While Manila was under siege, further steps were taken to open Manila Bay for Allied shipping. The 7th Australian Division went ashore at Balikpapan on the east-central coast on July 1, meeting resistance which delayed the seizure of the oil-rich area until the middle of the month. By February 5 the XI and XIV Corps had established contact inland at Dinalupihan. Within two weeks the occupation of the island was complete. The 11th Airborne Division cleared the bay’s south shore. The I Corps continued the drive northeastward toward the Cagayan Valley, the southern entrances to which were secured in mid-May. The city was bitterly defended by the Japanese in house-to-house combat, and it was not until March 3 that the XIV Corps could announce that organized resistance was over. Fighting continued in the peripheral theatres of the Pacific War in 1945, with the Allies pressing their advantage in Burma. The Japanese had now begun to use kamikaze attacks on a regular basis and, although many such suicide planes were shot down, many others reached their targets. Manila, Philippines, in the aftermath of its recapture by Allied forces in early 1945. He established three principal defensive sectors: one in the mountains west of Clark Field in the Central Plains; a second in mountainous terrain east of Manila; and the third and strongest in the mountains of northwestern Luzon, centring initially on Baguio. Chiang Kai-shek meeting with his staff during the Sino-Japanese War (1937–45). Southern Luzon and the Bicol Peninsula were cleared by the 11th Airborne Division. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Listen to a recorded reading of this page. Directors: Richard Fleischer, Kinji Fukasaku, Toshio Masuda | Stars: Martin Balsam, Sô Yamamura, Jason Robards, Joseph Cotten. The attack on Mindoro began on December 15 and the invasion of Luzon was rescheduled for January 9, 1945. While construction of airfields on the muddy terrain of Leyte moved slowly forward, and while the fleet recovered from the Battle of Leyte Gulf, MacArthur decided to occupy the island of Mindoro, directly south of Luzon, for the construction of additional airfields. On April 17 the X Corps started landings in central Mindanao and moved on to seize the interior of the island. Meanwhile, on January 31, the U.S. 11th Airborne Division had made an amphibious landing at Nasugbu, south of Manila Bay. In 1941, following months of economic embargo, Japan prepares to open its war against the United States with a preventive attack on the US naval base at Pearl Harbor. One pilot plunged his plane onto the bridge of the battleship New Mexico, killing more than 30 persons, including the captain of the ship. They decided to attack the US Navy hoping they could sink enough ships to keep the US from ever attacking Japan. Meanwhile, on July 4, MacArthur declared Luzon to be secure and the 8th Army took over the task of final mopping up. The Japanese commander in charge of defending the island was Gen. Yamashita Tomoyuki, the conqueror of Singapore and Bataan, who commanded the Japanese 14th Area Army. Filipino resistance fighters proved of great help to the X Corps, but some isolated pockets of Japanese resistance were still holding out at the end of the war. The defensive sector in the mountains of northwestern Luzon held out the longest. Shortly before the invasion of Leyte began, the Joint Chiefs of Staff directed MacArthur to invade Luzon on December 20, 1944, thus settling the argument as to whether Luzon or Formosa should be the next object of attack. They used biological weapons and tortured prisoners of war. The entire valley was in Allied hands by the end of June, leaving as the only strong, organized resistance on Luzon the Kiangan pocket in mountain fastnesses north of Baguio. Borneo’s oil was denied to the Japanese and bases were secured from which further operations in the Dutch East Indies could have been mounted had they proved necessary before the end of the war. Both invasions were undertaken by the U.S. 6th Army under Lieut. While this drive southward was in progress the XI Corps landed on January 29, 1945, on the west coast north of Bataan Peninsula to secure Subic Bay and cut access routes to the peninsula, thus preventing the Japanese from using Bataan as MacArthur had employed it in 1942. As a result, many Japanese leaders were executed after the war including Prime Minister Hideki Tojo. After the preliminary air attacks on Luzon at the turn of the year, the 3rd Fleet moved into the South China Sea to strike the Indochina coast, Formosa, Hong Kong, and Chinese coastal points. A Japanese kamikaze pilot aiming his plane at a U.S. warship in the Lingayen Gulf, off the coast of the Philippines, January 1945. The Soviet Union had been at peace with Japan during much of World War II. The troops of the I Corps and the XIV Corps that went ashore at Lingayen Gulf on January 9, 1945, met little resistance because the Japanese had not expected a landing at that point. Japanese expansion in East Asia began in 1931 with the invasion of Manchuria and continued in 1937 with a brutal attack on China. The division then pushed northward toward Manila. The Japanese 14th Area Army maintained some resistance in this area until the very end of the war. In August 1937, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek deployed his best army to fight about 300,000 Japanese troops in … A lively and informative new podcast for kids that the whole family will enjoy! A Dutch infantry company and U.S. Army amphibious engineers supported these operations, as had available elements