They called for candidates in the 2007 French presidential election to take a stance on this issue and they went to court to contest the legality of the decision. As well as regional CEO's such as Clara Gaymard, President and CEO of GE France and VP of GE International or Slawomir Krupa CEO of Société Générale Americas. 22 That would not be enough to become a barrister ("avocat") and would put into question the utility of the law to become one. The Le Havre campus is primarily known for its vibrant campus culture, upholding numerous artistic and sports clubs and celebrating important Asian holidays, such as Diwali and Chinese New Year. [26] According to these critics, the ENA discourages its students from innovative thinking and pushes them to take conventional, middle-of-the-road positions. oct He also argued that before 1994, Sciences Po students already could become barristers.[125]. ", "Sciences-Pipeau : Plus rentable que de braquer une banque ! 2019, Politique de la science, scientifiques et politique, Mardi 24 Public sector alumni also include the former President of the European Central Bank and Governor of the Bank of France Jean-Claude Trichet, the former head of the European Federation of Businesses, Industries and Employers and head of the French Businesses and Employers Union Laurence Parisot, among many others. Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, Institut d'études politiques de l'Université de Paris, Les travaux de rénovation des amphithéâtres,École_libre_des_sciences_politiques&oldid=174984547, Article de Wikipédia avec notice d'autorité, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, l'intervention, très tôt, de praticiens de la politique à côté des universitaires reconnus, avec des ministres, des, la coopération très précoce avec des universités étrangères. Centre for History (CHSP), whose research focuses on: arts, knowledge and culture; wars, conflicts and violence; states, institutions and societies; the political and cultural history of contemporary France; from local to global; international history and its levels. As well as CFO's of CAC 40 companies such as Frédéric Lemoine of Capgemini, Thierry Moulonguet of Renault. Former students are unlikely to criticize it. The Paris Institute of Political Studies (French: Institut d'études politiques de Paris, IPA: [ɛ̃stity detyd pɔlitik də paʁi]), commonly referred to as Sciences Po Paris or just Sciences Po (IPA: [sjɑ̃s po]), is a higher education institution located in France, and member of the Conférence des Grandes écoles. The governmental decree was not eventually cancelled, by the new government or by the Conseil d’État. – Actualités du droit", "L'école de l'élite : Sciences Pipo ? [21] This program enables the institution to recruit high-potential students at partner high schools in more disadvantaged parts of France who, due to a social, academic, and financial constraints, would not otherwise have been able to attend Sciences Po. Other students will join various ministries and administrative justice or préfectures. [19], FNSP further strengthened its role as a scientific publication center with significant donations from the Rockefeller Foundation. The unity of the French academic body was noted: left- and right-wing professors, professors from Paris and outside Paris, in public law or private law… were in favor of the move. Established in 2009, École Nationale Supérieure de Sciences Politiques (National School of Political Sciences) is a non-profit public higher-education institution located in the metropolis of Algiers (population range of 1,000,000-5,000,000 inhabitants). nov Disclaimer: This University profile has not been officially reviewed and updated by École Nationale Supérieure de Sciences Politiques's representatives yet; we cannot guarantee the accuracy of all the above University information. It remained split between the two cities, requiring students to complete studies in both locations, until it was fully re-located to Strasbourg in January 2005. French law makes it relatively easy for civil servants to enter politics: civil servants who are elected or appointed to a political position do not have to resign their position in the civil service; instead, they are put in a situation of "temporary leave" known as disponibilité. Sciences Po has a network over 470 partner universities, including:[65] Berkeley, Bocconi, Cambridge, Colegio de Mexico, Columbia, Copenhagen Business School, Freie Universität Berlin, Fudan, Humboldt Universität, Instituto de Empresa, King's College, Keio, London School of Economics, McGill, MGIMO, MIT, National University of Singapore, Northwestern, Oxford, Peking University, Princeton, Tsinghua, University of British Columbia, University of Cape Town, University of Chicago, University of Ghana, University of Hong Kong, University of São Paulo, University of Sydney, University of Tokyo, Uppsala, and Waseda among others. Plusieurs innovations pédagogiques caractérisent l'enseignement de l'école : En 1879, l'École s'installe à l'hôtel de Mortemart, rue Saint-Guillaume à Paris, grâce à la généreuse donation de Maria de Brignole-Sale, duchesse de Galliera. The curriculum is taught in French, English and German, as it focuses on the European Union and French-German relations. Researchers at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique have shown that many ENA alumni become business executives in France.[19]. [94][95] This nickname has also been employed by students. It is also home to Sciences Po's two largest teaching halls, the Amphitheatres Émile Boutmy and Jacques Chapsal. Founded in 1871, the nucleus of the school's research is the Bibliothèque de Sciences Po. Autour de « Foucault révolutionne l’histoire », Mercredi