Oh wait, why is there a photo of you with a four-year-old boy?’ and I’m like, ‘Oh that’s not my kid, that’s just the young man I’m playing in the movie.’ It’s awful!” News images provided by Press Association and Photocall Ireland unless otherwise stated. TheJournal.ie | HADER: It was long days. Just the fact I moved to LA was enough to make the papers [laughs]. What do you fear? Matt Damon’s 10 Best Performances On The Silver Screen, Robert Downey Jr. Is Planning A Cinematic Universe For Sherlock Holmes, Levi’s And Gucci Are Pioneering A New Kind Of ‘Slow Fashion’, Harry Styles Addresses Rumours He Could Be The Next Bond, Now Donald Trump Has Coronavirus, Prepare For More Unsolicited And False Claims, An Apple Self-Healing Screen Couldn’t Come Soon Enough. ICON: And who is that little boy in the framed photo on my bed? JM: “Twenty-seven years.”, JM: “Bill got very uncomfortable with this.” That’s what I remember about growing up in Drumchapel: having a humongous wealth of about 40 gardens in this whole set of homes and just being in any one of them at any given time until a dog came and chased you out of it – which was kind of fun. McAvoy admits he did get tendinitis – not in his strong elbows but in his quads – while shooting the same scene in which Hader was rushed to the nearest MRI scanner. HADER: I feel like he was pretty popular but also into reading. I think he would have just got along with everybody until he burned the school down. Now I got to worry about that. people, It Chapter Two, film, TribesAndTribulations, ICON03, trending, Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy Statement. “He did it running.” Yes, 27 years after the Losers Club defeated the shape-shifting clown, people are disappearing again and their body parts are showing up dismembered in the rivers, sewers and the local fairgrounds. HADER: And [the lm’s director] Andy [Muschietti] likes to shoot a lot of takes. JM: “[Laughs] That’s right. How do you train your elbows? So, I’m going to have a photo of a small boy? Join our VIP Club for exclusive giveaways and members only events. “It’s hard being an actor,” he adds, laughing. HADER: Joking around… The BFG (Adventure @2016)//Rebecca Hall,Mark Rylance,Bill Hader>> Tiana42. Journal Media does not control and is not responsible for user created content, posts, comments, submissions or preferences. I think he kind of got along with everybody. McAVOY: Ooohhh… AMA! In the segment, which starts at 1:30, Hader tells the story of himtricking an Irish fan into believing that he was just an Irish radio producer that happens to look like Bill Hader. JM: “So Tales From The Cript was going to get re-done by [American filmmaker] M. Night Shyamalan but it didn’t happen for some reason – because of rights or something. Hi, I'm Bill Hader. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used without express permission of Mondadori. For more information on cookies please refer to our cookies policy. (DW, it's free! The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used without express permission of Mondadori, Matt Damon’s 10 Best Performances On The Silver Screen, Robert Downey Jr. Is Planning A Cinematic Universe For Sherlock Holmes, Harry Styles Addresses Rumours He Could Be The Next Bond, Hollywood Receives Major Hit With The Delay Of ‘No Time To Die’, The Notion Of Perfectionism As Told By LANY’s Paul Klein, I Want To Live In Joe Rogan’s Austin Mansion. BH: “I was as needy. Wire service provided by Associated Press. film, life, it chapter 2, roadshow, warner bros, Bill Hader, James McAvoy, interview, Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy Statement. Trainwreck - Official Trailer (2015) Amy Schumer, Bill Hader Comedy Movie ... Millie Bobby Brown pretend she had an American accent at her 'Stranger Things' audition. Is that gonna get out to the press? But strong elbows? (And hopefully turn over more than USD $700 million at the worldwide box office again while doing so. Join our VIP Club for exclusive giveaways and members only events. Not the most popular, I’d say.” It was about community and running about in the gardens. I'm a actor / comedian / writer and I also play birthday parties. That’s not a good look. ICON gives you a front-row seat to the serves thrown between McAvoy and Hader as they comically discuss their new movie, exchange stories of cops and robbers and talk the current state of Hader’s groin. 