They range from the bureaucratic monster to a ban on bent cucumbers: five prejudices about the European Union in a fact check. This is the 13th time Germany has held the Council presidency. The presidency's function is to chair meetings of the Council, determine its agendas, set a … Offsetting carbon emissions ID: ZRI-BSC-471559, The 5 biggest misunderstandings about the EU. Germany is taking up the Presidency of the Council of the European Union with a clear mandate: “Together for Europe’s recovery”. Portugal will take the reins from the Federal Government on 1 January 2021. The German presidency of the Council and Chancellor Angela Merkel can bring experience and expertise on European issues, a positive sign for the controversial and hard discussions." Other important goals of the German Presidency are advances in digitalisation, climate protection, social cohesion and common security policy. The last time was in 2007. This is the 13th time Germany has held the Council presidency. That should realise the best results for the EU and its citizens. What is the most important goal of a Council Presidency? Germany is assuming the EU Council Presidency for the 13th time. The task encapsulated by this motto - emerging from this crisis stronger than before - will define Germany's Council Presidency. Direct access to language menu (press "Enter"), Direct access to search menu (press "Enter"), “Together for Europe’s recovery”: Germany takes over Council presidency, Logo of the German presidency of the Council, Overcoming Covid-19 pandemic; economic and social recovery, Briefing: priority dossiers under the German EU Council presidency, Chancellor Angela Merkel presented and discussed her country's programme. German ministers will discuss the presidency programme with parliamentary committees at the beginning of July and in September. The Council of the European Union, also known as the Council of Ministers, negotiates the legislation and coordinates the policy of the 27 member states jointly with the European Parliament. Germany assumes the Presidency of the Council of the European Union from Croatia on 1 July 2020 and will hold the Presidency until the end of 2020. You would like to receive regular information about Germany? While the corona pandemic continues, Germany took over the six-month presidency of the Council of the EU on 1 July. and its health, economic and social consequences. The dominant topic of the German EU Council Presidency is overcoming the corona crisis and its health, economic and social consequences. The aim is to reach a swift agreement on the recovery fund and the EU's budget 2021-2027. Discover everything you need to know here: The Council of the European Union, also known as the Council of Ministers, negotiates the legislation and coordinates the policy of the 27 member states jointly with the European Parliament. “It is already the debt presidency," he said. The Council of the European Union, also known as the Council of Ministers, negotiates the legislation and coordinates the policy of the 27 member states jointly with the European Parliament. How many times has Germany held the Presidency? Be careful not to confuse the Council of the European Union with the European Council. Portugal will take the reins from the Federal Government on 1 January 2021. European integration forms the foundation for peace, security and prosperity for Germany and the other EU member states. With a focus on Africa and relations with China, it also wants Europe to take more global responsibility and strengthen its role in the world. with the European Council. Germany intends to make progress on climate protection, through the European Green Deal, and economic and social digitalisation. Berlin can also provide an “important impulse” for the success of the negotiations on the EU-UK agreement, he said. Another priority will be future EU-UK-relations. Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel has announced that the Federal Government will make Africa a key area of foreign policy. Germany should “reduce the EU to its core tasks and the budget to the minimum necessary, prevent EU taxing competence and instead include, as a sign of genuine solidarity, the per capita wealth of member states in the calculation of financial redistribution". The presidency programme focuses on six main areas: overcoming the consequences of the coronavirus crisis for the long-term as well as economic and social recovery Germany will work closely with Portugal and Slovenia, which take over the presidency on 1 January and 1 July 2021 respectively. The Council Presidency represents the Council of the European Union vis-à-vis other EU institutions and also, in some cases, on an international level. This means that, from July to December 2020, Germany will chair the meetings of the EU Council and will be responsible for progressing EU legislation. The official website of Germany's Presidency of the Council of the European Union (July through December 2020) The European Council defines the general policy goals and priorities of the EU. What duties are associated with the Presidency of the Council of the EU? The European Council defines the general policy goals and priorities of the EU. It was originally planned to hold meetings of ministers during the German Presidency in different cities in Germany. “Only with strong families can a strong and social Europe emerge that can hold its own in the globalised world in the future.”, The presidency could “lay the foundations for a solidarity-based EU,” said Martin Schirdewan (GUE/NGL). 