Talk about any experiences you have using time management apps and tools, and general time management skills you have that have worked for you and past teams you’ve assisted. Job Description, Salary, Skills, 12 Companies That Hire for Remote Software Developer Jobs, 12 Companies That Hire for Remote Human Services Jobs, DevOps Engineer Career: Salary, Job Description, and Skills, FlexJobs CEO Sara Sutton on Flexibility and the Future of Work, Computer/IT Remote Work Increased More Than 50% Since March 1, Job Categories for Remote, Part-Time, Freelance, and Flexible Jobs, New Remote Work From Home and Flexible Jobs, Find Remote Work From Home and Flexible Jobs By Location. Checking out the person behind the title and addressing them will indicate you went a little bit further and found out the name. Tell your friends about FlexJobs via email. If you have download a PDF cover letter template for administrative assistant, you may need to edit the PDF document in order to fit your own resume. With the following administrative assistant cover letter you can improve your chances for a future interview by selling your professional skills and expertise fast. Spend some time studying the job spec and then include the skills and experience you have you have that relate specifically to this job ad. Digitize paperwork and accelerate the way you create, prepare, and sign documents. Screeners are hooked up instantly by numbers. I will be following up in a week to discuss the administrative assistant position further. With over seven years of experience in administrative roles, I am well-equipped to support your company, office, and team. Hiring managers looking to fill administrative assistant jobs often are looking for “fixers” who are adept across a range of skill sets. Be specific and unforgettable such as “establishing quick trust and rapport with co-workers, visitors, customers, VIPs and callers” rather than saying you're “very friendly” or “great with people” that most hiring managers might ignore. It is my goal to proactively take care of projects and tasks by keeping an eye out for bottlenecks and inefficiencies. [Your Name] If you don’t know who will be reading it, you can address it as “To the Hiring Committee” or “To the Hiring Manager”. I am very intuitive by nature and pay close attention to the needs of others. Explore all the features of this all-in-one PDF editor. An administrative career guide and overview can help you pull together a stand-out cover letter highlighting your qualifications for the role. It will help you edit any PDF file quickly. I am highly confident as your administrative assistant I will be able to meet all the needs you have laid out in your advert. Get detailed system requirements of PDFelement. I am adept at using many relevant technologies and tools, including MS Office, Dropbox, and Visio. If you’re seeking an administrative assistant role, we have jobs with a variety of flexibility options, such as part-time schedules, flexible schedules, temporary roles, and remote work. Your resume should work in concert with your administrative assistant cover letter. I’ve seen the same mistakes again and again throughout my career. Sign PDF cover letter with handwritten signatures. In the cover letter for administrative assistant ensure you've targeted the job advertised or making an application for. Cover letters usually come last and most people send them with errors and lots of shortcomings yet it's what the screener will read first. My responsibilities included filing expense reports, planning domestic and international travel, managing projects, and filing paperwork. Starting with ‘Dear Xxx' immediately is okay. Namely, you’ll want to give an overview of your skills and versatility in your administrative assistant cover letter. As a seasoned professional, I’m sure I would excel in the duties you’ve outlined in your job description for this position. Highlight your multitasking skills, ideally with an example from a past job where you successfully handled several duties at once. I have attached my resume to this application for you to review and am available to interview at your convenience. You’ve probably heard the rumor going around that you don’t need a cover letter anymore. Many administrative assistant cover letters make the mistake of blandly describing generic skills – avoid this error! But while these controversial headlines are catchy, they’re not being totally honest with you. Cover Letter Tips for Administrative Assistant 1. You can use italics and bolds for academic qualifications and job titles. The order process, tax issue, and invoicing to end-users are conducted by Wondershare Technology Co., Ltd, the Wondershare group' subsidiary. Focus on them. Some examples include computer knowledge, proofreading, customer and client interaction, scheduling, and general troubleshooting. Do contact me through my phone number or email at your earliest convenience. Network. When they sign up, they get up to 30% off, and you get a free month worth $14.95! As you match your skills and experience with what is being sought the higher your chances of being summoned for an interview and getting the job. And don’t forget to check out our administrative assistant career guide where you can find more information about the qualifications needed, jobs available, and potential salary you can earn as an admin. Stay active on social media, and keep your professional... 