The best, most professional and ethical hypnotherapists work in a way that the makes a client feel empowered rather than working in an authoritarian way where problems may result. Another myth about hypnosis is that people lose consciousness and have amnesia. Hypnos is the husband of Pasithea, youngest of the Graces, daughters of Zeus and Eurynome. He has three sleepy sons, most famous of which is probably Morpheus. If someone is offering me something which is useful, then I will work toward achieving it. My guess would be that all medical practitioners would agree on the health benefits of deep relaxation. Of course, hypnosis is a subjective experience and everyone will experience it differently but the worst that could possibly happen is that you drift into natural sleep and wake up soon afterwards. The thought that hypnotists have “special powers” originates from a Hollywood movie belief. Hypnos was depicted as a young man with wings on his shoulders or brow. Hypnos is the brother of Aether, Hemera, Thanatos, the Fates, the Keres, the Oneiroi, the Hesperides and many others. © 2020 New Way Productions Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Let us look at some other examples of hypnotic phenomena that you might have heard about: I personally do not consider Past Life Regression, where people go back using hypnosis and claim to visit experiences they had in a previous life, to be a real hypnotic phenomenon. Pronunciation: Coming soon Hypnos is the husband of Pasithea, youngest of the Graces, daughters of Zeus and Eurynome. The majority of people remember everything that occurs in hypnosis. Wrong! Of course, everyone’s experience of hypnosis is different and there is no such thing as a hypnotized feeling. Hypnosis has been prominent in the public eye, on and off, for a couple of centuries or so now, and during that time it has attracted far more than its fair share of myths and fantasies, which have been exacerbated by the media, both in fiction and news reporting. Wrong! He could also be the god of comas and dangerous addictions, for he works with his deadly brother Thanatos, the God of Death, for Hades Underworld Operations Inc. . In Greek mythology, Hypnos (/ˈhɪpnɒs/; Greek: Ὕπνος, "sleep" was the personification of sleep and the twin brother of Thanatos. Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present, In charge of: Sleep With an emphasis on quality, we strive to create, develop and produce the best self hypnosis audio programs we possibly can. It is a tool that we hope you embrace for your own personal growth and personal empowerment. You are feeling sleepy... Sleeeeepy. Hypnos is a son of Nyx, primordial goddess of the night and Erebus, personification of darkness. Wrong! In Greek mythology, Hypnos (/ˈhɪpnɒs/; Greek: Ὕπνος, "sleep") is the personification of sleep; the Roman equivalent is known as Somnus. Editors: Peter J. Allen, Chas Saunders. Our professionally produced, life-enhancing recordings are authored by our team of vocally talented hypnotherapists – and supported by our hugely experienced script writers, who have a combined 75+ years of experience in the field of hypnotherapy. I will do my best to explain the truth behind each one. The truth is that hypnotists do not have any special powers, not even the stage hypnotists you may have seen. It is not a problem, other than being a bit inconvenient. Some clairvoyants claim to become more clairvoyant via hypnosis, but there is nothing to suggest that this is actually the case. Some hypnotherapists use certain methodologies (such as hypnoanalysis) that may help a person recall things from their past, if that is going to be useful for them. His godly symbol is a branch of a poplar tree dipped into the River Lethe, the river of forgetfulness located in the Underworld. Try entering just the first three or four letters. Article last revised on September 06, 2018 by Rowan Allen. If a suggestion was made to anybody in the state of hypnosis, which truly offended his or her ideals or sensibilities, then that person would simply break the hypnotic state and walk away from the entire situation. Demonic possession, losing one’s mind, the entire loss of personality, the inability to think for oneself, being permanently in the control of a madman… all these things have something in common and that is that they are all just sensationalist rubbish, every one of them. No one ever gets “stuck” in hypnosis. We are most certainly not in league with the devil. You may look like you’re sleeping, but you’re awake during hypnosis. Today we take a look at one of the primordial deities that is scarcely mentioned, Hypnos the spirit and personification of sleep. Potentially also the God of Hyppies. Please mention when praying to the Gods. For all media enquiries please contact us here. Hypnos for kids Discover the myths surrounding Hypnos, the Primordial Greek god of sleep. Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state, so if you want to feel in balance within yourself and the world around you, it is the best state to be in. For official Godchecker merch please visit our God Shop where a wide range of items are available to buy. Of course, really, it is just so much bunk again. You’re just in a deeply relaxed state. There isn’t one. We are often asked about mythology merchandise. Hypnos (Ὕπνος), also known as Hypnus is the god of sleep, a son of Erebos and Nyx, and twin of Thanatos. I have heard some religious people talk of hypnosis as the “devils work.” Not only does this demonstrate total ignorance of the subject, but there is some irony in this, because the action of prayer could easily be described as a hypnotic state. To me, remote viewing has about as much credibility as the claims that hypnosis can allow you to go out of body and travel on the Astral plane – whatever that might or might not be. Others claim that telepathic abilities are enhanced or enabled, but it just does not stand up to testing. Of course, the real skill is in the way we can use the hypnotic state to help people. Hypnos was the ancient Greek god or personified spirit (daimon) of sleep. The ancient Greeks said that Hypnos, the god of sleep, visited people during the dark of night to ease them into a state of rest. Another myth about hypnotherapy is that it’s a mystical practice — or, at the other end of the spectrum, that it’s valid for use only as a treatment for weight loss or smoking cessation. Some writers claimed that Hypnos lived in the underworld, but others said that he dwelled in a cave on the Greek island of Lemnos.