23 June 2020: Joint Statement for the Trio Presidency signed. We asked German MEPs what they expect from the German presidency. Germany assumes the Presidency of the Council of the European Union from Croatia on 1 July 2020 and will hold the Presidency until the end of 2020. Items on the agenda included strengthening the ECDC, securing medicinal product supply in the EU and setting up a European Health Data Space. Instead importance is attached to achieving solidarity and a united stance among the member states in the Council of the EU. Germany assumes the Presidency of the Council of the European Union from Croatia on 1 July 2020 and will hold the Presidency until the end of 2020. The coronavirus represents a significant challenge for the EU and immediate management of the pandemic and recovery are at the heart of the German programme for the presidency. In line with the European Green Deal, the recovery fund should promote sustainable investments in renewable energy and digitalisation. “Everyone should contribute their fair share to the social and economic recovery and revival of society. Other important goals of the German Presidency are advances in digitalisation, climate protection, social cohesion and common security policy. In six months this can add up to over 1,500 meetings. Germany will work closely with Portugal and Slovenia, which take over the presidency on 1 January and 1 July 2021 respectively. ? The dominant topic of the German EU Council Presidency is overcoming the. What priorities will Germany set? Intermediary role: Germany assumes the Presidency of the Council of the European. The last time was in 2007. During the German Council Presidency, for example, that is Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas for Foreign Affairs. The fact that regions in need should also receive grants rather than just loans for reconstruction is a major step towards a strong Europe.”. What are the responsibilities of an EU Council Presidency? Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, however, meetings will initially be postponed or held as videoconferences. The priorities of Germany's presidency are driven by its motto: "Together for Europe’s recovery". This means the introduction of a digital tax, a comprehensive financial transaction tax and a one-off wealth tax for the super-rich.”. Be careful not to confuse the. Germany assumes the EU Council Presidency for six months on 1 July 2020. Background information: On 1 July 2020, Germany will assume the presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU). Chancellor Angela Merkel presented and discussed her country's programme in the Parliament on 8 July. Germany's presidency of the Council of the EU: 1 July - 31 December 2020. An enormous support programme is to be agreed for that purpose. Here you can find out what that involves. On 16 July 2020, the health ministers of the European Union (EU) joined the Informal Meeting of Health Ministers within the framework of Germany’s EU Council Presidency via video stream. Jens Geier (S&D) sees potential for change in the Covid-19 crisis: “The federal government’s strong proposal for a recovery fund is an opportunity to make Europe fairer, more social and sustainable. Discover everything you need to know here: What is the Council of the European Union? German ministers will discuss the presidency programme with parliamentary committees at the beginning of July and in September. It organises and chairs all Council meetings. Subscribe here: Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about the European Union. Depending on the respective policy area, the Council meets in one of ten different “configurations” – the policy areas include Foreign Affairs, Environment and Economic and Financial Affairs. We asked German MEPs for their expectations. The Federal Government last chaired the Council during the first half of 2007. For Sven Giegold (Greens/EFA), climate protection remains a priority: “The climate crisis is not taking a corona break. “Europe now needs the courage to rebuild,” said Nicola Beer (Renew Europe): “Germany will be measured, among other things, by whether it can quickly kick-start the economic recovery, relying on innovation and small and medium-sized enterprises.“ On Brexit, she said there was a need ”not to slide into a no-deal scenario". What priorities will Germany set? Daniel Caspary (EPP): “The EU multi-annual budget for 2021-2027 and the recovery fund will determine whether the EU emerges stronger from the corona crisis. The minister for the respective policy area chairs the relevant meetings and Council configurations. German interests should not come second, said Jörg Meuthen (ID). The German presidency of the Council must therefore become a climate presidency in corona times. An enormous support programme is to be agreed for that purpose. The EU should also “finally live up to its geopolitical aspirations, externally with a strong common voice for peace, disarmament, human rights and trade, internally by releasing the blockage in asylum and migration policies". Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel has announced that the Federal Government will make Africa a key area of foreign policy. A Council Presidency is not about national interests. During the German presidency, we need to conclude the negotiations for an EU climate law with improved greenhouse gas reduction targets.”, Helmut Geuking (ECR) hopes that the German presidency of the Council will "finally fulfil the Child Guarantee and launch a European child benefit”.