Though there is plenty of room for the U.S. to improve, the Commonwealth Fund concludes that for the country's health care system to compete with those of other high-income nations, a drastic change in course may be necessary. Visit: Compare Global Medical Plans. The 5-year ... World Health Organization ranking of health systems in 2000; References Health Details: A new global ranking of countries' healthcare systems - which uses incidences of preventable diseases to infer healthcare access and quality - makes for so ... system is the best in the world, but ... › Url: Go Now. The UK, Australia, and the Netherlands rank at the top of the list. The USA is 11th!! The best healthcare systems in Europe are offered by France, Italy, Malta, Spain, and Austria. Related: John McCain says Senate health care bill is "going to fail". Most of the estimates presented in this entry are produced by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation and reported in their flagship Global Burden of Disease study.. For 2017 this study estimates that 792 million people lived with a mental health disorder. › Url: Go Now. Wondering which country has the best health care plan? Most other countries in Europe have excellent health care for their citizens. Service Delivery Indicators is a Africa wide initiative that collects actionable data on service delivery in schools and health facilities to assess quality and performance, track progress, and empower citizens to hold governments accountable for public spending. Depending on where they live, typical workers shelled out between $4,500 and $8,300 for healthcare in 2017. The Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD) has published its 2019 Better Life Index. World Air Quality. 33 out of 36 countries (Figure 62). Health Details: Europe is leading the world's health standings with Mediterranean nations atop the list for 2019 . After adjustment for “age”, the percentage of the population over 65, it ranks second highest for expenditure on health care as a percentage of GDP and tenth highest for health-care expenditure per capita. World and global economy rankings from the Index of Economic Freedom are published by The Heritage Foundation. › Url: Go Now. Though the U.S. did rank fifth in care process, which includes prevention, safe care, coordination and patient engagement, its overall score was easily the worst of the 11 nations. LIVE CAUSE of Death Sex Adds Years To Life WORLD DIABETES REPORT SUPER-FOOD: GREEN TEA World Happiness Map SKIN HEALTH SUPERSTAR, › Url: Go Now. WORLD HEALTH RANKINGS. That's more than any other country in OECD's 36-country consortium, and over $2,000 more than Switzerland, the second-highest spending country. Health Details: The United States ranks No. It provided a framework and measurement approach to examine and compare aspects of health systems around the world. “Among the 11 nations studied in this report – Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, France, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States—the U.S. ranks last, as it did in 2010, 2007, 2006, and 2014”.