It monitors the water level and prevents the damage and high water bill that comes from a pesky leak. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Give us a call today or fill out our online form to schedule an appointment with our team. |, 7611 N 74th Avenue We’ll make sure that your plumbing system is well-protected. All rights reserved. Having an automatic shut-off valve in place will give you important peace of mind about your home whenever you leave it empty, whether for the day or for when you go on extended vacation. License# ROC 276768. The Anode Rod and How It Helps Your Water Heater, How Long You Can Expect Your Garbage Disposal to Last, The 5 Things That Are Blocking Your Drains. Automatic water shut-off valves employ sensors that detect one of two things: the pattern of water flow or the level of moisture at the base of a room or a structure. , from Barron Plumbing & Heating will tell you that leaks can spring up where you least expect them. For water shut-off valve installation or any other plumbing services in Atlantic City, NJ, that you need, contact us today. Fortunately, there’s a handy appliance known as an automatic water shut-off valve. Home / How Automatic Water Shut Off Valves Work. They work equally well, however the inline unit is easier to install and replace. It’s important to orient the valve in the right direction with the arrow (cast into the side of the valve) aligned with flow direction. For water shut-off valve installation or any other plumbing services in Atlantic City, NJ, that you need. However, many homeowners do not pay much attention to how they can prevent water leak damages and they often disregard the importance of a shut-off valve. Similarly, if the sensor catches a strange level of moisture at the lowest point of the area it oversees, the water flow is shut off to keep the problem from worsening, saving you the cost of major plumbing repair in Atlantic City, NJ. Monday – Friday 8:30 AM – 5 PM. There are a number of problems with relying on this valve, however. That way, water flows against the bottom of the rubber gasket. This plumbing mechanism has received several awards for … Shut off valves are one of the security features that you should invest in if you care about the safety of your valuables and household goods. Earn 45 Reward Points The location of the valve is not standardized, so you really don’t want to have to spend time looking for it when a floor of your home is flooding. The hard steel allows this valve to be partially open without wearing out.