The rise of remote working is generally a good thing, but there are still some problems to overcome. Building on its existing supplier diversity strategy targeted at women-led businesses, Public Services and Procurement Canada could explore ways to encourage behaviour by explicitly scoring vendors on workforce stewardship. Of the nine future of work trends, some represent accelerations of existing shifts; others are new impacts not previously discussed. Two-way rating plans could improve transparency and reduce gaming the system. In fact, people in digital industries who work from home are already pushing for shorter work days. The same research on working from home found that 32% of respondents never work remotely, either because they can’t or because they don’t want to. The Platform could ease labour market transitions, reduce unemployment periods, and increase Canadian labour force resilience. Labour could become more transient, potentially impacting community cohesion but perhaps raising understanding between diverse groups. is generally a good thing, but there are still some problems to overcome. Remote work statistics like this show that parents benefit most from remote work, as they have much more flexibility to spend time with their children. the growing skills gap driven by increased automation; and. Only 18% of workers who contributed to these telecommuting statistics said their company pays their internet bill in full, while 7% said the company covers their costs partially. The future of vulnerable groups may worsen if governments don’t adapt skills training, redefine skilled immigration, and shift curricula to prepare Canadians for the career lattice and lifelong learning. This could include a technology resilience rating and an annual career health check-up that identifies work goals and training plans. We engaged multiple stakeholders, from the education, private, and employment services sectors, to look at how these insights could lead to potential policy challenges and opportunities. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of statistics using only the most reputable sources. Age-inclusive corporate policies could become common with a growing number of businesses capitalizing on senior-specific skills. Research shows that once you start working remotely, you don’t look back. No. Considering that internet prices in the USA are among the highest in the world, at over $60 per month, this cost can really add up. The world of work is changing. Better data: Statistics Canada and Employment and Social Development Canada could use technology to reduce the administrative cost of collecting data. Globally, South America leads the way when it comes to working from home. Remote workers now represent almost 3.8% of the entire US workforce, up from 1.8 million in 2005. Working from home productivity statistics show that nearly two-thirds of people believe this working arrangement suits them better. This data-driven platform is a coordinated approach that includes three areas: identifying, measuring and validating competencies; work and training exploration; and individualized matching. also indicated that of those startup companies that haven’t yet outsourced any work, 14.5% are planning to do so in the next year. The “work from anywhere” approach is now a hit among both businesses and employees, as an increasing number of people view remote work as a net positive for their productivity. It will take a lot of effort from a whole lot of people to make working from home as efficient and enjoyable as it can be. Emerging Trends and Opportunities in the Future of Work. Work matching could use an individual’s portfolio of badged competencies to identify “high-fit” career transitions. This indicates that companies that want to retain loyal employees need to prioritize flexibility, perhaps ahead of other benefits. The Platform could use technological advancements to help Canadians at every stage of their working life. Work from home statistics highlight a few key issues that businesses will have to confront in the coming decades. Working from home is far more popular than other remote work options, including coworking spaces (8%) and cafes (4%). Governments may implement policies and programs to keep older workers working to increase economic and societal benefits. As we move further into the digital age of the 21st century, the way we think about work is rapidly changing. 94% of remote workers encourage others to work remotely. And in some cases, COVID-19 has forced the pendulum of a long-observed pattern to one extreme. A whopping 77% of respondents also said working remotely today would help them get more exercise, maintain a healthier diet, and generally lead a better life. Building upon the FutureSkills Lab foundation, this Platform could combine government, industry, and education expertise to better identify new skills and support training. We co-created a central talent training and redeployment hub to identify and address changes to roles and skills in each business and function. To open the morning, Stephen Harrington, Senior Manager, Talent Strategies, Human Capital, from Deloitte will present research and findings from their 2017 report The Intelligence Revolution: Future-proofing Canada's Workforce. There’s a 6% increase in proportion of remote workers who stay at home compared to the previous year’s figures. Labour market information and projections could be added to the Platform that lets AI advisors provide interactive career advice, giving users greater access. We help employers compete and fulfill their missions in a changing world. The