The program committee may re-assign submissions to a different subcommittee if neither of the subcommittees selected by the authors possesses adequate expertise in the submission’s topic. Please do not use the former SIGCHI template but use the interim template instead, for more information, see the submission guidelines. Stop by our booth (#606) to chat with our experts, see demos of our latest research, learn about the Future of Work group, and find out about career opportunities with Microsoft. Materials upload deadline: September 19, 2017. However, you will not be able to modify the metadata after this deadline (title, abstract, authors, subcommittee selections, etc.). At this point, contact authors of conditionally accepted Papers will receive instructions on how to prepare and submit a final version by January 8, 2018. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference. Paper authors have been traditionally allowed up 20 minutes total (about a 15 minute talk with 5 minutes of questions) to present their work; however, this will depend on the number of accepted papers, which will be known in December 2017. CHI receives over 3,000 Papers submissions. Read about how we’re making CHI more accessible. Use an engaging presentation format. Papers shorter than 4 pages or longer than 10 pages (excluding references) will also not be considered. 1. Submission: Made to Precision Conference. These videos are meant to capture the presentation of a slide deck that would have been presented at CHI, had the conference been held. Please direct any questions to the Paper Chairs, Panel: The now and the future of Gamification, Playful interactions and new game mechanics, Innovative implementation techniques that affect player experiences, Studies of applied games and player experiences (e.g., games and play for health, wellbeing, and learning), Accessible and inclusive design and play experience, Advances in game user research and game evaluation methods, Psychology of players and typologies of games and players, Gamification, persuasive games, and motivational design, Virtual and augmented reality in games and play, Novel controls, input or display technologies for games and play, Innovations to advance the work of game designers and developers, Game analytics and novel visualizations of player experiences, Developer experiences and studies of developers, All times are 23:59 Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone (UTC -10:00), Submissions must be made to CHI PLAY 2019 using the. These shepherded changes must be made by December 28, 2018, in order to allow appropriate time for shepherds and authors to agree on the final changes before the January 7, 2019 camera-ready deadline. Your submission must be original; it cannot be published or under concurrent review elsewhere. ConferenceCharts.setDocumentUrl(''). Papers should be succinct, but thorough in presenting the work. Your Paper at the Conference. Video figures do not have a specified limit for the duration, although we recommend staying within 5 minutes. This is most applicable to Papers that describe interactive technologies or experiences and allows authors to present a hands-on demonstration of their research in a high-visibility, high-impact forum. References do not count toward the page limit. Archives: Papers are archived in the conference proceedings, available on the ACM Digital Library. Authors may submit and resubmit their materials to Precision Conference before the submission deadline. Authors are required to present their work in a scheduled session with other CHI Papers. Papers will be subject to anonymous peer reviewing and all identifying information about authors needs to be removed from the submitted manuscripts. Accepted Papers may come from any arena of HCI activity: academia or industry; science, engineering, or craft; analysis or design. Your total submission size (paper + supplementary material) must be no more than 120 MB. Reviewers will be instructed to weigh the contribution of a submission relative to its length. CHI PLAY 2019 welcomes submissions that further our understanding of the player experience, as well as contributions on novel designs or implementations of player-computer interactions, including, but not limited to, the following: CHI PLAY 2019 will not make a distinction between notes and papers, but encourages authors to use the number of pages necessary, with an upper limit of 10 pages. Submissions that exceed these limits will be desk rejected. Authors must present accepted Papers at the CHI Conference. Workshop and course proposals; July 5, 2019 . CHI Papers are read and cited worldwide, and have broad impact on the development of HCI theory, method, and practice. In the event that your Paper is not accepted, you will have the opportunity to also withdraw your Demonstrations submission, but you must do so by December 22, 2017. You will have to create a new login/password for this system. This conference series page has details of all past CHI conferences and the current CHI steering committee. Obtaining permissions to use video, audio, or pictures of identifiable people or proprietary content rests with the author, not the ACM or the CHI conference. In instances where your new submission builds directly on a project described in another, as-yet unpublished paper, it is recommended that you submit an anonymized version of that other paper as supplementary material. They represent mature, complete research. At the time of the final submission, authors of accepted papers will be required to submit a 30-word statement summarizing the contributions of their paper. Papers whose lengths are incommensurate with their contributions will be rejected. CHI uses two formats for submissions: “Proceedings” and “Extended Abstracts”. Decision notification: December 11, 2017. CHI has been sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer–Human Interaction (SIGCHI) since 1983. We acknowledge that user studies planned to be conducted right now are compromised.