The solar park will be built close to existing coal-fired power plants that are being phased out and is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by 320,000 tonnes annually. PPAD provides quality assurance for the project procurement process and develops standard procurement and contract documents in cooperation with other international organisations. Founded in 1991, we are owned by 69 countries, as well as the European Union and the European Investment Bank. A strong sign of our effectiveness is that we continue to extend our international shareholder base, adding further weight to our work and more potential sources of mobilised finance for our projects. The EBRD’s Legal Transition Team has launched an assessment on business reorganisation tools and a short survey on non-performing loans in all 38 economies where the EBRD is active. Despite significant uncertainty in a number of economies, the EBRD, At the EBRD, we ultimately measure success by the impact that our projects, technical assistance and policy dialogue create, rather than by the amount we invest. Since launching the Sustainable Energy Initiative in 2006, the EBRD has provided over €35 billion for climate and green projects. As a result, EBRD shareholders currently represent 60 per cent of the world’s population and 80 per cent of its GDP. Preparation: In line with the contractually agreed exit process and timing either: - the investee company or EBRD appoints a sell side advisor and organises a competitive process EBRD’s stake in the business, or, - the investee company is prepared for an IPO, or, - in case of put/call arrangement the put option value is determined, Review: Once the exit parameters (including valuation) have been substantially established, the project receives a Final Review by EBRD management. Working from its London headquarters and network of 37 Resident Offices, the EBRD invests in commercial projects that deliver a market-based financial return while having a measurable economic, social or environmental impact. #EBRDMore for more growth, more jobs, more prosperity.". We are very happy to be part of this milestone project, led by such a strong sponsor, and support the transition of Western Macedonia towards new greener economic activities.”, George Alexopoulos, General Manager Strategy and new Business Activities and member of the HELPE Board of Directors commented: “The Kozani project is our first big step towards building a material renewables portfolio in line with our strategy and our ambition to reduce our carbon footprint. Project Summary Documents To ensure the timely delivery of projects formulated in … With an emphasis on working with the private sector, we invest in projects, engage in policy dialogue and provide technical advice which fosters innovation and builds modern economies that are competitive, well-governed, green, inclusive, resilient and integrated. This demonstrates that we are well on the way to meeting our green investment target of 40 per cent by the end of 2020. Barbara Rambousek is Director of Gender and Economic Inclusion at the EBRD. Read more about how the EBRD’s work is improving the daily lives of millions of people in our regions. EBRD talks about planned projects with Turkmenistan. Use our interactive financing adviser to learn whether your business or project meets our key criteria and what types of service could be available to you. The loan has been fully repaid and/or the EBRD’s equity investment divested. For all Procurement Complaints - please refer to the Project Procurement Complaint link above. ... EBRD … Once published, those documents will appear here. We also finance municipal entities and publicly owned companies, often in support of essential infrastructure and services for people. The most recently published of these documents appear here, and will show - in real time - the Bank’s disclosure of key project information. The Annual Review 2018 describes the impact of the EBRD’s investments, projects and policy work during the year, and highlights our innovation in key sectors and initiatives. Greece has a very ambitious decarbonisation plan and it will therefore need many projects of this scale to replace its existing lignite capacity. The Bank invests in well-structured, financially robust projects, both directly and through financial intermediaries such as local banks and investment funds. In Turkey, the EBRD also launched a policy dialogue programme to improve training and skills standards in labour intense sectors such as manufacturing and agribusiness. Most of these procurement opportunities are related to EBRD-financed projects in our regions. There are a number of key document types which contain basic information about the EBRD’s projects, including environmental and social due diligence materials, Board reports, and notices relating to procurement. These are just a few among a whole range of activities of which we can be justly proud. We finance projects that strengthen the private sector in economies undergoing transition to a well-functioning market system. During 2018, we delivered four wind farms and nine solar power plants in Turkey and made our first investments in Lebanon and in the West Bank and Gaza. Since its launch in 2017, more than 350 young people have been trained, including 120 Syrian refugees. The Bank maintains a robust capital position, high levels of liquidity and enjoys the strong support of its members. Greece is aiming to close all its existing coal fired power plants by the end of 2023 and to mothball one plant currently under construction by 2028. It also carries out procurement policy dialogue with the authorities in EBRD Countries of Operations to promote procurement as an efficient transition tool. The most important of these projects have focused on … In Kazakhstan current labour laws still contain a list of jobs women cannot hold. The platform allows public and private sectors create occupation skills’ standards in the property and tourism sector. The EBRD is committed to transparency and disclosure