[4], Trotz dänischer Besiedlung hinterließ das Danelag kaum Spuren in Form von Ortsnamen. Burgred (852–874), der letzte unabhängige König Mercias, konnte sich letztlich nicht der wiederholten Angriffe der Wikinger erwehren und wurde 873/874 vertrieben. The Medieval Anglian kingdom of Northumbria existed in what is now known as Northern England and the south-eastern part of Scotland. According to a study by Von Feilitzen in the 1930s, the recording of many place-names in Domesday Book was "ultimately based on the evidence of local juries" and so the spoken form of Anglo-Saxon places and people was partly preserved in this way. Wessex, Königreiche im angelsächsischen Britannien, Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Königreich_East_Anglia&oldid=193975207, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Based around its capital of Tamworth, Mercia went through rapid expansion throughout the 6th and 7th centuries to be one of the ‘big three’ kingdoms of England along with Northumbria and Wessex. [rga 1], In 604, Rædwald became the first East Anglian king to be baptised. [8] Ecgric's successor Anna and Anna's son Jurmin were killed in 654 at the Battle of Bulcamp, near Blythburgh. Mercia | In 903 the exiled Æthelwold ætheling induced the East Anglian Danes to wage a disastrous war on his cousin Edward the Elder. The first Mercian king of whom anything is known was Penda (d. 655), who became dominant throughout southern England. A one-stop shop for all things video games. [ase 1], In 911–919, Edward expanded his control over the rest of England south of the Humber, establishing in Essex and Mercia burhs, often designed to control the use of a river by the Danes. Wessex stood against them and achieved numerous victories against them. Ken Dark writes that "in this area at least, and possibly more widely in eastern Britain, large tracts of land appear to have been deserted in the late fourth century, possibly including whole 'small towns' and villages. During the decades that followed his death in about 624, East Anglia became increasingly dominated by the kingdom of Mercia. Based around its capital of Tamworth, Mercia went through rapid expansion throughout the 6th and 7th centuries to be one of the ‘big three’ kingdoms of England along with Northumbria and Wessex. As such, the Vikings were able to score a foothold, leading to a century of skirmishes, battles, and shifting territory. Advertising Disclosure - To help meet costs, we run advertisements across our site, including affiliate links to 3rd party retailers. However, the region began to grow in power and dominance as Mercia began to fall apart with the arrival of the Danes. [5], East Anglia | Some modern historians have questioned whether the seven ever existed contemporaneously and claim the political situation was far more complicated. Die kirchlichen Strukturen hingegen lösten sich auf: Die Bistümer Elmham und Dunwich blieben vakant und die Klöster wurden aufgegeben. Der letzte angelsächsische König, Edmund, fiel 869/870 im Kampf gegen die Wikinger, wurde in Bury St. Edmunds begraben und später heiliggesprochen. The third of four kingdoms is East Anglia, a smaller region of England taking up space in the extreme eastern portion of the country. The Kingdom of East Anglia was organised in the first or second quarter of the 6th century, with Wehha listed as the first king of the East Angles, followed by Wuffa.[1]. [shoo 1], Anglo-Saxon sources that include information about the East Angles or events relating to the kingdom:[shoo 2]. In 2011, his blogging and writing adventure began at his personal site Gamercrash.com. With the decline of Mercia, Wessex began its rise in the hierarchy. Die Landschaft wurde wahrscheinlich[2] nach ihrer Lage zu den angrenzenden und im 6. Mai 2020 um 23:42 Uhr bearbeitet. Als erste Könige gelten Wehha, der um 571 starb und sein Sohn Wuffa (um 571–578), der Begründer der Dynastie der Wuffinger, deren Stammbaum bis auf Wodan zurückgeführt wurde. Frühe Zentren des Königreichs lagen südlich des mittleren Trent und waren Lichfield, Tamworth und Repton. [eek 7], The last Wuffingas king was Ælfwald, who died in 749. [2] It emerged from the political consolidation of the Angles in the approximate area of the former territory of the Iceni and the Roman civitas, with its centre at Venta Icenorum, close to Caistor St Edmund. Im Jahr 825 besiegte Egbert von Wessex Beornwulf in der Schlacht von Ellandun und Mercia verlor seine Vormachtstellung im Süden Englands an das aufstrebende Wessex. Archäologische Funde belegen, dass die Civitas Venta Icenorum in Norfolk bereits vor 450 n. Chr. [1] The kingdom formed in the 6th century in the wake of the Anglo-Saxon settlement of Britain. [eek 1] While the archaeological and linguistic evidence suggests that a large-scale migration and settlement of the region by continental Germanic speakers occurred, it has been questioned whether all of the migrants self-identified as Angles. One of its most well known rulers is Alfred, who was able to push back the Viking invaders, take back control of London, and ushered in an age of prosperity through educational, law, and military reforms. The final Kingdom in this era is Wessex, who would prove to be the most important of the four kingdoms, hence why one of its leaders is predominantly featured in the reveal for Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Until 749 the kings of East Anglia were Wuffingas, named after the semi-historical Wuffa. [14], In the early 10th century, the East Anglian Danes came under increasing pressure from Edward, King of Wessex. [oea 1] A. H. Smith was the first to recognise the existence of a separate Old East Anglian dialect, in addition to the recognised dialects of Northumbrian, Mercian, West Saxon and Kentish. Mercia [ˈmɜː(ɹ)siə] (altenglisch: mierce, myrce), deutsch Mercien, Merzien oder Südhumbrien (da südlich des Humber, vgl. Im 6. East Anglia was settled by the Anglo-Saxons earlier than many other regions, possibly at the start of the fifth century. [mercia 2] A brief revival of East Anglian independence under Eadwald, after Offa's death in 796, was suppressed by the new Mercian king, Coenwulf. Northumbria), war eines der sieben angelsächsischen Königreiche während der Heptarchie.Der Begriff selbst leitet sich ab von der germanischen Bezeichnung für „Grenzgebiet“ (vgl. This ended in disaster with the death of Æthelwold and of Eohric of East Anglia in a battle in the Fens. Michelle P. Brown, Carol Ann Farr (Hrsg. ): Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 23. Wessex could be described as a late bloomer in the four Kingdoms, largely retaining its independence through the heights of Northumbria and Mercia. Home » Monarchy of Europe » British Monarchy » Kings of East Anglia » Kings of East Anglia 560 – 918, See also: Kings of Kent Danelaw effectively gave the Vikings a major foothold in England. It was conquered by Edward the Elder and incorporated into the Kingdom of England in 918. [4], Mit dem letzten heidnischen König Penda (um 630–655) trat Mercia in das Blickfeld der Chronisten.