The critical appraisal tool is very specific and detailed and provides very clear criteria for assessment (see the Appendix at The characteristics of the included papers in terms of psychometric properties tested and participants are reported in Table 2. Standardization/normative data: The PEDI is standardized on a normative sample of n=412 children of the same age group without any functional disabilities. Bagley et al33 demonstrated moderate to high ceiling effects of 12% to 56% in 2 of the 3 WeeFIM domains across GMFCS levels I to III, indicating that the WeeFIM is unable to detect change in these areas. 2. Date of literature searches: January 2017. Han, T., Gray, N., Vasquez, M. M., Zou, L. P., Shen, K., & Duncan, B. 43. Wolters Kluwer Health Br J Occup Ther. Table 5 provides the data synthesis of all the relevant psychometric property results with the age ranges and samples, for which they were validated in the papers reviewed in this study for the GMFM-88 and -66 and the PEDI. 7���g�=e1�O��3�4��w��K�i��q�f����G�`R��[� *!Ϭ endstream endobj 426 0 obj <>stream Lessons from use of the pediatric evaluation of disability inventory: where do we go from here? 800-638-3030 (within USA), 301-223-2300 (international). No results were found that indicated a particular data set represented the presences of a specific impairment or disability. (OF;e#�FYGw��j'�����xx4"M{{�!eA��S��LU�d��͉���P�=~�yvPg��I����d���r��.�������k���eࠜ�z�}��)Ľ̽�%�c���� K�*1�F�i�X��5{�����cvXg�o���g�U]|�d��c���fI%7�R�m�! Clinimetric evaluation of shoulder disability questionnaires: a, 57. In spite of its wider focus, the PEDI demonstrates excellent responsiveness to change across domains, including motor function. Responsiveness of evaluative measures for children with cerebral palsy: The Gross Motor Function Measure and the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory. Østensjø, S., Bjorbækmo, W., Carlberg, E. B., & Vøllestad, N. K. (2006). The database includes only a some of the more commonly used measures only, although we hope to add more measure overs time. assess aspects of activity/function as defined in the ICF. 47. 24. activities of daily living; cerebral palsy; child; motor activity; outcomes assessment; psychometrics; severity of illness index; systematic review. See first point under Considerations for more information on the use of a non-disabled population as a comparison group. The database and subsequent searches as outlined earlier were performed between June 2008 and June 2010. PEDI-CAT: Development, Standardization and Administration Manual. A range of measures of function/activity is available now, developed specifically for children with CP,7–9 or more generally for children with long-term disabilities.10,11, However, evidence across time and specialist areas within physiotherapy and rehabilitation points to investigation of improving the systematic use of OMs to evaluate the effects of interventions.12–16 A recent study of the effects of hippotherapy on people with CP found that while both users and physiotherapists agreed that improvements in function were the most important effects of hippotherapy, the effects were not routinely or systematically assessed.17–19 This was at least in part, because therapists were unsure about the available OMs' validity, reliability, and clinical utility.19. The PEDI does not adequately assess cognitive skills, focusing on functional skills instead. According to Previous studies referenced by the article the PEDI and GMFM demonstrate a greater responsiveness to change in motor ability over time when utilized with Children under the age of 4 years old. This is supported by Russell et al,37,47 who, as mentioned earlier, suggest that after the age of 5 years, changes in a child's motor abilities are related to developing and refining motor functions in specific environments, rather than the development of basic gross motor skills, as assessed by the GMFM. Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Delay, Other: (Nichols et al., 1996), Excellent correlation between the Fine Motor Scale of the PDMS and each domain of the Functional Skill and Caregiver Assistance Scales of the PEDI. endstream endobj 427 0 obj <>stream (2005). The PEDI-CAT also shows good responsiveness to change (75% percentage change)4. After piloting the appraisal tool, it was used by both authors to examine the psychometric properties of OMs purported to be examined and any risk of bias, including study design and statistical tests used. Of these, only 3 OMs emerge as potentially appropriate for testing function in children with CP, the GMFM-88, GMFM-66, and PEDI. A comparison of goal attainment scaling and the Canadian occupational performance measure for paediatric rehabilitation research. Disability Rehabilitation, 27(20), 1245-1252. Find out how outcome measures can inform your own clinical practice and use the APCP online database of paediatric outcome measures to find and choose appropriate measures for your purpose. Profiles measure multiple concepts through a fixed collection of short forms. Tsai P. Y., Yang T. F., Chan R. C., Huang P. H., & Wong T. T., (2002). Minor to Moderate Traumatic Injury: (Haley et al., 1992; n = 21-23; assessed at 1 and 6 months after discharge from the hospital; PEDI scaled scores of clinical sample), Statistically significant, positive changes for all Functional Skills in Self-care, Mobility, and Social Function were found (p = <0.001, 0.011, 0.004), Statistically significant, positive changes for all Caregiver Assistance in Self-care, Mobility, and Social Function were found (p = <0.001, 0.021, 0.005), Multiple Significant/Severe Disabilities: (Haley et al., 1992; n = 22-23; assessed 8 months apart on 2 occasions; PEDI scaled scores of clinical sample), Statistically significant, positive change only found for Functional Skill and Caregiver Assistance in Mobility was found (p = <0.001, <0.001). 2006;11(1):46–53. Leave feedback. Children were provided physical therapy by the same 2 assistants, 3x week for 30minutes each visit for a period of 6 months; during which each child participated in both a K-GMFM and the PEDI mobility assessment.