of the Allied air and naval forces. On May 1, 1945, a brigade of the Australian 9th Division landed at Tarakan Island in northeastern Borneo. The XIV Corps moved south through the Central Plains toward Manila and met little resistance until it reached the area of Clark Field, which was soon occupied. F… During the first week of February 1945 three divisions reached the outskirts of Manila and prepared their attack. The war against Japan, 1945 Fighting continued in the peripheral theatres of the Pacific War in 1945, with the Allies pressing their advantage in Burma. The rest of the 9th Division landed at Brunei Bay on the northwest coast on June 10, rapidly securing the area against scattered resistance. As U.S. troops drove northeast from Lingayen Gulf, Baguio fell on April 26. It was not expected that Luzon would be easily reclaimed, but it was believed that the conquest of Formosa would be much more difficult and might require as many as nine divisions, more than were then available in the Pacific area. On February 15 an infantry unit secured the southern tip of Bataan and the next day paratroops dropped on Corregidor Island, supported by an amphibious assault force. The east and west coasts of Bataan Peninsula were cleared by elements of the 6th Division while other troops occupied smaller islands in Manila Bay during March and April. In order to attack Japan, Air Force Lieutenant Colonel James H. Doolittle demonstrated that large B-25 bomber planes could take off from air craft carriers. Gen. Walter Krueger, supported by the 3rd and 7th fleets, and by the Army air forces in the area. The Nationalist Party and the Chinese Communists suspended their civil war in order to form a nominal alliance against Japan, and the Soviet Union quickly lent support by providing large amount of materiel to Chinese troops. They had a policy called "Kill All, Burn All, and Loot All". While U.S. forces were retaking the Philippines, the reoccupation of the large island of Borneo to the southwest was undertaken by Australian forces. This includes the killing of up to 20 million Chinese people. The Marco Polo Bridge Incident on 7 July 1937 provoked full-scale war between China and Japan. Japan’s strategy in the Pacific and Southeast Asia, The Allied offensive in the Pacific, 1944, Casualties and the material cost of the Pacific War, Khan Academy - World War II in the Pacific in 1942, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum - Holocaust Encyclopedia - World War II in the Pacific. Realizing that the diversion of forces to Leyte and the inability of the Japanese High Command to send reinforcements to Luzon gave him little hope of defeating the 6th Army, Yamashita decided upon static defense aimed at pinning down Allied troops on Luzon for as long as possible. The outcome of the war was obviously going to be decided not in China but in the Pacific theatre, as the Allies drew closer and closer to the Japanese home islands. On the way from Leyte Gulf to the landing site at Lingayen Gulf on the west coast of Luzon, the invasion armada suffered damage from repeated kamikaze attacks. The U.S. troops encountered little opposition on the ground at Mindoro but they were subjected to heavy air attacks both en route and after landing. Mindanao, second largest island in the Philippines, had been MacArthur’s first target before the change in plans made in September 1944, but as events turned out it was the last island to be retaken. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Although the US was trying to avoid getting involved in World War II, Japan was worried that the US would try and stop them from taking over some countries in Southeast Asia. By 1937, Japan controlled Manchuria and it was also ready to move deeper into China. On September 27, 1940, Japan signed the Tripartite Pact with Germany and Italy, thus entering the military alliance known as the \"Axis.\" Seeking to curb Japanese aggression and force a withdrawal of Japanese forces from Manchuria and China, the United States imposed economic sanctions on Japan. The Japanese were guilty of many war crimes during World War II. They agreed to attack Japanese forces in Manchuria on August 8, 1945. With the Central Plains, Manila, and Manila Bay secured, the Luzon campaign turned into a mopping-up operation against firmly entrenched and fiercely resisting Japanese. In China, Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalists, weakened as they were by years of unsuccessful warfare and having also to contend with the increasing strength of the Chinese Communists, were unable to achieve any decisive victories against the Japanese. Before the end of the year new airfields on Mindoro were ready to handle planes supporting the larger invasion of Luzon. Manila was also strongly defended, though Yamashita at one time apparently had some thought of abandoning the city. Organized resistance in those areas was over by the end of May 1945, but in the mountainous sector east of Manila resistance continued almost until the middle of June. Votes: 31,235 | Gross: $29.55M Japanese fighter pilots would purposely crash their planes into US ships in what were called Kamikaze attacks. The first landings were made by the 41st Division on March 10, 1945, at Zamboanga in southwestern Mindanao. A recent think tank wargame explores the prospect of a massive war between China and America and Japan in 2030, introducing many war-time … On February 3 a team from the 11th Division parachuted on Tagatay Ridge, soon linking up with the amphibious units from Nasugbu. This also helped in forcing Japan to surrender.