Greg does his best to be more responsible, grows closer to his grandfather, and ultimately decides to attend Hardscrabble... Get Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School from However, after Susan gets a phone call from Chirag's father, she brings Greg to Chirag's house and orders him to apologise. To prove it is "fitness water", Greg has Rowley do jumping jacks and push-ups near the stand, but he gets out of breath. However, Greg does not see him as a close friend because he is "not a school-year friend". Grandpa shows up, and Greg swerves the car into a ditch, so Susan comes two hours later with the towing company. He will then sniff his rear end until he goes to sleep. Great Uncle Bruce is Greg's deceased great-uncle. The poll was created at 20:52 on April 4, 2020, and so far. The community service crew eats lunch on the car and leaves, leaving a mess. She is overweight and sometimes passes gas loudly. Greg forgot about Reba at first, until Susan reminded him that she used to send him angry letters for forgetting to send her thank-you notes for his birthday money. In Rodrick Rules, Scotty was going to do a magic act in the Talent Show with Rowley as his assistant. Mr. Jefferson bunks underneath him. Frank Heffley is Greg's overactive but well-meaning father. Jordan suggests stealing the girls' deodorant, but other boys think girls don't use deodorant. They then argued about if they'd be efficient and Frank poked Giles in the butt with a spork and Giles's mother spanked Frank. In the book, Greg and Rowley sneak back home, but in the movie, they try to intimidate Pete and his friends with a weed hacker, before Pete scratches his car and they are chased into the woods. After performing the song Exploded Diper, Rodrick retaliates and kicks him out. Greg doesn't like stuffed pepper. They try waiting inside and putting in a pay jar, but a boy on a skateboard doesn't pay, so they go back. Greg's Homework Buddy is a boy called Frew who likes science and is very fast and good at geography and math. The same morning, Greg tries to cap his toothpaste tube after brushing his teeth like Frank said, but drops the cap in the sink, where it bounces and falls down the drain. He only speaks in grunts or makes random sounds. Frank is addicted to junk food; in The Last Straw, he makes a New Year's Resolution to go on a strict diet, but Greg later catches him in the garage eating brownies. and makes Greg choked up. Greg mentioned for Rowley’s last birthday, they went to the ice cream parlor. Greg is his favorite. Fregley is Greg's acquaintance and neighbor noted for his many odd or disgusting eccentricities. Susan says Greg should too as she has fond memories of taking a younger Greg to the park, and if they didn't clean it, other family members with kids would not have the same happy times. She and Loretta are identical twins. That’s the question Greg Heffley is asking as his town voluntarily unplugs and goes electronics-free. In the movie series, the van is revealed to be a 1996 Chevrolet Astro AWD van, which also sports a diaper's pin drawn on the rear doors. When he goes to school, it is boring so he signs up for the Homework Buddies Program to skip music class with Mrs. Graziano, who is grumpy and Frank used to be in her class. Taylor is portrayed by Dalila Bela. Greg also notices that the kids leaving the group look like they are scared of something and glad to be leaving, and a boy at the back is holding a sign, on which is written: "BEWARE OF SILAS SCRATCH".