decreasing need for physical spaces could reduce travel needs and change the demand for and design of cities. Canada Beyond 150 was designed to drive a culture shift across the public service, and we believe that we started scratching the surface of that shift. People create and sustain change. Reputation systems could become more common, shaping human interactions, work prospects, and relationships, which could lead to identity loss and further marginalization. Combined with advancement in robotics, VR may separate where we work from where we live, slowly displacing national service sectors with global ones. Practical resources to help leaders navigate to the next normal: guides, tools, checklists, interviews and more. Most people who already work from home agree with everything we’ve said above, but that’s not to say remote work is perfect. These include feelings of loneliness and isolation, with more people than ever craving human interaction. We worked together with HR and business teams to design learning journeys based on adult-learning science to meet 80 percent of skills gaps with current employees, while improving employee engagement. This has made remote work a reality for an increasing number of people around the globe. Almost all people surveyed (97%) said they were interested in working flexibly in the long term, while 83% said they know at least one person who already telecommutes. Flip the odds. Canadians would be better prepared for a future that includes frequent job transitions, labour market uncertainty, and a focus on skill development and adaptation. “Near-matching” may improve firm outcomes, reducing damages from incorrect or over-specific requirements. Workers will not only lead better-organized and less-stressful daily lives, but will save money and reduce pollution in their cities. Some courses could even be mandatory as part of a business’ incorporation process. Programming and web development are fields where working from home has already become widespread. These complex issues need a multidisciplinary approach that touches many areas. While remote work allows you to travel and perform your job from basically anywhere in the world, most workers choose to stay home for most of the year. The remote work trends leave no doubt in our minds that remote employment is going to overtake traditional office work in the near future. Communications: Shifting culture always starts with introducing language and sparking discourse. Improving happiness and productivity with such a simple offer can do wonders for the overall health of a company. an Interactive Career Platform that uses technology to help Canadians from all walks of life, and. It is no wonder, then, that the vast majority of people feel that working from home or away from the office alleviates stress and improves their general health. Now, there’s even a term for people who constantly work and travel without ever setting foot in an office: “digital nomads.”. Helps defense and security agencies, financial institutions, and executives in a range of sectors tackle strategic, organizational,... Coleads the Organization Practice globally and is one of the leading experts in transformational change. Remote work statistics like this show that parents benefit most from remote work, as they have much more flexibility to spend time with their children. Please use UP and DOWN arrow keys to review autocomplete results. Our proprietary database of Future of Work trends across global geographies allows clients in real estate, retail, staffing, and other areas to make strategic investments based on expected labor, job, and skill shifts. People are now more informed and willing to quit their jobs than ever before. Indeed, Buffer found that 90% of respondents who work remotely wouldn’t return to office life. The selected insights below provide an educated look at some plausible changes, based on current structures and weak signals of change. Strengthening “soft skills” would be a priority, as these will not be easily replaced by technology, and could retain their value in the future. found that telecommuting is the most sought-after flexible work arrangement, closely followed by flexible scheduling. While this figure includes options like scheduling, unlimited time off, and a relaxed dress policy, it still shows that small businesses are increasingly trying to make their workers happier. We use cookies essential for this site to function well. Remote work statistics indicate employees are more dedicated to companies that allow them the freedom to work from home. This shows how big a shift we’ve seen over the past decade or so. One of these is that most companies still don’t pay their remote employees’ home internet bills. This means that for the first time in a long while, workers are actually influencing change on a large scale and leading companies to offer more flexible work options. In the gig economy, the traditional career with employer benefits fades into multiple income streams. Unleash their potential. Read the research, insights, and innovative ideas that are shaping the future of work. This document does not represent an official policy position of the Government of Canada. Working from home statistics show that difficulties communicating with colleagues is also a major struggle for 21% of workers, followed by distractions at home (16%). Reinvent your business. Working with provincial, territorial, and indigenous governments, the GoC could create an AI-enabled, standardized database and user interface for existing and future labour market programs to allow automatic data collection.