Begor declined, citing the risk of identity theft. Any election results reported on November 3rd will be incomplete and inaccurate. Porter announced she would be serving the Housing Financial Services Committee in early January. United Auto Workers (UAW) 2865, the union representing tutors, readers, graduate student instructors and teaching assistants at the University of California, filed... UCI Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Willie L. Banks, Jr. announced that international students are now required to enroll in at least... California has become the first state to sue the Trump administration over newly announced visa rules that could force thousands of international... District 45 Representative Katie Porter Reprimands Equifax CEO’s Legal Approach of Company, UCI Summer Session Teaching Assistants File Union Grievance for Receiving Half-Pay, Trump Administration Rescinds ICE International Student Visa Policy Amidst Panic Over Fall Quarter, California Sues Trump Administration Over International Student Visa Policy. Its defense, in part, is that the breach caused no injury to clients and so deserves no recompense, leading to Porter posing a simple question to the company’s CEO in a Tuesday hearing: Would you be willing to share "your social security, your birthdate and your address" with the public? Democrats had convened the hearing to contemplate reforms to credit reporting systems. Once a UC Irvine law professor and nationally-renowned consumer advocate who held Wall Street banks accountable for ripping off California consumers … She stated that Begar did not disclose his information for fear of theft, referencing how, just seconds before, Begar had agreed that access to such information would cause harm. What a difference an election makes. What a difference an election makes. Découvrez comment nous utilisons vos informations dans notre Politique relative à la vie privée et notre Politique relative aux cookies. “Arguing, on the record, that this case should be dismissed because there was ‘no injury and no harm’ created by the disclosure of people’s personal credit information.”. The CEOs of the three main credit bureaus—Equifax, Experion, and TransUnion—were present at the hearing. “You do employ those lawyers and they do operate on your direction,” she said. By viewing our website, you agree not to reproduce or republish our content without express written permission. California Democratic Rep. Katie Porter drilled Equifax CEO Mark Begor at a House Financial Services Committee hearing Tuesday over the company’s malicious legal practices. “My question to you is whether you [Begar] would be willing to share, today: your social security, your birth date and your address at this public hearing?” Porter began when she was given the floor. Because of coronavirus, an unprecedented... Daily Kos moves in solidarity with the Black community. Begar then revealed that he himself is a former victim of identity theft. Porter proceeded to question why the lawyers that represent Begar are claiming in federal court that there was no harm or injury done to anyone in the midst of the data breach. Yahoo fait partie de Verizon Media. Hunter for Daily Kos. Nos partenaires et nous-mêmes stockerons et/ou utiliserons des informations concernant votre appareil, par l’intermédiaire de cookies et de technologies similaires, afin d’afficher des annonces et des contenus personnalisés, de mesurer les audiences et les contenus, d’obtenir des informations sur les audiences et à des fins de développement de produit. Privacy Disclaimer: After submitting content for publication the New University, in print or online, contributors relinquish the right to remove or alter contributions as they appear in publication. Equifax is presently in court due to the massive 2017 data breach that exposed sensitive details about roughly 148 million Americans. The company stated that 143 million — later revealed to be 148 million clients’ information — was accessed by hackers that took advantage of Equifax’s cyber vulnerability. Meet Katie Katie Porter is serving her first term in Congress, representing California's 45th Congressional District. Porter—who has been serving as a Democratic Rep. for less than two months—then retorted, “If you agree that exposing this kind of information—information like that that you have in your credit reports—creates harm, therefore you’re unwilling to share it, why are your lawyers arguing in federal court that there was no injury and no harm created by your data breach?”, . California Democratic Rep. Katie Porter drilled Equifax CEO Mark Begor at a House Financial Services Committee hearing Tuesday over the company’s malicious legal practices. Then, changed the addressed and opened up an account.”, Begar concluded that “like all Americans, we’re concerned about [our sensitive information].”. California Democratic Rep. Katie Porter kicked off the back-and-forth with the CEO of Equifax … A tense exchange at a Capitol Hill hearing on credit reporting was generating buzz on Tuesday. On Friday September 18, 2020, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a women's rights icon, died at 87. When California Rep. and UC-Irvine Law Professor Katie Porter began her allotted five minutes for questioning, she wasted no time getting personal with Begor. I questioned the CEO of Equifax today about why his company's lawyers have been arguing in federal court that consumers weren't harmed by the 2017 data breach that released millions of Americans' private information.