The total estimated infrastructure investment needs across the global economy amount to US$90 trillion over the next 15 years, or approximately US$6 trillion per year. U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) was in the lead until 2003 when it was overtaken by the European Union (EU). The Conference Board and torch logo are registered trademarks of The Conference Board. Besides, they have begun to participate in top-level global governance design and thus play an increasingly important role in certain important global institutions. The Conference Board uses cookies to improve our website, enhance your experience, and deliver relevant messages and offers about our products. StraightTalk® Global Economic Outlook 2020: Getting through and beyond the COVID-19 Recession. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, and General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) laid the foundation for the postwar global economic order, and international trade and capital flows gradually started to resume. [2] International Monetary Fund, Report for Selected Country Groups and Subjects: Major Advanced Economies (G7) , 2017,; International Monetary Fund, Report for Selected Countries and Subjects: Brazil, China, Russia, India, and South Africa , 2017,, Contact H. Andrew Schwartz Chief Communications Officer Tel: 202.775.3242, Contact Caleb Diamond Media Relations Manager and Editorial Associate Tel: 202.775.3173. As the principle of free trade marked the postwar global economic order, the past decades have witnessed large-scale economic globalization, and countries adopted reform measures and a policy of opening-up, handled international affairs in a cooperative manner, and coordinated effective policies. The global economy is a force that in some way or another affects all of our lives. Some may point to the downside of China’s rise and are concerned that China intends to challenge the dominant status of the United States in the global economic order. Yes this will always be insane. The postwar architecture of world economy was to a large extent fashioned by the United States, with the hope of reconstructing a liberal international economic system. During the same period, the economic share held by BRICS countries has increased from 19.3 percent to more than 30.8 percent of the world’s total.2 Over the past several years, developing countries have become a new driving force in the global economy. (For Europe and Asia time …, Trump vs. Biden - A Turning Point for the World? Rather than seeing a quick v-shaped recovery, the outlook assumes a more u-shaped pattern. © 2020 The Conference Board Inc. All rights reserved. 2 Over the past several years, developing countries have become a new driving force in the global economy. According to statistics released by the World Bank, U.S. GDP amounted to 30.6 percent of the world’s total in 2000, whereas by 2015 the figure had fallen to 24.3 percent.1 At the same time, the U.S. share of international trade and investment has dropped considerably. As a result of the pandemic, the global economy is projected to contract sharply by –3 percent in 2020, much worse than during the 2008–09 financial crisis. 34. Could the US and Chinese economies really 'decouple'. During the same period, the economic share held by BRICS countries has increased from 19.3 percent to more than 30.8 percent of the world’s total. The 20 th largest economies account for 80% of the world’s economic output and the five biggest economies are big enough to impact the whole world with their developments. Do you need someone to review your own growth model? © 2020 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. The eruption of the 1997–1998 Asian financial crisis sparked extensive suspicion of the manner of governance adopted by the IMF and the “Washington Consensus” behind it, and accelerated a rising awareness of regional cooperation across Asia. The world's gone mad, China's industrial profits lift markets; Uber wins London licence; pound rallies – as it happened, Coronavirus pandemic has wiped out $3.5tn in work income, says ILO, UN warns of lost decade without Covid economic recovery plan, Lack of Covid help for poor countries will haunt west, says UN aid chief, Liam Fox reaches last five in race to head WTO, New Zealand in Covid recession after worst quarterly GDP fall on record, Governments should avoid Covid spending cuts and tax rises, says OECD, We must use the Covid crisis to reshape our society and economy, Trump attacks WTO after it says US tariffs on China broke global trade rules, Chinese investment in Australia plummets 47% in a year as diplomatic tensions rise. Twenty years ago, China’s economy was a tenth the size of the United States. The question as to whether or not to accept and manage the rise of developing countries is key to deciding whether the current international system is elastic and stable. TCB reserves the right to deny any request. The global economy can be defined as each individual country’s economy added together but that is not the only way to portrait how the world economy works. The use of all TCB data and materials is subject to the Terms of Use. However, globalization has been ebbing in the wake of the global financial crisis for it revealed economic imbalances, inequality, and other social conflicts that had been concealed by rapid global growth. This is leading to an unprecedented decline in global GDP during the first half of 2020. © 2020 The Conference Board Inc. All rights reserved. As the United States predominance in the global economy is expected to decline further now that China will be becoming the world’s biggest economy by 2024, developing countries expand, and the new problems are fermented, the global economic order enters a seemingly fragmented stage. [1] World Bank, “GDP (current US$),” 2017, The outbreak of the 2007 subprime mortgage crisis in the United States, as well as the 2010 sovereign debt crisis in Europe, changed the long-established belief that developed economies are immunized from financial crises. First, the United States’ superpower status is challenged by its comparative decline in strength. 