/CFP. As the framework for such a plan is considered, he said that several “levers” would be key, including the implementation of effective carbon pricing. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Canada is striving to be a leader in protecting the environment, and surpassed its target of protecting 10 percent of marine areas by 2020. Some of them are essential, while others help us to improve this website and your experience. Highlighting links between this event and the United Nations Food Systems Summit 2021, he said the future of agri‑food systems depends on biodiversity, whose future, in turn, hinges on the transformation of food systems, green economic development and reverence to the nature. Watch out for how that translates into statements by countries such as Australia, China and India that did not sign the pledge. “Look at the number of governments and states which have registered to make statements. The summit included a plenary segment that highlights the connections between biodiversity, societies and economies, and two leaders' dialogues that address biodiversity loss, sustainable development, as well as accelerating biodiversity actions through science, technology and innovation, capacity-building, access and benefit-sharing, financing and partnerships. Environmental issues and sustainable development, Round-up of the Security Council's activities, Main part of the 74th session of the General Assembly, High-Level Meetings of the 74th General Assembly. Ms. SCHULZE said, in closing remarks, that it was clear that biodiversity is a required component of sustainable development and that efforts must integrate those concepts in order to ensure real progress. It is time for you to learn from us, indigenous peoples, who have experience living in harmony with nature.”  She expressed deep concern about climate change and biodiversity loss, which is worsening by the day. Their stories […] provide a blueprint for solving our planetary emergency.”. Ahead of the talks, the insurance company Swiss Re calculated that more than half (55%) of global GDP, equal to $41.7tn, is dependent on high-functioning biodiversity and ecosystem services. Participants then tuned into a “fireside chat” panel discussion, moderated by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Administrator Achim Steiner, who stressed that biodiversity has as much to do with nature as it does with people:  human dependence on nature, an inability to see nature’s complexity and a blindness to recognizing the value of ecosystem services. The Summit will be convened under the theme “Urgent Action on Biodiversity for Sustainable Development.” The Summit owill be convened by the President of … He described it as remarkable that, for the first time since the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development — or “Earth Summit” — that biodiversity has moved to centre stage of global debate, with more than 100 countries participating in today’s discussions. It is their pharmacy, providing medicines to protect their health. We live in an inter-dependent world where every species on … Regulating contributions — such as pollination or the capacity to regulate air quality — have been lost, as have other non‑material contributions important for people’s sense of cultural identity or belonging:  the production of food, fibre or energy, for example. Only by acting together can societies protect, restore and sustainably use natural resources. The strategy tackles the key drivers of biodiversity loss:  unsustainable use of land and sea, overexploitation of natural resources, pollution and global warming. linking the pandemic with the destruction of ecosystems and species, losses after a giant meteorite wiped out the dinosaurs, sixth mass extinction in geological history has already begun, dismissed the climate crisis as a Marxist plot, Covid-19 and zoonotic diseases to the destruction of nature. They are homes for humans, mammals, insects, and other critters. The project is currently enlisting the help of local communities, giving them jobs and making them part of initiatives towards protecting biodiversity. The meeting takes place on the margins of the opening of the 75th session of the UN General Assembly. In the interest of current and future generations, we need to prevent future pandemics, to ensure life supporting systems and live in harmony with nature. Sharing four new steps, he said AXA Group and more than 20 financial institutions signed the “Finance Biodiversity Pledge”. Also noting areas of advancement, Prime Minister Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli of Nepal said that his country accords high priority to biodiversity conservation. She called on everyone who is willing to join in with actions to halt biodiversity loss, adding that the community of those who want to move forward is becoming bigger and stronger every day. But the research also found that major economies in south-east Asia, Europe and the US are exposed to ecosystem decline. Mr. OBERLE said biodiversity is declining at unprecedented rates and urgent action and attention to critical issues must prevent further losses. “As a species, we are sawing off the branch that we are sitting on,” she said. Cover image via VCG. Members of the World Future Council recommend actions to be integrated in recovery plans for the Covid 19 pandemic, the 2020/2021 meetings of the UN, the UN Biodiversity Summit (CBD COP 15) where a new post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework will be adopted, and the World Food Systems Summit. “Let’s do it historically, holistically, coherently and collectively.”, Ms. AZOULAY said human activities are responsible for 75 per cent of the Earth’s alterations, but crises like the COVID‑19 pandemic present opportunities to