Global … Women. Required fields are marked *. Legacy IAS Academy (LIA), Best IAS Coaching in Bangalore, had its inception with the synergies of a group of efficient tutors, which included veteran IAS/IPS/IRS officers, Academics and extraordinary tutors. OECD Employment Outlook 2020 - Key findings for the United States. Extreme weather conditions (floods, storms). Key Vulnerabilities in the Global Financial System: • SIGI is a cross-country measure of discrimination against women in, Top performers – Iceland, Norway, and Finland, Worst performers – Yemen (153), Iraq (152), & Pakistan (151), Time it will take to close the gender gap – narrowed to 99.5. Firms specialize in a specific task & do not produce the whole, Each stage adds value, and at least two stages are in different, Economic fundamentals drive countries’ participation in GVCs. Ranks below countries like China (106), Sri Lanka (102), Nepal. It is considered by many as the best IAS coaching in Bangalore. Global growth prospects for 2020 have been projected by a number of multilateral institutions and rating agencies including that for India. In 2016 coal and oil produced 39% of South East’s energy sector. The report predicts that the emerging trade tensions between USA and China will affect emerging Asian market. LIA, as the name suggests, is an outcome of some inspiring work in the field of Civil Services tutoring. With the prospect of a contraction even in nominal growth (-5%), tax revenues of the Centre would show a considerable shortfall as compared to the budgeted amounts. There are not adequate resources to support a fiscal deficit of nearly 14% of GDP. The Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC) was founded to govern the predominantly US-funded Marshall Plan for post-war reconstruction on the continent. Climate action failure (Failure of climate-change mitigation &, Major natural disasters (earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic, Major biodiversity loss & ecosystem collapse (terrestrial/marine). This is below than its average growth of 7.4% in the years 2013-17, Sustaining the efforts taken in the health and banking sectors will be a challenge for India. It is considered by many as best IAS coaching in Bangalore. Legacy IAS Academy (LIA), best IAS academy in Bangalore, had its inception with the synergies of a group of efficient tutors, which included veteran IAS/IPS/IRS officers, Academics and extraordinary tutors. The revenue calculations of the Budget were made on the assumption that the nominal income of the country would grow at 10%. In the United States, hours worked fell by over 15%, on average, in the first three months since the COVID-19 crisis began. The economic situation warrants enhanced government expenditure; the policy challenge is to minimise the growth fall. As an abode of knowledge, LIA today intends to build on the legacy of its successes and continue to help aspirants realise their dreams of becoming a part of Civil Services community. • Covid-19 pandemic will shrink world output by 3% in 2020. • Top 5 performers – Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden and Iceland(All are Nordic nations).• Increasing social mobility by 10% would benefit social cohesion andboost the world’s economies by nearly 5% by 2030.• Economies that stand to gain the most from increases in socialmobility are China, US, India, Japan, Germany, Russia, Indonesia,Brazil, the UK and France.• It calls for a new financing model for social mobility: Improving taxprogressivity on personal income, policies that address wealthconcentration and broadly rebalancing the sources of taxation. Question asked in UPSC CSE Prelims 2017: Which of the following gives ‘Global Gender Gap Index’ ranking to the countries of the world? Legacy IAS Academy © 2019-2020 All Rights Reserved. OECD recommends implementation of ASEAN Clean Coal Technology for power plants to reduce pollution caused by these factors. Enter your email address to subscribe to IASbaba and receive notifications of new posts by email. Ganapati Circle, Chandra Layout Answer: … July 14, 2020 ; admin; 0 ; Global Gender Gap Report, 2020 Published by World Economic Forum (WEF) KEY HIGHLIGHTS: India: 112/153 (previous year rank: 108/149) Countries assessed on 4 dimensions: (1) Economic Participation and Opportunity, (2) Educational Attainment, (3) Health and Survival, (4) Political Empowerment. The Centre’s fiscal during the first four months of 2020-21 as a per cent of annual budgeted target was at 103.1%. Social mobility can be understood as moving ‘upward’ and‘downward’, whereby people see their circumstances becomebetter or worse off than those of their parents or within their ownlifetimes.Absolute upward social mobility refers to the ability for childrento experience a better life than their parents. The Report concludes that GVCs can continue to boost growth,create better jobs, and reduce poverty, provided that developingcountries undertake deeper reforms and industrial countriespursue open, predictable policies. Your email address will not be published. India Rank: 76/82• The index focusses on those policies, practices and institutions