Some relationships should end. Research has long revealed that people with close connections are healthier, recover from certain illnesses more quickly, and live longer. Friends | Psychology Today United Kingdom Skip to main content Distal friends are people you may or may not meet but are people with whom you want to maintain a long term and meaningful relationship and in most cases you have some knowledge of what goes on in their social or personal lives. This sort of friendship fulfils our basic social interaction and communication needs. It develops from shared interests and The third stage and type of friendship is of close proximal variety and this is the friendship between family members, close school friends, close workmates and friendship between spouses and lovers. Reflections in Psychology - Part II - by Saberi Roy (2013). Get the help you need from a counsellor near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today. Adult friendships don’t happen automatically—they require intention, time, and effort. Article Source:, Artwork Series - Anatomy of Self-Reflection, Article - The Empotation Technique by Isa Yorreb, Philosophical Writings or Wrids Compilation - Part I, Political Theory - Political Philosophy of Liberal Egalitarianism. Now this liking could have several gradations and in some cases you would simply like to remain as contact as in social networking. I am witnessing adults publicly pronounce the end of friendships if they vote differently in political elections. When handled correctly, conflict can strengthen relationships. Although there are theories on friendship and group formation in children, more studies into adult relationship formation and friendship would be necessary in psychology. File:Germany Tübingen Statues.jpg. The Psychology of Friendship By Saberi Roy First Submitted Online on November 04, 2010. Do You Fall in Love Fast, Easily, and Often. This sort of friendship is with people you regularly communicate with and you are also most likely interested in their activities. The Shocking Political Perspectives of Friends and Family. The primary need for such individuals is power or recognition. This is the second level of friendship and second type of friendship and although there is expectation from this sort of relation, there may not be any clear idea as to what expectations there are. When expressing your concern, show that you want to find a solution rather than alienate the other person. The official debates begin, but debating with family and friends has occupied much of the last five years in ways we've never seen in prior presidential elections. This sort of friendship is the 'random friendship' variety.Most of your social network friends who you do not know would be such random friends and strangers who you meet once and share a random conversation in a flight or a train or a bus would also be such random friends.