change direction. The list of speakers for the plenary segment and the two Leaders Dialogues for the Summit on Biodiversity. It is time to change relationships. Xi Jinping, President of China, speaking as host of the fifteenth Conference of the Parties, said that the laws of nature must be respected. Beijing ICP prepared NO.16065310-3. Ms. MERKEL said the destruction of the environment, climate change and the loss of biological diversity are accelerating at an unprecedented pace, posing a threat to the quality of life, economic systems and social cohesion. Not just for the beauty. Every child on this planet must be aware of it, every person that inhabits the planet should become a steward of the Amazon. “For us, nature is not only a picture you watch,” or something one studies to earn a PhD. ARCHANA SORENG, indigenous youth representative and member of the Secretary‑General’s Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change, said that her generation is witnessing an unprecedented biodiversity crisis. “We cannot afford to ignore this or to waste any more time. While many countries have joined the UN in pledging to protect 30 percent of their land and seas by 2030, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro strongly opposed "international greed" towards the Amazon rainforest, and said that countries have the right to use their natural resources and "that is precisely what we intend to do with the huge wealth of resources found in the Brazilian territory. The World Bank is partnering with the private sector, notably through the informal working group to set up a Task Force on Nature‑related Financial Disclosures, and helping companies to reduce those risks, which include over-exploitation of natural resources. Its mission is to identify and advance outstanding local efforts to reduce poverty through the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. Ms. IBRAHIM stressed that for indigenous peoples, “nature is our past, our history.”  Nature is also the future. Now, more than ever, we must take action to ensure that we conserve our natural resources for present and future generations and take ambitious actions to protect at least 30 % of the oceans by 2030“ comments Anna Oposa, Executive Director, Save Philippine Seas, and Councillor, World Future Council. The World Food Programme in South Sudan strongly condemned an attack on its boat convoy near Shambe carrying food assistance intended for people displaced after losing their homes and crops to floods. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera, President of Malawi, speaking on behalf of the Group of Least Developed Countries, said that if current trends continue, 30 and 50 per cent of all species in the world could be lost during the 21st century, posing enormous risks to human prosperity and well‑being — and with least developed countries likely threatened by the worst effects. It’s up to all of us to make a difference.”. Recovery from the COVID‑19 pandemic must be rooted in rebuilding the relationship between people and nature. Noting that Sintasa is focused on long‑term value, rather than efficiency alone, she said it adopted a road map committing itself to integrate sustainability into its core business model. Check out The China Report , our new weekly newsletter. Multilateralism must be upheld, building synergy for global governance on the environment. Share this with Facebook ... he made not one but three “green” speeches to the UN biodiversity summit in New York. Such efforts have strengthened the recognition that much must be done to protect the future of the planet, he said, expressing hope that today’s event would contribute to a better understanding and galvanize the necessary political will to better protect the planet. Conservation efforts have already led to bringing back the rhinoceros from the brink of extinction and increasing the country’s elephant population to 130,000 from 54,000, he said. In addition, his country has banned Styrofoam containers. As President of the Commission, she presented the European Green Deal after just 11 days in office. One million animal and plant species are at the brink of extinction – the highest number in human history, according to the 2019 landmark Global Assessment Report by the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). It will double the size of the biodiversity and climate impact fund, with $350 million dedicated to protecting natural capital. The Equator Initiative is a United Nations-led, multi-sectoral partnership that brings together governments, civil society, academia, businesses and grassroots organizations to recognize and advance local, nature-based sustainable development solutions for people, nature, and resilient communities. In promoting biodiversity goals there is a need to contain the economic greed and policy negligence that is driving humanity to destroy the planet, he said. VOLKAN BOZKIR (Turkey), President of the General Assembly, said that humanity’s existence on Earth depends entirely on its ability to protect the natural world around it. Ms. PANGESTU said partnership is essential if programmes are to have an impact, citing World Economic Forum data estimating that more than half of global GDP — $44 trillion — is exposed to risks from nature loss. Key quotes from Xi Jinping's speech at UN biodiversity summit. “Nature is a shock absorber,” she said. The International Union for Conservation of Nature supports a biodiversity framework that works for everyone, involving all stakeholders and dovetailing with 2030 Agenda goals. Ana María Hernández Salgar, Chair of the Intergovernmental Science‑Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, said that it is time to pay attention to negative trends, “listen to the science and take decisions accordingly”.