in relation to its project activities. The project will aim to maximise employment and content from the local community and, starting in 2022, produce 350 GWh per year of zero-emission electricity. The investment comes under the Greek Renewable Energy Framework and is aligned with the EBRD’s Green Economy Transition (GET) approach, the Bank’s strategy for helping the economies where it invests build low-carbon and resilient economies. Harry Boyd-Carpenter, EBRD Head of Energy for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, said: “We are very proud to support HELPE in developing what will be the largest solar park in south-eastern Europe. PPAD runs numerous capacity development projects in cooperation with other institutions. Through our financial investments, business services and work on policy reform, we're doing more than ever before to build open, market economies across 3 continents. And I look forward to the launch of our revised good governance policies at our Annual Meeting in Sarajevo. To date, the Bank has invested close to €4 billion in over 65 projects in the country, with most investments (more than 40 per cent) supporting sustainable infrastructure. Greece has a very ambitious decarbonisation plan and it will therefore need many projects of this scale to replace its existing lignite capacity. In accordance with paragraph 1.4.8 of Section IV of the Access to Information Directive, from 1 January 2020, the Bank shall disclose Board Reports for State Sector Projects within 30 calendar days after approval of the relevant Project by the Board of Directors. "The EBRD is stepping up its investments and engagements across the region, including ongoing work in the care economy and projects targeting barriers to economic inclusion for people with disabilities," explains Barbara. Without doubt, a highlight of 2019 will be the expected completion of work to make the site of the Chernobyl nuclear accident safe. Additional information about EBRD projects: This tool may be used to find any project listed on this website. Step changes like these are crucial if the international community is to meet the Sustainable Development Goals that it has pledged to achieve by 2030. "The EBRD has the means, the expertise and the commitment to move forward in all our existing regions. The EBRD and the client sign the deal and it becomes legally binding. Sign in to YouTube. The EBRD provides many opportunities for suppliers, contractors and consultants worldwide. Share this page: The EBRD project cycle consists of the following stages, all of which are reflected in our Project Summary Documents: Concept review. The EBRD supports the transition process by combining investment with close policy dialogue with local and central governments, regulators, financial institutions, and representatives of civil society, as well as by providing technical assistance and advisory services using funds donated by governments and institutions. But there are also a limited number of opportunities to tender for contracts involving internal EBRD projects … Finance 7 September 2020 12:42 (UTC+04:00) Access to paid information is limited. who are leading and working on exciting projects across many countries - projects that truly make a difference to the lives of women in business. EBRD client E-procurement platform (ECEPP), EBRD Procurement Policy and Advisory Department. PPAD advises on actions to be taken by the Bank and its clients, to ensure that the tendering and contracting which takes place as part of a bank operation, fully complies with the Bank's Procurement Policies and Rules (PP&R) and Related Bank Policies and that project implementation risks are minimised. In Jordan, the EBRD has supported the creation of a Sector Skills Council which brings together private sector employers with various entities supporting skills development and employment in the country. Research the EBRD's latest job vacancies and see where your skills and experience might take your career. Projects can be searched using key project information, including the project’s location, sector of activity, project name or project ID. It is also aligned with the objectives of the Bank’s Just Transition Initiative, which aims to address the shift from fossil fuel-dependent economies towards climate-resilient and low-carbon economies. Our principal financing instruments are loans, equity investments and guarantees. Across three continents – from central Europe to the Western Balkans, the southern and eastern Mediterranean and Central Asia – the EBRD invests in changing people’s lives. Loading... Save. Once the basic business deal (including a signed term sheet) has been negotiated and due diligence has been substantially completed, the project is submitted for Final Review by EBRD management. She leads the EBRD’s project and policy programmes on economic inclusion across all of the bank’s sectors and regions of operation. Whether it’s improving public transport, ensuring a safe water supply, repairing roads or boosting renewable energy, our investments make a real difference to the daily lives of millions of people across three continents. The EBRD is working with the Egyptian National Railways to improve infrastructure, accessibility and safety for all passengers on the railways. We operate in places on the path to becoming stronger and more sustainable, democratic, open-market economies. Typically, EBRD management approve the project concept and overall structure, including the proposed financing structure and supporting obligations. Safe access to transport can be a barrier to economic opportunity for women in Egypt. The EBRD project cycle consists of the following stages, all of which are reflected in our Project Summary Documents: Typically, EBRD management approve the project concept and overall structure, including the proposed financing structure and supporting obligations. The Financial Report 2018 demonstrates why the EBRD continues to be rated AAA or equivalent, with a stable outlook, by all three major rating agencies.