Virtual), New IEAGHG Report: Review of Constructability and Operational Challenges faced by CCUS Projects, New IEAGHG Report: Understanding the cost of reducing water usage in coal and gas fired power plants with CCS, US DOE-NETL’s 2020 Integrated Project Review Meeting (Virtual), New IEAGHG report: Global Future Role of Power CCS Technologies, New IEAGHG Report: The Status and Challenges of CO2 Shipping Infrastructures, New IEAGHG report: Update techno-economic benchmarks for fossil fuel-fired power plants with CO2 capture, Value of Emerging and Enabling Technologies in Reducing Costs, Risks & Timescales for CCS, Summary of the IEA Clean Energy Transitions Summit, IEA Special Report on Clean Energy Innovation, The CO2 DataShare Digital Platform has Launched and is Open for International Research, Review of Aquistore Webinar presented on 12th May 2020, New IEAGHG Report: 2020-04 The Clean Refinery and the Role of Electricity Generation, Kick-off meeting of the C4U project (Advanced Carbon Capture for steel industries integrated in CCUS Clusters), New IEAGHG Reports: Monitoring & Environmental Research Combined Networks Meeting and Workshop on 'Faults and their significance for large-scale CO2 storage'.