Tullio plays bigger than he is, constantly hounding the other team for the puck. Every year draft analysts and pundits come out with rankings at various points of the year but the big watermarks have always been preseason, mid-season and the final rankings. He generates passes to the middle of the ice with volume and does an excellent job of using his skating to draw defenders, giving teammates much better looks. When he drives to the middle of the ice with it, he can be an effective player but he doesn’t do it nearly enough. His raw talent and complete game may and probably should pressure a team to select him in round one. He has the “Crosby Thighs” which help him stay strong on the puck and he has the overall strength to protect the puck. Then the big blow came. Coming into the year there were concerns around Rossi that had to do with his size (5’9″) or the fact that he was just eight days away from being eligible for last year’s draft but Rossi has made each of those factors irrelevant over the course of the year. Thank you again for reading this, whether you sat down with a pot of coffee and consumed it in one sitting or split it up over a few visits, I appreciate it all! DobberHockey and Goalie Post launched in 2005, becoming the first independent fantasy hockey and starting goalie websites on the Internet. Rossi already possesses the strength needed to fend off much larger defenders showing that his size is just a number. What makes Khusnutdinov a special player offensively is that he reads and reacts even faster than his opponent. These values range from 917 (1st overall) to roughly 51 (210th overall). His big bump came at the World Juniors where he and Stützle were among the best forwards for the German team. Jacob Dion is a silky smooth skater who likes to take chances in the offensive zone. Pashin can play on the wing opposite of Tullio, bringing the same high motor with some better raw skills. Khusnutdinov isn’t likely to ever become a heavy hitter but he doesn’t need to be, especially with today’s game leaning into the speed and skill aspects of the modern players. He moved up to the Under-18 late in the season, putting up three points in his only regular-season game. /* View: Latest Players - end */ He has the blazing speed to back defenders off and burn them wide when they don’t. A from a first-round possibility to top-5 probability, Stützle has seen his draft ranking balloon over the course of the year. He plays with a tenacity that doesn’t allow for opponents to get the puck back once the Swiss star has it on his stick. In this line, you get a unit that can help make up for the defensive struggles that the defensive pairing on Team Shorty and also continue to be catalysts offensively. There are over 60 player profiles and a ton more draft content including the January Draft Report with a full breakdown of my Top-100 Rankings with video and analysis on 60+ players including nearly every player in the top-40! In a revelation that is likely a shock to very few, Tim Stützle is the player who has been on the biggest rise in draft value. Emil Andrae is an extremely skilled blueliner who excels in the offensive zone. Barron’s play seemed to take a step back early in the year. /* View: Latest Players - start */ The biggest problem for Peterson is that the production hasn’t been there. /* ----------------------------------------- */ Khusnutdinov covers a lot of ground and plays an aggressive style of pressuring defense and at times this leads to him running around a bit. His speed is muted if he’s traveling much further distances by circling the zone and staying outside of the circles. In the offensive zone, Andrae’s vision and passing ability make every player he’s on the ice with dangerous. He defends well when he uses his skating and stick work, separating the man from the puck and then moving it the other way.