While both conditions will leave those affected with lifelong challenges, being able to identify the different characteristic features between the two conditions will provide parents, caregivers, physicians and therapists with additional information which will in turn allow them to properly help the affected individuals live long, healthy and satisfying lives [2]. | Lack of muscle coordination while performing movements voluntarily (ataxia), muscle tightness and exaggerated reflexes (spasticity), walking with a single foot, walking on toes or with dragging legs, crouched or scissor gait and muscle tone which is either too tight or too floppy are indications of this condition. Clinical Manifestations of Down Syndrome Series: Introduction, Clinical Manifestations of Down Syndrome Series: Head, Patient-Centered Care Part 1 of 2: Patients Are Their Own Health Care Manager, Patient-Centered Care Part 2 of 2: Being Your Own Health Care Manager, Internet Village of Support for Down Syndrome, The Challenges and Joys of Raising a Child with Down Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy, My Best YES. Parents can face this challenge head-on by getting their child involved in social activities early, helping them to learn social skills and make friends. 1. Common complications of cerebral palsy affected individuals include gastrointestinal illnesses, hearing impairments, asthma, limb deformities, lung diseases, malnutrition and so on while this list is much more reduced in Down syndrome affected individuals whose complications range from intestinal blockage, hip dislocations, thyroid disease and anaemia [4]. Nothing on this site is meant to replace the services or advice from any regulated health care body or provider in your province/state/Country. For example, children with cerebral palsy could experience difficulties with their balance or occasional spastic muscular movements while children with Down syndrome could experience lower muscle tones and delays in physical movements [2]. It can be treated but not cured and the amount of disability it causes varies greatly from one child to the next. This website is not intended to create a nurse-patient relationship and any questions or concerns should be addressed by your licensed physician or health care provider. Another unique aspect of Cerebral Palsy is that it may be difficult to determine the exact contributing cause. So while the movie “Avatar” might not hold that much significance for many, it does for me because it took me back to another tough diagnosis. Cerebral Palsy is particularly challenging in that it can cause a huge range of complications and is less predictable. These products for children with special needs range from soothing games to stimulating sensory toys. Cerebral palsy is lifelong, but not progressive. Down syndrome can easily be diagnosed by analysing the chromosomes and determining if there is an extra copy of chromosome 21 while cerebral palsy requires a range of tests to diagnose the specific kind of disorder. With Kaleb, these fight and work against each other. While most children are usually born with this condition, it may not be properly detected until months or even years after their birth. While cerebral palsy and Down syndrome has some things in common, the children living with these conditions face many different challenges. A genetic disorder that is known to affect the entire body with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities. What is Cerebral Palsy? Cerebral palsy is the most common physical disability of childhood and it is caused by brain damage that usually occurs in the womb, during childbirth, within the first 28 days of a child’s life, or within the first year of a child’s life. Understanding Cerebral Palsy and Down Syndrome. You should instead contact your nearest and available licensed physician or health care provider for all matters pertaining to your health and well-being. , No Comment, December 1, 2017 These chromosomes will determine how a baby’s body will form during pregnancy and how it will function as it grows in the womb after birth [4]. Down syndrome, for instance, may cause certain health problems, like heart conditions, eye conditions, ear infections, and sleep apnea. While neither cerebral palsy nor Down syndrome can be cured, both can be managed with a range of physical, educational, social and psychological activities [2]. What is Cerebral Palsy? Another unique aspect of Cerebral Palsy is that it may be difficult to determine the exact contributing cause. It's caused by damage that occurs to the immature brain as it develops, most often before birth. , Dr. Howard Fields, No Comment. This information now allows us to work with Kaleb on skills while better understanding all of the issues and obstacles he’s facing. Every child is special, but those with one or both of two common disabilities—Down Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy—face unique challenges. They are also known to speak slower than other children [4]. To watch a child succeed and live a happy life in spite of disabilities is a great reward. Yes. Laundry and dishwasher are both running. The treatment usually involves physical, occupational and speech therapy, anti-seizure drugs, muscle relaxants to avoid spasms and pain relief. Additional causes include bacterial infections such as meningitis, viral infections such as encephalitis, negligence during delivery, asphyxiation and / or a lack of oxygen to the brain. Treatment may also include the use of anti-seizure drugs and muscle relaxants to provide some form of pain relief and slow spasms. Signs and symptoms vary among people and over time. What can I say, Kaleb continues to take us on many adventures. Having a child born with disabilities can be very unnerving for parents. Research-based guidelines for early intervention designed to maximize the language and communication development of young children with complex communication needs including those with autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy and multiple disabilities. *Co-written by an anonymous volunteer blogger. A child with Cerebral Palsy will have normal IQ while that of a child with Down Syndrome will be lower. One of the biggest factors known to increase the risk of having a baby with Down syndrome is the age of the mother. Down Right Cute is a medical blog and family-oriented website dedicated to bringing about education, awareness, and advocacy for the worldwide Down Syndrome Community and their supporters. I worried about our future. I had concerns, but was afraid to voice them until one of his physical therapists brought up that she believed Kaleb was dealing with stiffness in his legs, especially his ankles. Down Syndrome occurs in the womb during conception and Cerebral Palsy occurs near birth. Even though I knew it was a pretty good probability, it was tough. This medical negligence adds an extra layer of frustration for parents, who then must decide, if applicable, if it is worthwhile to spend time and money in a legal fight or dispute against the responsible medical professional.