Turkey's ambassador to Iraq, Fatih Yildiz, said that Turkey had cooperated and communicated with Iraq in the past and had consulted Baghdad before going ahead with the construction of the dam. The question here is that in reserving a fraction of that wasted “60 per cent”, did anyone prosecute and put handcuffs on the Iraqi officials and political elites’ hands? I doubt that. By Tzach Yoked, The River Tigris and the Dangers Ahead: By Dr. Hassan Janabi *, The Lines That Bind: 100 Years of Sykes-Picot. To discuss this, I will focus on water crisis in Iraq. Disrupting water supply has become the norm, only supplied for a few hours per day. The move will impact the river's surrounding areas such as the city of Sulamaniyah in northern Iraq. Mostly during summer and early autumn, people sometimes buy water in the market. Indicators of a good governance are many. SUBSCRIBE FREE to "The Water Diplomat" (monthly), or try the OOSKAnews International Water Weekly (paid subscription). Water level in Iraq's rivers has gone down by at least 40 per cent. (* ) Assistant Professor, Lecturer at the University of Sulaimaniyah, and Market Research Manager at Faruk Investment Group, Iraq warns over threat to public sector pay from oil price collapse, Iraq’s President Picks Intelligence Chief to Lead New Government. The good news is that Iraqis can use more water, drinking or otherwise, than two decades ago. OOSKAnews, Inc. is a specialist publisher of hard to find international water sector and water-related news and intelligence. When it doesn’t rain, the families scarcely get ‘the luxury’ of being provided with appropriate water, particularly during the blazingly hot Summer (late June to late September). This is one of the reasons why many families have illegally installed water pumps for pumping the water up to fill their reservoirs. Meanwhile in neighbouring Kurdistan, the regional government announced in a statement that Iran has "cut the water flow of a cross-border river of Little Zab" which is one of the five major tributaries of the Tigris river. Due to this, it leaks before it reaches households. Turkey's construction of a dam on the Tigris river triggered on Sunday an emergency session in Iraq's parliament amid increasing fears of major water shortages. "If our [electoral] victory is the beginning of revenge for the citizens of Iraq, then I will not allow that to happen," Mr Al Sadr said in a statement, adding that his party will "work to restore the rights" of the public. Ironically, a rainy day is as problematic as a dry day. 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The level of water flowing into Iraq from Turkey has gone down by 50 per cent, the head of Mosul dam Riyadh Izz Al Din told reporters on Saturday. For example, the GAP project by Turkey’s Government, which can perhaps extend the political power of Turkish elites over the region, is threatening the Kurds and the Arabs in Iraq. In addition to water shortages, food production in Iraq has been affected by ISIL's 2014 takeover of Salahuddin, Nineveh, Kirkuk, and Anbar - areas that comprise the country's cereal belt. Taken these all into consideration, though people are hopeful that summer’s heat may beat COVID-19, this summer and its subsequent months can be different. The Coronavirus outbreak is a sudden shock to the world that made and deepened economic crisis. The good news is that Iraqis can use more water… Mr Al Janabi urged residents to take precautions and store water supplies. To overcome water crisis, there has been less cooperation between the government (e.g., through prices) and its people (e.g., reducing waste) as well as among the local and the neighboring governments. When it rains cats and dogs, hundreds of houses sink into water. Moreover, similar to a large part of the country, almost 50 per cent of the water-supply system is old and in a poor condition in Erbil, as explored in the same master’s dissertation mentioned above. Meanwhile Iraq's Parliamentary speaker, Salim Al Jubouri, called for an emergency session to discuss the problem. Drinking water supply crisis, including a sudden rise in the price of water, the crisis may spread everywhere in the country. The conflict-riven country has seen its water infrastructure degrade over decades both from neglect and war damage, said Tobias von Lossow, a water security expert at the Clingendael Institute, a Dutch international relations think-tank. We have transformed OOSKAnews' data into a water-risk and water-opportunity decision support tool for multiple water constituencies, by incorporating sophisticated topic-driven analysis and geographic lenses. Capacity expansion of government abilities are also related to domestic officials and political elites’ willingness and skills. As lower oil prices and a coronavirus-driven downturn batter Iraq’s economy, availability of safe water is eroding and could fuel greater tensions, security experts warned. Shortening the crisis time, slowing its severity, and reducing its frequency should be the highlight of the list. While physicians continuously are telling us to wash our hands, faces, clothes, etc, frequently, who shall be blamed for not providing adequate amount of potable water: the nature or the governments who have not taken water crisis seriously? In simple terms, economic shock refers to any imbalances between aggregate supply and aggregate demand, in which either demand, supply, or both contribute to. Andrew J. Tabler, Editor, Using Iraq and Lebanon uprisings to attack Iran will lead to disaster. "The question is whether the Iraqi government could be capable of managing a water crisis which, in the first place, is an outcome of the failure of Iraqi politicians to properly tackle the water problem," she said. Historical Oil Shocks. Consequently, inequality in this respect is increasing. Views are exchanged in lively debates on present economic issues such as monetary policy, inflation, fiscal policy, oil policy, oil service contracts with the International Oil Companies, trade policy and the introduction of tariffs. However, an efficient government does not only increase its capacity to challenge the expected and unexpected events, it should rather be able to act fast. If the outbreak continues, people may need to use more potable water. In the 1950s Turkey proposed the building of the Ilisu Dam - a hydroelectric project - sparking an international outcry as many feared its construction would result in a dramatic reduction of the water level, prompting thousands of residents to resettle. By James D. Hamilton, The rival Iraqi Jewish clans who changed the face of Shanghai. BAGHDAD . The Tigris and Euphrates rivers provide 98 per cent of Iraq's water and are pivotal to the country's identity and culture. 14 Jul 2020 - 10:19 by Local Press Report, Basra Health Crisis, Unrest Was Attributable To Lack Of Safe Water, Iraq: Basra Crisis Worsens As Iran Consulate Attacked, Power Outages Hit, Basra Province May Seek Autonomy If Baghdad Fails to Provide Better Services, Military Operation in Mosul Could Create World’s Biggest Humanitarian Crisis: UN, Iraq to Build $358 Million Worth of Wastewater Projects in Babil. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Expectations influence the level and speed of spreading crisis. Hezha Abdulwahed, the director of Dohuk’s water department, said water levels had dropped by 8 billion cubic meters, compared to water flows in April 2019. OOSKAnews License Holders can sign in for access to the most recent daily news updates, daily or weekly specialist newsletters, and premium access to ALL OOSKAnews data through AquaNow — the World’s Water Data Engine. It is also a norm to reserve water in tanks. In southern Iraq, drought tightens its grip, Scarcity and strife are etching away at region’s climate.