He then fled Billings and eventually tracked down his biological half-brother, Steven Carrington, and befriended him under the guise of Englishman, George Emerson. Adam also flirts with Joanna, Sable Colby's vice-president of mergers and acquisitions, in an attempt to help his mother with a vendetta against Sable. He asked if Steven was coming back from Paraguay and wanted to know if it would be weird for him to fly out to meet him. Cristal caught Adam and Nadia holding hands under the table. While Steven was in Paraguay "figuring himself out," he met Adam, who was using the alias George Emerson, which he got from the book that influenced Steven the most, Room With A View. When Alexis introduces Adam to his sister Fallon, they are shocked - she is the woman from the hotel! His sinister personality probably is the product of genetics and his traumatic childhood, since he was kidnapped in his nursery and then raised by the same unstable woman who, with her ex-boyfriend, took him away from his biological family. Friends He vacilated between being a loving, caring man one minute, to being  hostile, ruthless and power-hungry the next. It brought back the old hate towards Blake. Steven was admitted to a psychiatric facility after he was found by Fallon and Sam after the trio were lead to believe Steven was going to commit suicide. He coldly told her that secrets and lies can tear a family apart and called her Theresa as he left her side while she died. Adam never got very close to either his brother or his sisters. The above personal links are controlled by the individual and are not any form of representation of statement by Hillsdale College. Adam had Jeff's office colored with the deadly paint in order to make Jeff lose his mind. Soon after he was born, he was kidnapped and after years of searching for the child, the Carrington's, namely Blake, have given up hope of ever finding him. He is portrayed by Sam Underwood. They are provided as a convenience and views expressed on the sites may not reflect the views or opinions of the College. He expressed his surprise that she was his little sister, and he always wanted a big family and siblings - he never cared about the ones who had money. When the real Adam makes his appearance, he has all of his fingers intact, and it's revealed that the kidnappers stole the finger from a morgue. They flirted and kissed in A Used Up Memory. The Big Bang Theory Meets Friends: 5 Couples That Would Work (& 5 That Wouldn't), Dynasty: 10 Worst Things Adam Has Ever Done, Dynasty: 10 Worst Things Blake Has Ever Done, Dynasty: 10 Questions We Need Answers To In Season 3, Dynasty: Better And Worse Than The Original, 10 Things To Know Before Watching Netflix’s Haunting Of Bly Manor, BoJack Horseman: The Characters Vs. However, he would eventually find real love again through a second chance with Kirby Anders. When Fallmont refuses the bribe, Adam investigates and learns that he is a closeted gay man. Shocked and in anger, he gives her a lethal dose of animal tranquilizers and decides to find his family. He took his survival as a sign that he is meant to do something more with his life. Blake pushed him down the stairs and threw him out of the house. Here are the 10 worst things Adam has done. Adam escapes the hotel fire, but is devastated to learn that Claudia has perished in the blaze. He noted their similarities and that they are siblings and two of a kind before he left. When George repeatedly didn't show up to meet Fallon or Sam, they became even warier. Adam Alexander Carrington is the oldest child of Blake Carrington and Alexis Morrell. Fallon and Sam flew to Billings, Montana, and went to Happy Tails animal clinic under the ruse of a married couple with a sick dog. He has a problem with liars and sees himself as the one who has to punish them for it. He angrily said that she wasn't his mother and not to call him Mikey. Dana leaves Adam and moves away from Denver. She offered money to leave which he denied so she upped the amount to ten-million. Steven also told Adam that he saw Hank's positive DNA results, which were faked. However, he hoped that Adam's story was real so that they could erase Hank from their lives permanently. Adam understood his pain about Hank's betrayal and mentioned that see the name Carrington everywhere in the hospital was intimidating. Join Facebook to connect with Adam Carrington and others you may know. What's more, Dana was a student at Adam's high school in Billings. Adam is the charmingly unstable Carrington newcomer with the unsettling ability to seem as normal as the situation demands. He was then mistaken by Fallon as a member of the catering company, more specifically, Sam's sushi table. Adam Alexander was Blake and Alexis ' oldest son, and his tragic destiny was to never experience growing up with his real parents. He felt closest to his sister Amanda, who, just as he, wasn't raised a Carrington. He apologized for it and explained that Hank was a fraud and one of the reasons he decided to come forward. Adam admitted to having staged Steven's robbery and the loss, the sudden reappearance, of his passport. Alexis and Fallon were both apprehensive so Blake decided on a DNA test to prove it to everyone. He can be blind when it comes to relationships, especially his budding romance with Kirby Anders. Alive Adam started working for Alexis at "ColbyCo. She became pregnant and had an abortion. After being slighted again by Blake, Adam was infuriated and gave up "Saint Adam" and turned back to his old ways of lying and deceit. This was Adam's way of getting even with Blake by helping Alexis take control over his company. Adam was kidnapped from his nursery when he was six months old. After watching the broadcast, Kate tearfully tells her grandson Michael that he is really the Carrington heir.  • Chief Legal Counsel at ColbyCo (1985-1986). At the DNA test, Blake explained that Hank having faked his test made him want to witness it for himself. An infuriated Adam gave Theresa double the lethal dose of tranquilizers and killed her. Adam assists Alexis in investigating a mysterious mine on the Carrington property, where a 20-year old dead body was recently found. The two were very attracted to each other and almost ended up in bed. Adam and Dex are able to identify Congressman Neal McVane as the killer, and Alexis is acquitted. Full Name Fallon insisted he leave but he refused, and the disturbance caused Alexis, Cristal, and Blake to come to the entryway. Just like his mother, Adam does care for his family in his sick and twisted way. Unbeknownst to Adam, Nadia is working with his sister, Fallon, and accepting large sums of cash in exchange for a relationship with Adam. Copyright © 2020 The Federalist, a wholly independent division of FDRLST Media, All Rights Reserved. When Adam was six months old, he was mysteriously kidnapped from his nursery by the boyfriend of his then-nanny, Theresa. In episode 48, Adam rapes Kirby. They inquired about what happened and the woman explained that he left for Atlanta but everyone, including the animals, missed him. He admitted to having spiked it with twice the lethal dose of tranquilizers. February 2019. Romances While with Steven, Adam found out that Alexis had previously sent Steven on a mission to find the long-lost Adam Carrington. He meets a beautiful woman, and while they flirt with each other and share a kiss, she playfully refuses to tell him her name.