John is a man of integrity. 3 definition by John B. Lastly, he drives a boat into the storm, through your tubes and out your Boobs! and grabbing the back of the person's neck with the palm of the hand and pulling across in a swift, hard motion...if done properly, it will leave a red mark, similar to an Indian burn. Urban Dictionary and our advertising partners set cookies on your computer to improve our site and the advertisements you see. Top Definition Zug Zug. Overall a john bochler is a dumb ass retard gay nigga. Time to acknowlege it. Time to acknowlege it. This is a phrase in Orcish that has come to be used in English phrasiology, much like the French 'C'est la vie.' john mccain to Johnny B. Burrito. Okay, the hand poked me, and then poked the ground. John has strong work ethics and is willing to jump in to help a friend. ", Someone who has no idea what the hell they're talking about (usually a result of either ignorance or stupidity). When a comment is uttered that attempts to be witty, intelligent or poignant but falls flat, i.e. John B is the biggest asshole ever. Used originally by Orcs who had a tendancy to slip into their native tongue, having only learned English so that human players would understand them. a bad joke or stupid observation/suggestion, a neckbone must be given to the perpetrator. john mccain; John McCainabis; John McCain arms; John McCain Cup; John McCainer; John McCain Friend This is a phrase in Orcish that has come to be used in English phrasiology, much like the French 'C'est la vie.' Then he breaks into someones property to find Gold. Person 1:"Seriously, Jessica Simpson is really talented, you guys. He has good morals and manners. He has a dynamic work ethic. the greatest person you'll ever meet. He is a man of complete integrity and exemplary manners. Loyal. Believes actions speak louder than words. First, he steals another dudes girl. All of this and a healthy sense of humor too. The most anoying peice of shit on earth, everyone who meats a john bochler truly has lost half their bran cells. This involves yelling out "neckbone!" He is strong, handsome, sexy and beautiful. Loving. He is a man of little words, believing that his actions will speak louder than words. John is tall has brown hair and a tan, perfect skin and blue/green eyes that hold many secrets. He is a man of little words. John has great legs and nice muscles. Used originally by Orcs who had a tendancy to slip into their native tongue, having only learned English so that human players would understand them. He is … John is a kind compassonate individual. Okay, the hand poked me, and then poked the ground.