The same holds true in dreams involving horses. The horse- shoe is also connected as a lucky symbol to weddings. To see a horse running away with others, denotes that you will hear of the illness of friends. To mount a horse bareback, you will gain wealth and ease by hard struggles. To see a black horse, tendency to deception. A white horse or a grey one indicates prosperity. In a man’s dream a mare will denote the anima, a woman, or the realm of the feminine. The series is an adaptation of Agatha Christie’s 1961 novel of the same name. Controlling the horse or fear of it: fear of feelings of love and sexuality. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation, If you dreamed of having any difficulties with the horse’s saddle, pay more careful attention to your personal affairs. The Pale horse is what is interesting to me for translation' depicts it the 'pale-green horse'. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation, 4. The Pale Horse was another triumphant bit of revisionist Agatha Christie from Sarah Phelps, bringing a level of sinister, eldritch paranoia to what could have been a dusty old whodunnit. When turned downwards, the power is reputed to ‘drain out’ and therefore be unlucky. Running away from a horse or from charging cavalry: Fear of sexuality, including anxieties towards the responsibilities of parenthood and relationships; you may be avoiding the need to direct or control your feelings and urges. Training a horse: This suggests that you are learning to direct your sexual and emotional energy. To see fine stallions, is a sign of success and high living, and undue passion will master you. To dream of riding a horse suggests scarcity of resources that hinders achievement of goals. The dream suggests you keep this in mind because “Lady Luck is fickle.”... Dreamers Dictionary. Finding a horseshoe: A nearly universal emblem of good luck. Ifthe tail of one’s horse is simply clipped in the dream, it connotes his own death and that his name will be quickly forgotten. To dream of trimming a horse’s mane, or tail, denotes that you will be a good financier or farmer. If your dream involved fear of the animal, it signifies worry over the loss or misplacement of an important document or article of value. A white horse, most of all, has spiritual meaning, but it also stands for ambitious goals, intellectual strength, and the ability to create. Shying, as in a horse fright, in a dream means hastening to undertake ajourney, moving quickly from one place to another, or substituting one school of thought for another, adopting a new ideology, or changing one’s religion. This is interesting to know that world wide climate control/ modification and the People and their policies are called 'Green'regarding are treading down and destroying People. Ifone sees his horse drowning in a dream, it means that he may die from an illness. Horse being playful or affectionate: Feelings of warmth and strength from within. To dream of race horses, denotes that you will be surfeited with fast living, but to the farmer this dream denotes prosperity. 6:8... Christian Dream Symbols, Fear, illness, or being blase.... Little Giant Encyclopedia, 1. If you are riding up a hill and the horse falls but you gain the top, you will win fortune, though you will have to struggle against enemies and jealousy. Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary. Your fortune will be embarrassed by ill health. The mare: femininity, re- ceptiveness, fertility. Riding an untamed horse is a sign that you’re being carried away by your emotions.... Dream Symbols and Analysis. (Also see Dung; Horse fright; Nag)... Islamic Dream Interpretation, If he sees any increase in its quality and excellence it means similar increases in the quality and excellence of the above.... Islamic Dream Interpretation, A white horse is symbolic of Christ’s return, Rev. If the human flesh appears diseased or freckled, the miscarriage of well-laid plans is denoted. Burdens that come from labors. It may point to a poignant statement that was made in an important conversation. In Greek myths, horses were linked to Hades, god of the underground and death. A white horse depicts our spiritual awareness, a brown one the more pragmatic and down-to-earth side, while a black horse is the passionate side of our nature. Old dream interpretation books say that the color of the horse is also significant.