1:02. Please note that TheJournal.ie uses cookies to improve your experience and to provide services and advertising. Their imaginations are unfettered and as we grow older, it becomes tougher and tougher to hold on to that imagination. I remember seeing the helicopter spotlighting our garden. The42 | BANG Showbiz. I'm a actor / comedian / writer and I also play birthday parties. We were just going, ‘What?’” We talk a lot about history. HADER: Yeah. By continuing to browse, you agree to the use of cookies described in our Cookies Policy. ICON: Could your younger selves have ever imagined you would become big, successful actors? McAVOY: There were certain bits that were scary, but generally I loved it. Noteworthy | Sounds really hard. “I hurt my groin and had to go to hospital”, Hader admits in his deadpan tone. “I hurt my groin and had to go to hospital”, Hader admits in his deadpan tone. ), Your GRAZIA newsletter is on its way. “I was on a walk when I saw this little girl sitting at the side of the road, drawing in the dust and talking to herself about the imaginary people in her doodles. BH: “Yeah who is that? I think he kind of got along with everybody.” Now you have us worrying that this is how we sound to Americans. I can’t have that. What ensues is an aural travesty of enormous proportions. There are certain books of Stephen King’s that I find creepier and this one is less Pet Cemetery and more Lord Of The Rings.” I remember seeing the helicopter spotlighting our garden. McAVOY: A little bit. My groin’s sore.”. ICON gives you a front row seat to the serves thrown between McAvoy and Hader as they comically discuss their new movie, exchange stories of cops and robbers and talk the current state of Hader’s groin. McAVOY: Do you want a good segue story? “It’s hard being an actor,” he adds, laughing. HADER: Just waking up and being like, “Oh, my muscles are shortening…”, HADER: “My groin’s still sore.” There was always this feeling because there are – how many of us? It’s like, you bring someone home after a first date and you think, “Oh, we’re going to go to second base straight away…” McAVOY: [Laughs] That’s right. HADER: Seven. To embed this post, copy the code below on your site, 600px wide There are certain books of Stephen King’s that I find creepier and this one is less Pet Cemetery and more Lord Of The Rings. Nolujanin. Eight? This one day, the cops came up to the set – the guy was a bank robber! Close. “I watched some scenes back on set and I’d be like, ‘Holy shit, that is so freaking awesome’ and then I’d see it in the movie and be like, ‘That could be anyone. Now adults, the Losers – who along with McAvoy and Hader includes Oscar nominee Jessica Chastain – must return to their hometown and each conquer their deep-set fears to destroy the pernicious Pennywise for good. It was like, “Someone got out!”. McAVOY: Like hyper-taxation. Bill Hader Laughing During Saturday Night Live Skits Videos 10 Times Bill Hader Couldn't Stop Laughing on SNL (and Neither Could We) October 28, 2019 by Kelsie Gibson. “Running,” McAvoy interjects. We were just going, “What?” But on an M. Night Shyamalan movie called Glass [in which McAvoy starred in] my stand-in was this nice enough guy. Oh, wait, why is there a photo of you with a four- year-old boy?” and I’m like, “Oh, that’s not my kid, that’s just the young man I’m playing in the movie.” It’s awful! HADER: And she’s like, “Do you have any wine? Funny man Bill Hader – who stars as the trash-talking, gangly smartass in the second half of the highest-grossing horror film of all time, IT – isn’t one to ask. McAVOY: Bill got very uncomfortable with this. BILL HADER: “I feel like he was pretty popular but also into reading. Your ICON newsletter is on its way. Funny man Bill Hader – who stars as the trash-talking, gangly smartass in the second half of the highest-grossing horror film of all time, IT – isn’t one to ask. So, what I really wanted to do with IT Chapter Two was to bring these people back as adults.”. ... That could be any stunt guy and I suffered from tendinitis for six months,” says McAvoy, his Scottish accent thick. A hit man from the Midwest moves to Los Angeles and gets caught up in … You may change your settings at any time but this may impact on the functionality of the site. These marshals jumped out of a bush and he was trying to leave set! Join our VIP Club for exclusive giveaways and members only events. “I hurt my groin and had to go to hospital,” Hader admits in his deadpan tone.