Screen Rant: Now, I know that a Hemingway was a part of your influences with this. So, how do you deal with a bad note? You don’t just want to say, “Well, let’s play around. In other words, there’s a lot of investment before you make your money back. Read our Steven Knight interview. I think as budgets have got bigger in the film industry the need for certainty has increased and therefore risk taking has decreased, so you’ve got the Marvel and the DC and all that which do take risks but within a format where you can …. Have you ever heard about this? Drama, Interviews, Paramount Pictures, Romance, War, Allied, Brad-Pitt, Jared Harris, Marion Cotillard, Robert-Zemeckis, Steven Knight, ‘Mank’ Trailer Breakdown: Who is Who in David Fincher’s New Hollywood Drama, Captain Janeway Returns in Animated ‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ Series; Watch a New ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Season 3 Clip [NYCC], ‘Isabella’ Review: The Women Take the Stage in a Surreal Shakespeare Riff [NYFF], ‘Bloodthirsty’ Review: A Savory Tale of Artistic and Primal Hunger and Also Werewolves [Fantastic Fest 2020], ‘How to Deter a Robber’ Review: Mirth and Mischief Join Forces in This Holiday Home Invasion Thriller [Fantastic Fest 2020], ‘Raised by Wolves’ Showrunner Aaron Guzikowski on Crafting an Ambitious Science Fiction World [Interview], Copyright © 2005-2019 /Film. And I'm a great believer in trying where possible to shift genres, to not be in a genre. [Laughs] It’s worse at the beginning because you would get notes and you’d have to do it. Matthew said that you kind of got off when they would challenge you in the collaboration process. Birmingham-born, Peaky Blinders and Taboo creator Steven Knight may look unremarkable, with short brown hair and a kind, enquiring face that makes him the doppelgänger of New Order’s Peter Hook. Locke is mostly set in a car with one character on screen. But this explores why, and it also gives an incredibly compelling reason why she is good. Knight also relies on his dreams, and says the dialogue in them is always “brilliant”. No. Meanwhile Hathaway told her 13.5 million Instagram followers that although the film “asks a lot” of its audience, it is a “modern noir for grown ups who are into things that don’t come standard”. "On set, Matthew had this huge piece of paper where he was tracking every scene. I think it was sort of an exercise in trying to find out if you can get people to look at a screen for 90 minutes and just deal with character and dialogue and nothing else. All names, trademarks and images are copyright their respective owners. You can do interesting things with the characters that are there, and also when you’ve got a big budget obviously you have a lot more freedom. Just pretend this isn’t the real thing. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Can you talk to me about what Matthew and Anne brought to the page that wasn't necessarily on the script? McConaughey was reportedly left “breathing fire” in January after distributor Aviron Pictures slashed a promised promotional budget following negative test screenings. I had a phrase once: quality-proof concept, where the concept is popular enough that it doesn’t matter how good it is. In his spare time, he makes money as a gigolo - his bare backside takes up rather a lot of screentime. But at the same time as wanting to create that conventional story, I'm also interested in the nature of narrative, and how it works, and how it can be dismantled and questioned. Aviron argued it would be “irresponsible” to put more money into a film that was not going to perform to initial expectations. Steven Knight: I wanted to create a movie that, even in the early moments of it, feels movie-ish somehow. Obviously, the money’s good and you can do good stuff in there. In a Greek myth, you can have the characters and objects, and it just goes through these events in the same as a computer game now. The film, which aims to sit in the (Bermuda) triangle between Inception, The Old Man and The Sea and The Sixth Sense, has confounded critics. Find out more, The Telegraph values your comments but kindly requests all posts are on topic, constructive and respectful. I mean, I don’t mind that process of working on a big franchise doing your bit and then it passes onto someone else and then they do their bit and it passes on. It’s fast. Steven Knight: Yeah. These characters could include aliens, heralding the prospect that humans will first encounter aliens that have been created by humans on a computer. As a director, do you have any interest in directing some of those bigger studio films? For US actors, opening weekends matter, especially when the film feels important to them, as it clearly does to McConaughey, who was one of several actors eager to play Baker after reading the the script. Screen Rant: Now, Anne's character, Karen, is also a throwback to this noir style era. And it's like he's a character that has chosen to carry on living for one reason. Steven Knight Interview: Serenity. There doesn’t seem to be any value in having a restriction on what you can and can’t do. I mean, it’s huge. [Laughs] That’s very good. I think it’s because there’s so much money at stake.