Katie Hill is the Executive Director of PATH and the local, grassroots candidate for Congress in California District 25. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The pornographic Reddit forums describe themselves as ‘a place to share pictures of your wife or girlfriend’ and for ‘pictures and videos of couples sharing their sexy and intimate moments’. Hill has not been accused of any wrongdoing — an ethics investigation was just getting started. Lawmakers have been accused of everything from groping a soldier while on a USO tour (resigned Democratic Minnesota senator Al Franken) to writing love notes to a staffer (retiring GOP congressman Patrick Meehan) to offering to pay a staffer $5 million to bear his child (resigned GOP Arizona congressman Trent Franks) to decades of unwanted touching and sexual advances (resigned Michigan Democratic congressman John Conyers Jr.). Submit your business to potentially be featured on KTLA 5 News. Interpretation of the news based on evidence, including data, as well as anticipating how events might unfold based on past events. Your anonymity is NEVER compromised. Hill acknowledged the race is likely to be close and said she personally starred in the spot because she hoped her appearance would reactivate the network that helped her win the seat in 2018. Google Adsense is the online advertising monopoly and they have banned us. It was my fault. “And there’s a special election for Congress on May 12, and we have to vote. The congresswoman, 32, was also pictured naked brushing the young woman’s hair, who DailyMail.com can identity as Morgan Desjardins, 24, from Santa Clarita, California. One of the most scandalous photographs, shows a naked Hill holding a giant bong filled with a murky brown liquid. It is entirely Katie Hill’s fault that the Dems have lost a valuable seat in Congress. I simply was trying to separate things since I was moving out,’ she wrote. There’s also a political irony: During the 2018 campaign, political analysts called Hill “one of the most impressive Democratic contenders of 2018,” and Democratic strategists routinely talked up Hill to reporters as one of their best recruits. individual rights, and equality of rights for all. A straight-to-camera, dizzy-making shot of her walking around in Washington shows a masked Hill looking more Patty Hearst than PPE. Republicans are pleased with their candidate: Mike Garcia, a former Naval pilot who moved back to the area to work for the defense contractor Raytheon. '", Carla Marinucci and Jeremy B. Josh Boswell In Santa Clarita, Martin Gould In Washington Dc, And Jennifer Van Laar For Dailymail.com, Islamic State (ISIS) FATWA on Pamela Geller: “We will send all our lions to achieve her slaughter”, Muslim Convert Convicted in Plot to BEHEAD Pamela Geller Asks for “Compassionate Release”, Basement Biden says there shouldn’t be a second debate if Trump still has Covid-19, Biden Beast Jane Fonda Says COVID-19 Is ‘God’s Gift to the Left’, WATCH Pamela Geller, Eagle Council: “The Most Important Civil Liberty of All Is The Right Not to Be Blown Up”. Last week Hill cut an unusually self-serving and idiotic ad that seems to have actually hurt the Democratic candidate she’s endorsed to replace her. Everyone who reads our reporting knows the Geller Report covers the news the media won't. “Did you guys know he’s a pilot? Democrats will be trying to hang onto the 40 seats they won last year, a number of them in districts that also voted for Trump in 2016. And now, amid the dynamic of a surging Garcia and a struggling Smith, Katie Hill herself has maladroitly barged into the race. After she won election last year as part of a historic, female-driven wave for House Democrats, the party picked Rep. Katie Hill (Calif.) to be one of its faces of success. Katie Hill is back. Glad to hear Mike Garcia is surging as he should be. Will the suburbs, worried about Coronavirus and the president’s rhetoric, continue abandoning the Republicans? The Los Angeles Times reports it’s unclear when a special election for her replacement will take place, largely because it is not clear when Hill will leave. Why is she resigning if she is denying some of the accusations? But she has also framed herself as a victim of revenge porn. She said in her resignation statement that she is pursuing legal options. The San Francisco Chronicle reported that the suit filed Wednesday says police tapped into real-time footage from cameras in the Union Square area from May 31 to June 7, when thousands protested the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police. Katie Hill, a Democratic congresswoman who was once considered a rising star in her party, meanwhile, resigned this week after her own affair was … She grew up in Saugus, lived in the Antelope Valley and currently lives in Santa Clarita. Your contribution supports independent journalism. The most important news stories of the day, curated by Post editors and delivered every morning. With aerospace and defense playing an outsized role in the 25th District, both voters and the DCCC were aghast when a recording leaked in which Smith mocked Garcia for his military service. We will lose it again in the fall without a stronger candidate who at least shows some respect to strong competition. Michael Pace, a Los Angeles-based technology analyst, said he rented a room in the couple’s Santa Clarita ranch and ‘walked in on the three of them’ multiple times. On her bikini line is a tattoo of a Nazi-era Iron Cross. Using women as couriers, the ring sent cocaine and other narcotics to Alaska and Oregon on commercial flights, an indictment says. Hill’s wild lifestyle has been laid bare in a cache of texts and intimate photographs obtained by DailyMail.com, as sources revealed Hill and Heslep also posted her naked photos online under a thread called ‘WouldYouF**kMyWife’. There’s some irony — and controversy — to Hill being the first one to lose her seat to these rules: The rules changes were driven by Democrats (though they passed a Republican-led Congress with lots of Republican support and leadership). An orphaned mountain lion cub found in critical condition last month is being nursed back to health at a wildlife center in Ramona, San Diego County. It’s not immediately clear how competitive this seat becomes with Hill out: Before the allegations, the nonpartisan handicappers at Cook Political Report ranked her district as evenly split between Republican and Democratic voters, with a slight edge to Hill. Hill resigned last year amid a House ethics probe into allegations of an inappropriate sexual relationship with one of her congressional staffers. On Tuesday, the whole country will get an early indicator. Because of the virus outbreak, virtually all voters are expected to mail in their ballots. The contest for the swing district north of Los Angeles is considered a toss up and it's being watched nationally as a proxy vote on Trump's actions during the crisis. Hill resigned from Congress last year after just 10 months in office amid allegations that she engaged in inappropriate sexual relationships with staffers. Geller Report's independent, investigative journalism takes a lot of time, money and hard work to produce. California congresswoman Katie Hill, 32, has been seen in a series of shocking pictures with her female staffer obtained exclusively by DailyMail.com. By signing up you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Hill ousted Republican Steve Knight by 9 points in a district that Hillary Clinton by by nearly 7. Geller explained. As The Post’s Michelle Ye Hee Lee reports, “It is against the official code of conduct for members to ‘engage in a sexual relationship with any employee’ who works for the member.”.