thatcollectively determine the extent to which everyone in society hasa fair chance to fulfil their potential, regardless of their socioeconomic background. India is the only country where economic gender gap > political. LIA, as the name suggests, is an outcome of some inspiring work in the field of Civil Services tutoring. Context: Global growth prospects for 2020 have been projected by a number of multilateral institutions and rating agencies including that for India. In indirect mode the RBI would operate only in the secondary market through the OMO (open market operations) route. Political empowerment – India ranked 18th. This is to increase to 44% in 2040. Survival, as measured by under-5 mortality rates. The worsening of the fiscal deficit appears to be because of decline in revenue than increase in expenditure. A GVC breaks up the production process across countries. Download Crux of the Indian Economy for IAS Prelims 2020 book from Political Science and International Relations Optional Booklist, Economic Survey and Budget Summary with MCQs, Previous Years Question Papers with Answers, 3rd October 2020, Static Quiz on Environment, India rank: 68/141 (Slipped down 10 ranks, from 58/140 in 2018), India Rank: 63/190 (India climbed 14 spots, from 77th position in 2018), India Rank: 44 (slipped down from 35th rank), • India – World’s top recipient of remittances ($79 billion). India will also face difficulties in bridging the disparity between urban and rural infrastructure, According to the report, China will have to bridge the gap between supply and demand of its digital talent when it steps to improve digital literacy and increase access to digital services. (Productivity lower than Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Bangladesh)(*Note – HCI is different from HDI (Human Development Index)which is published by UNDP), • Global economic growth is expected to rise to 2.5%• The report predicts India’s growth rate at 5% in FY 2020 (2019-20).• This is the lowest prediction since 2008-09 (3.1%) ie. Our goal is to shape policies that foster prosperity, equality, opportunity and well-being for all. If one adds the Centre’s and States’ fiscal deficit, the combined fiscal deficit amounts to 13.8% of GDP. India’s rank was the worst in the Health and Survival. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organisation that works to build better policies for better lives. Among ASEAN countries, Vietnam and Philippines will remain as growth leaders. OECD in its September 2020 Interim Economic Outlook has projected a contraction of -10.2% in FY21 for India; Inflation Projection for this Fiscal. This is below than its average growth of 7.4% in the years 2013-17 ; Sustaining the efforts taken in the health and banking sectors will be a challenge for India. Click to download our app. Expected years of Quality-Adjusted School, Health environment – Adult survival rates & Rate of stunting, Education (access, quality/equity, lifelong learning), Protection Institutions (social protection & inclusive institutions). India: 112/153 (previous year rank: 108/149)Countries assessed on 4 dimensions: (1) Economic Participation and Opportunity, (2) Educational Attainment, (3) Health and Survival, (4) Political Empowerment, • Theme: “Trading for Development in Age of Global Value Chains”• 2020 report examines whether there is still a path to developmentthrough Global Value Chains (GVCs) and trade.• Value Chain – It refers to the full life cycle of a product or process,including material sourcing, production, consumption and disposal/recycling processes.Global Value Chain (GVC). : India’s growth in the first quarter of 2020-21 at (-) 23.9% showed one of the highest contractions globally. The average CPI inflation during the first five months of 2020-21 is estimated at 6.6%. We draw on almost 60 years of experience and insights to better prepare the world of tomorrow. Your email address will not be published. Human-made environmental damage and disasters (oil spills. in 11 years.• Reasons – insufficient credit availability and subdued privateconsumption.• Growth in advanced economies is likely to slip to 1.4%• Growth in the emerging markets and developing economies is expected to accelerate this year to 4.1%. The latest data released by the Ministry of Statistics indicate a Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rate of 6.7% for August 2020. The report was presented at the ASEAN summit, 2019. 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In order for the central government to maintain the level of budgeted expenditure and also provide for additional stimulus, its fiscal deficit may have to be increased to close to an estimated 8.8% of GDP. Economic opportunity – The gap has worsened (149th). Don’t lose out on any important Post and Update. There was hope that some key sectors such as agriculture and related sectors, public administration, defence services and other services may perform normally or better than normal given the demand for health, relief and revival expenditures, However, the recently released national income figures for Quarter I of 2020-21 hold no such hope.