3. Posted by Elise Williams to Basic computer skills are a given for most administrative assistant jobs. As you send out your resume during your job search efforts, you should be including a cover letter that will accompany both printed and electronic versions of your resume. Writing a great administrative support cover letter is an important step in getting hired at a new job, but it can be hard to know what to include and how to format a cover letter. We have received your enquiry and will respond to you soon. The complete PDF Solution in Mac App Store. Your administrative assistant cover letter should expand on, or extend beyond, your resume. With so many other people applying for the same jobs you are, you might be wondering how to stand out. Administrative assistants are often at the front line in dealing with people both inside and outside the organization, including challenging supervisors, colleagues with outsize personalities, multiple teams, or disgruntled customers or clients from outside the company. Use language that describes how your skills directly relate to the job. Let’s say you’ve used an online cover letter builder and created a cover letter, that’s great; but wait, before you send your cover letter off, let’s double check the cover letter’s opening sentence. As an Administrative Support Specialist on your team, I would leverage my impeccable organizational and communication skills to ensure your office is running at 100% efficiency. 12 Companies That Hire for Remote Work-from-Home Customer Service Jobs, 11 Legitimate Work-from-Home Data Entry Jobs, What Is a Project Coordinator Job? Talk about how you shine in this area. Come up with a comprehensive list of all your preferences, requirements and qualifications as indicated in the job details. Sincerely,Signature (for hard copy cover letter)Jane Sommers. Jane Sommers,4312 Eb St.Georgetown, OH 21034Cell: (555) 654-4766Jsummers@thatdomain.comFebruary 25, 2018Smith D. Kline,General Overseer,Accords Company,3214 Main St.Georgetown, OH 32156. Copyright © 2020 Wondershare. Your administrative assistant cover letter can touch on so-called “soft or intangible skills” that you would bring to the job. If the position involves arranging meetings or conference calls, talk about the direct or transferable skills you’d bring to the table. Take time crafting it to get it right. Avoid throwing up list of duties by using action words in the description of your previous achievements. Make sure to check for correct spelling and grammar before sending out your cover letter! [Phone Number] Your cover letter offers the opportunity to explain in greater detail how you’ll be a good fit for the job. Write a specific and customized cover letter for every job described and follow up with confidence if you've not heard from the company in a week or so. I am eager to talk to you about my career success and experience in administration and how I could bring my talents and enthusiasm to your organization. Description, Salary, and Hiring, 10 Nursing Jobs That Can Be Done From Home, 8 High-Paying Medical Jobs That Can Be Done Remotely, Business Analyst II at Public Health Institute, Customer Service Representative at Travelers, Business Coordinator at Beekeeper Marketing, Event Coordinator at Paint the Town Events California, Please wait a few minutes before referring more friends. However, ensure the formatting used is consistent throughout. Then you can come up with examples from your work experiences to highlight the skills that match what they are looking for. This is a free cover letter template for administrative assistant. Stress your ability keep such information confidential. Come up with a comprehensive list of all your preferences, requirements and qualifications as indicated in the job details. Don't forget to share this article with friends! The ability to juggle lots of duties at once is a core feature of many administrative assistant jobs. I look forward to hearing from you! If you can quantify your accomplishments and experiences you'll reap big. With an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau, the monthly subscription costs allow us to fully vet and verify all of the jobs on our site—ensuring that customers have a safe and positive job searching experience. Include your full name and contact information at the top of your cover letter, Start the cover letter by respectfully addressing the recipient by name, Mention where you found the job posting and your interest in the opportunity, Use the first paragraph to explain why you would be a great hire as the administrative support, Briefly discuss your experiences, qualifications and accomplishments related to this opportunity, Thank the reader and express interest in discussing the role in more detail, End the cover letter with a professional sign-off and your full name, Your cover letter should be one-page or or less in length. Bosses and coworkers often turn to administrative assistants to problem-solve and make things happen on deadline. All rights reserved. Don't submit the cover letter before carrying out a thorough grammatical errors and spelling check. In other words, while your resume features the highlights of your skills, experience, and education, your cover letter is an opportunity to dive deeper.