You can never imagine how just a one-liner can change the look of your profile. Describing you in one sentence? It is cheap medicine. But there’s something more. Instagram bio ideas from top brands: 1. 119. – CYRIL CONNOLLY, EDUCATION COSTS MONEY. Okay, well, maybe not forever. This can help with long-term brand recognition and will make sure that everyone who lands on your Instagram page is quickly introduced to your logo and banding! I love you with the breath, the smiles and the tears of all my life. My hobbies are breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This makes differentiating yourself, a pre-requisite for success on Instagram. You will either go mad or start Loving me. 66. You keep me safe. Doing this is the easiest way to have an Instagram bio space. Also me: I’d like to buy 15 pounds of makeup, please. An imperfect mess with a smile that is priceless and a body that is heartless. Be a fruit loop in a bowl of cheerios. Right here in paradise. Your email address will not be published. Have you experienced tender, swollen bumps, either on or under your skin, that may produce foul-smelling liquid and scarring? Submit your writing to be published on Thought Catalog. My only real long term goal is to never end up on Ellen. I always learn from mistake of others who take my advice. Salaam. A good Instagram bio explains what your business is and what you do in just a couple of sentences. The air is full of flying kisses sent by me for the girl who is reading this right now. It’s your birthday and no one can stop you from enjoying it to the fullest. It’s amazing how more likable you’ll be. Unless you’re committed to just linking to your home page (hint: we don’t recommend this as a good user experience for your followers!) It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment. The app company A Color Story includes their email address in their Instagram bio for easy communication. THE PROBLEM IS HOW TO REMAIN AN ARTIST ONCE HE GROWS UP. FAILURE IS ANOTHER STEPPING STONE TO GREATNESS. I swear it. If you can’t convince them, confuse them. I can’t remember who I stole my bio from or why. I’m mysterious and magical at the same time. Never argue with an idiot they’ll drag you down to their level and beat you through experience. – GEORGE ADDAIR, BE YOURSELF; EVERYONE ELSE IS ALREADY TAKEN. Sand in my toes and saltwater in my curls. 31. Taking naps is so childish, I prefer to call them horizontal life pauses. I’m more beautiful than what you see and more savage than what you think. I don’t come across clearly to a lot of people, so I am bad for them. I will win, not immediately but definitely. I can forget my very existence in a deep kiss with you. You can have me for $7 billion . I’m actually not funny. So, stop checking my bio! If I was a writer, I’d have a better Instagram bio quote, You can’t become the best without first being the worst, It won’t always be easy, but always try to do what’s right, She turned her can’ts into cans and her dreams into plans, Life is what happens to you while you scroll through Instagram, A day in the life of me: Eat avocado toast, post. Join 1 million+ others and subscribe to our weekly newsletter for the best Instagram tips & tricks! No, really, I am. 33. I am a queen, and I demand to be treated like a queen. – LES BROWN, DON’T LOOK FOR SOCIETY TO GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO BE YOURSELF. 150 Instagram Bio Ideas That Will Help You Up Your Social Media Game By January Nelson Updated November 8, 2018. Alive since (Insert here your birth date.). And with so many more tools and hacks available, it’s the perfect time to revisit your current Instagram bio and ensure you’re making an amazing first impression with every new visitor. Instagram bios require a lot of creativity, thought process and testing. While picking an Instagram profile picture might seem like a super-simple task, you want to make sure you’re absolutely nailing the shot so you always leave a great first impression! Most people only take a few seconds to scan bio and photos before deciding whether or not they should follow you. Depressed, stressed, but still well dressed. I’m the rainbow that drives your clouds away. You look like my next mistake. This creates a hassle for anyone who wants to send their followers to their website, a landing page, blog, webinar, podcast or anywhere else. If Girls are Oscar, then I am Leonardo DiCaprio. Your pictures are not the first things that a random person comes and sees your profile. I shouldn’t be allowed to go on Snapchat, Facebook or Instagram when I’m drunk! So it’s really important to make sure that the name you use in your Instagram bio is the one people are searching for. Get More Action with a Killer Instagram Bio. The good news is that you can test and refine your bio from time-to-time to see what works best and what doesn’t. —ELEANOR ROOSEVELT, ALWAYS REMEMBER YOU ARE BRAVER THAN YOU BELIEVE, STRONGER THAN YOU SEEM, AND SMARTER THAN YOU THINK. Pretty girls turn heads. While heaven must surely mourn the loss of one of its own, we mere mortals celebrate your grace. Even though everybody knows that the link is clickable, you’ll be surprised how giving your followers directions can lead to higher click-through rates and engagement! I think it’s weird if a girl doesn’t have an Instagram now days. I still miss my ex – but guess what? But getting followers is not that hard. Not many brands have a legendary slogan that perfectly encapsulates their purpose, heritage, and character. Netflix, Oreos and sweatpants. If you’re a business on Instagram, you might want to consider using your logo (or a shortened version of your logo) as your profile picture. Need help writing your Instagram bio? I am on a journey of life. Exercise,, ex…ar..cise, eggs are sides, for BACON!