100 years from now our generation will be laughed at for this. As the international economic system has become increasingly incapable of dealing with the detection, prevention, and treatment of crises caused by the wave of globalization, regional or cross-regional economic governance platforms are playing an ever more important role. Detailed information on the use of cookies on this site is provided in our, Detailed information on the use of cookies on this site is provided in our, Chief Intellectual Property Officers Council, Sustainability Council II: Innovation & Growth, Coaching & Leadership Development Council, Talent & Organization Development Executive Council, Corporate Communications Strategy Council, CED Distinguished Performance Awards Celebration, The Reimagined Consumer Virtual Conference Series, 18th Annual Change & Transformation Conference, Designing Organizations for Differentiation and Transformational Results, Executive Compensation and the On-Going Coronavirus Pandemic (Part 1), Trump vs. Biden - A Turning Point for the World? Explore how membership in The Conference Board can benefit you and your organization. Second, the rise of emerging powers was expected to reorder the global economy’s architecture. Despite numerous challenges, the primary architecture of world economy remains largely unaltered. Instead, China aims to abide by current global rules and institutions while assuming deserved responsibilities commensurate with its international status. World Economic Outlook, April 2020: The Great Lockdown April 6, 2020 Description: The COVID-19 pandemic is inflicting high and rising human costs worldwide, and the necessary protection measures are severely impacting economic activity. If you would like to get in touch with us, please send an email to. Unfortunately, developing countries have still not gained the status or voice proportionate to their strength and the momentum of their economic growth in the international economic system. Since the Great Recession, policymakers have kept the global economy afloat primarily through ultra-loose and unconventional monetary policy. The World Through a Lens A Portrait of a Market in India Run Solely by Women. All in all, the redistribution of interests, obligations, and power entailed by the rise of developing countries will have an explosive impact on the international order. Terms Of Use | Privacy Policy | Trademarks According to IMF estimates, in 2001 G7 nations accounted for nearly 43.435 percent of the world’s total GDP in terms of purchasing-power parity, but in 2015 their share declined to 31.5 percent. (For Europe and US time zo …, The Impact of COVID-19 on the German and French Economies, Government Enforcement During and After COVID-19, Reimagining Compensation for a Changing World, Members of The Conference Board get exclusive access to the full range of products and services that deliver. And the reform of the current international economic system should focus on three main issues. In the short-term, as governments throughout the world introduce stringent measures limiting physical mobility and social activity to slow the spread of the virus and avert a health crisis, economic activity seriously contracted. This development can be seen in the multilateralization of the Chiang Mai Initiative, the strengthening of the BRICS, and the rise of mega-regional free trade agreement negotiations like the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). In 2039, on the current trajectory, it will be more than 10% bigger. Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, developing countries have maintained rapid economic growth, and their united strength is approaching that of the Group of Seven industrialized countries (G7). Emerging powers, including China, should encourage a perspective that tolerates development across the world. In the realm of security and diplomacy, irresponsible behavior by the United States and some of its unsuccessful economic and diplomatic policies have also caused damage to the international order and the country’s own leadership. The global economy has suffered a significant slowdown amid prolonged trade disputes and wide-ranging policy uncertainties. This situation is reflected above all in the rise of the Group of Twenty (G20), which encompass major developed and developing economies, and acts as the most important platform for international economic cooperation. Cultivation of such a core value will help emerging powers undertake international responsibilities proportionate to their current national strength and historical suffering from colonialism, and prevent them from being trusted with responsibilities and obligations beyond their capacity.