Sometimes a TV has a little more on it than dust and fingerprints, especially if you have children. Do not press on the screen too hard while wiping the area. Rub the TV screen gently in a circular motion. Clean the screen surface weekly using one of these items to remove dust and tiny particles. Best 3-way Smart Switch | Smart Control from Anywhere, How to Read a Gram Scale in the Easiest Way, Best Dehumidifier for Basement | Cause Comfort Matters, See the Unseen with the Best Side Imaging Fish Finder, Do I Need an AV Receiver? Fill a bowl with warm distilled water, add a drop or two of mild dish soap, and mix the water with your fingers. Gadget Infinity | All Rights Reserved. on Dear Santa: My PS4 Won’t Read Game Discs. Even the incredibly fierce dragons from an episode of Game of Thrones lose their luster when your large TV display needs cleaning. SoundDr, a Wireless Smartphone Speaker Booster. Dear Santa: My PS4 Won’t Read Game Discs. Clean LCD Screen: Here’s How to Tackle TV Cleaning Without Streaks or Damage 1.) If it’s a clean LCD screen without any streaks you’re looking for, then look no further than ScreenDr. Cleaning Procedure Step 1: Turn Your Television off. Not to worry, these scratches are easy to remove using a scratch repair kit or by applying petroleum jelly. The first thing you need to do in order to get a shiny TV screen without streaks is to turn Off the TVand then remove the dust particlefrom the screen. DON’T CLEAN THE TV SCREEN WHILE IT IS ON. Spraying your LCD screen directly with cleaning solution is not a good plan. Dusting ensures that there aren’t any bits of dirt that potentially leave scratches during wet cleaning. Screen Cleaning Kit, The Nest – Tangle-Free Earphone / Earbud Case, Durable and Compact, MORE INFO ON SCREENDR PROFESSIONAL: LARGE DISPLAY CLEANER, The Nest Earbud Case is the Ultimate Stocking Stuffer, Expensive New Pair of Earbuds? These are going to mess up the protective layer on your fancy TV screen. What you once thought was fine for big screen cleaning may no longer be the case. Beats, Bose, and Sennheiser All Need Earbud Protection, on This Holiday Season, Don’t Make the Same Mistake as Other Smartphone Owners. Entertainment just a few decades ago used to be tag, yo-yos, and a game of baseball out in the street with twigs and rocks. Giving your TV an occasional light dusting is a great way to remove dust, but what about those greasy smudges left behind by dirty hands? 2.) These ingredients will leave your mirrors and any glass surface shiny and streak-free. Before repairing scratches on your TV, check the owner manual for warranty information on your television. To clean glass without streaks and to eliminate ugly fingerprint smudges on your television, fill a bottle sprayer with distilled water. After cleaning LCD or plasma screens, it’s easy to notice minor scratches on the clean surface. Do it before turning your TV on, or make sure to have your TV off for around 15 minutes and completely cooled down before you go to clean it in any way. This is also the easiest way to clean eyeglasses and other glass surfaces without streaking. Having to order a separate microfiber cloth and provide distilled water is a lot to ask of a person who’d rather be zoned out learning about the chemicals on Breaking Bad instead. Do not spray it directly on the TV screen. Rub the TV screen gently in a circular motion. Go. Do not spray water directly onto the screen and do not apply too much pressure while cleaning. [1] X Trustworthy Source Consumer Reports Nonprofit organization dedicated to consumer advocacy and product testing Go … Avoid using harmful chemicals and skip the expensive cleaning kit. Static, heavy dust, and ugly streaks on your screen require for a professional grade solution. Make sure the television is turned off while cleaning, and always use a soft, electrostatic cloth or duster. Windex was OK on the good old tube TVs, but has to stay away from the delicate screens of LCD, LED and Plasma TVs. Unfortunately, cleaning plasma, LCD, LED, and OLED screens with glass cleaner causes damage to the TV surface and antiglare coatings. The ultimate kicker is that ScreenDr comes equipped with anti-static ingredients that will keep your TV dust-free for much longer. 360-734-9090 While it’s tempting to grab a bottle of window cleaner for quick cleaning of the TV screen, doing this causes damage to the surface. Turn off the TV so that the cleaning process does not interfere with the pixels. Rub the dampened cloth with a gentle motion on the TV screen, paying particular attention to the extra dirty areas. Learn how to clean flat screen TV without streaks to remove everyday dirt and grime. If Your Xbox One Won’t Read Game Discs, Try This. Digital Innovations discussion of the latest trends and information in the digital world. Turn the TV off and spray a soft cleaning cloth lightly with the water. Everyone is always in search of a quick and dirty, temporary fix to a recurring electronics problem. YOU’RE DAMAGING YOUR TV SCREEN IF YOU USE HARSH CHEMICALS. SoundDr, a Wireless Smartphone Speaker Booster. How do we stay entertained for five hours a day? Don’t use paper towels, as they can contain fibers that can do damage to the screen, according to Consumer Reports. No more streaks. Smudged fingerprints on the screen of your flat screen TV are annoying. Am I Doomed? 2.) Avoid using a glass cleaning spray on a plasma TV or HDTV to prevent damaging the screen. 5 Last Minute Fixes to Try Before Sledgehammering Your Xbox, Fill the spray bottle with distilled water. It’s easy to clean older tube-style TVs with a cleaner such as Windex since these older screens are made of glass. If there are smeared stains of fingerprints on your TV screen, adding vinegar to the water loosens greasy residue safely from the screen without leaving streaks. You’ll be able to see the dust and smudges much better on a dark screen. Once done with the cleaning, DRY the cleaned area with the drier portion of your cloth. Resolve simple cleaning issues by using no … Pour equal parts water and vinegar or isopropyl alcohol into a spray bottle and shake well. Santa’s Pick? Step 2: Take Your Feather Duster and Begin Dusting. Your email address will not be published. Cleaning a TV screen with plain water works well to remove everyday dirt and is one of the safest solutions. After all, what’s the point of high def if it’s covered in dust from your dirty house? There should not be any streaks if you did everything right. ScreenDr makes it very easy to keep your expensive TV screen looking its very best.